Show Me Your Shameless


The walk to Tamiko's house wasn't long, and when they reached, Tamiko went directly to his bedroom.

He hadn't checked it earlier and hadn't paid much attention to it.

However, now that he looked, he could see three roses; one red rose, one lavender rose, and a white rose, each wrapped in a different sheet of paper.

There was also a different paper on its own and on it were some writings.

"For you, who has my heart and love, my beautiful erasthai. Please forgive me," the message read and for a moment there, Tamiko wondered if this really was worth it. He had been holding on to the idea that his Kosta was not a tractor.

He was desperate to believe that there was some good in Kosta, but when he had come back and found that he had left, without even a goodbye, Tamiko knew there was nothing else left for him.

His boyfriend had abandoned him.