The Song of The Unhinged


A portal was all it took for Tamiko and his family to be out of Grealor. Danny, how he had insisted come along, was not sure where they were beheaded, but he trusted his best friend to make things better. 

Granted, Tamiko hadn't exactly been the sanest of the bunch, but this time, he was the one person that Danny trusted with his life. Maybe that was a lot given what Tamiko had done to his family. 

But then it wasn't like there was anything they could do about it right now, yeah?

"We're home," Kosta announced, and Danny stared at the Lycan chief, not sure what the fuck the man meant by home. Then again, home had had so many different meanings for them over the years. 

Home had once been Grealor and now they were out in the middle of nowhere. Danny didn't trust Kosta and he wasn't going to lie about it. He knew that the man may have changed for Tamiko, but Kosta was the devil and Danny knew it.