"You raised a bully and he is dead… Hanzo… not hurt. DEAD. That fucked up head of his won't grow again, and if I were you, I would make the burial preparations instead of doing whatever it is you plan on doing.
"You might want to go to your king for the breath of life but I doubt the mad King would tolerate such bullies," Tamiko said as he looked right into Hanzo senior's eyes like the man was really nothing to him.
Intimidation was not new to Tamiko and now with Danny away from this mess, Tamiko was ready for whatever the fuck the people of Kawai wanted to do with him, to him, or even around him. He just didn't care and he was standing by his decision.
"What did you just say?" Hanzo senior asked the audacity of the young rogue applying him clearly. He had never met someone who held no remorse like Tamiko and that almost scared the man.