But Your Arms Were Open At My Door


The king… knew.

In the shadows of the loneliest palace in all of history, stood the figure of the king, a man who had spent years and years hoping to reunite with that which was his. 

He had strived so hard and tried everything he had from where he had been and still managed to get nothing, and then suddenly his son had shown up in front of him, lighting up the world that had always been darker than darkest for him. 

It was the only good thing that had happened in his life because King Zaffuto had wanted to do more than just run to embrace his son. 

So, when he watched what the Hanzos had dared to do to his son and his guest, the king was certain he wouldn't forgive. 

Perhaps that was why Hanzo senior was right in front of him, chained up in silver laced thorn chains and beaten to a couple his organs had started to fail.