"I was expecting you," he said and Tamiko chuckled sadly.
Of course, he was.
He had seen the mess that had been there earlier and he knew the young Lycan had to have needed a shoulder to cry on. It was a long day for the kid and there was no denying how this would impact them.
Perhaps it was because of the sun that was no longer shining or the rains that had suddenly started hitting the beautiful kingdom without even showing any signs.
Maybe it was the way that the water sputtered against the roofs gently outside that made Tamiko feel more suffocated. However, being here at this door, he knew he could be free without having to worry about anything happening to him anymore.
"I didn't know it would hurt this bad," Tamiko cried out softly, his tears free falling while his lips shook as he tried to hold back the sobs that were threatening to come out. He was tired, so very tired he felt like everyone was against him.