Found My Prince Charming

"Hello, Ma!!! It's an hour to the meeting," Juliet said. "oh!!! I guess I need to round up quickly and get the car ready. I will be leaving 30 minutes of these for the meeting", Summer said, "And don't forget to hand me the material I need for the meeting". "okay ma" !! Juliet left to get the car ready.

"Ma!! The car is ready", Juliet said while dropping the materials Summer requires for the meeting on her desk. "Okay, you may leave now". Summer grabs a few of her things from the table, forgetting the materials she requested for. She went downstairs and drove off to the meeting location, on getting to the meeting venue she realized that she forgot her materials back at the office.

Knowing that she had little time left, she quickly called Juliet to get her the materials, before Juliet could get the materials to Summer. Summer was already 10 minutes late for her meeting with KNIGHT ENTERPRISE, She quickly grabbed the materials and made her way to the meeting room.

Meanwhile, Xavier has been waiting for the representative of ELITES ENTERPRISE for 10 minutes, and he is already getting impatient. Summer made her way to the meeting room while apologizing for being late, she was in a rush, so she didn't notice Xavier. She quickly settled down and apologized again for being late.

Xavier, who was already angry, ignored her and started the meeting, Summer raised her head to see who had the sweet yet domineering voice.

She gasped when she saw Xavier, she thought to herself, "Looks like I finally found my Prince charming". With that, She lost concentration throughout the entire meeting. She was busy winking at Xavier and blowing kisses at him when no one was looking.

Xavier ignored her and continued with the meeting. After the meeting, Summer walked up to Xavier and introduced herself.

" Hey dear, I'm Summer Dean, "extending her hands for a handshake, Xavier accepted her handshake and said" am Xavier Knight"." Nice to meet you", Summer said, "The pleasure is mine" Xavier replied." "What if I tell you that I like you and I want to be your woman," Summer said. "Miss Dean, I appreciate your kind gesture, but I have no interest in women", Xavier explained.

Summer gasped," Don't tell me you are into men!!. It would be a waste seeing how cute you are," she whispered while covering her mouth. Xavier chuckled" No!! Miss Dean am not into men and I still don't have time for women. If you don't mind, I would like to take my leave," he said while heading to the door.

When he left, Summer exhaled, "Ohh!! Thank God he is not into men, at least I still have my chances to shoot my shot," she said. Excitedly getting her things and heading home. She got home singing and marching happily to her room. She stops and enters the kitchen, seeing her mom. Furthermore, she kissed her on the cheek, grabbed a bottle of water and was about to go to her room when her Mom stopped her.

"Summer, why are you so excited?" Her mom asked. "Mom, I finally found my Prince charming, and I am getting married soon", She said. Her mom looked at her curiously and said, "Did I just hear you say that you are getting married soon?". "Yes, Mom, I'm getting married soon, and I can't wait!!", She said jumping up.

"wai, t Summer I need to understand something, just a week ago you were busy getting drunk and clubbing, and this week you are all excited about getting married? Young lady, please make me understand", her Mom said. "Mom, you and your husband have always been on my neck about how lousy and troublesome I am. And don't forget you and Dad held back my position as the CEO with the condition that I get married. Now that I have found my Prince charming, you are saying that you don't understand.

Come on Mom!! Be on one side and stop confusing me," she said, stomping her foot. "I'm sorry my princess you got me all wrong, so tell me who is this man and when did he propose?", her Mom asked. "He is Xavier Knight, and he didn't propose more like I will be the one to propose", Summer said.

"What Summer, are you out of your mind, why would you propose to a man?", her mom asked in anger. "Don't worry Mom, I won't be the one to propose but I will make him marry me", Summer explained.

"See Summer, I don't know the stupid games you are planning, but don't get into trouble or appear on the news again for the wrong reasons", Her Mom stated. "Okay Mom, I have heard you, please can I head to bed now?", Summer asked. "Okay, dear, but please don't get into trouble", her Mom warned. "I won't Mom goodnight Mom." Goodnight sweetheart, see you tomorrow morning.