
Very early the next morning, Summer woke up and kissed Cherish on the cheek, making sure she was comfortable in her sleep, then she went to Xavier's room. "Xavier, how could you be so wicked as to lock your door, just so I don't get to sleep on the same bed with you"? Xavier ignored her. "Xavier, why are you ignoring me?" she yelled. "You left your wife to freeze to death in the sitting room last night, and you are not even sorry for your actions," she said.

Xavier turned to her and said, "There are many rooms in this building, why don't you just pick one and stop ranting" Jeez!!!! Xavier, did you just say I am ranting? Summer asked. "If you are done with your madness, please leave my room. I need to get ready for work," he said, then went to the bathroom to take his bath.

"Oh!!! Xavier thinks he is stubborn! I will frustrate him today", she said and then picked an outfit from her luggage in Xavier's room and then went back to Cherish's room to take her bath. After taking her shower and dressing up, she was about to head to Xavier's room when Cherish told her that Xavier had already left for work. She replied, "Perfect".

"Cherish, take care of yourself and make sure you have breakfast", Summer said. "Aunty Summer, where are you going to?" Cherish asked. "Sweetheart, I am going to Xavier's office to surprise him," she answered." Wow. Can I go with you? "Cherish asked." I don't think Xavier would like that," Summer explained. "Okay, bye Aunty Summer," Cherish said. Bye, my love. Summer got into her car and then drove to Xavier's company.

When she got to Xavier's office, she was told that he was in an important meeting. She sat down, waiting for him in his office. After his meeting, Xavier enters his office looking tired, and then he saw Summer and frowned. What are you doing here, Summer? He asked. "Hey sweetheart that's not the perfect way to welcome your darling wife," she said," I said what are you doing here? "Xavier yelled.

"Calm down my love, your darling wife came to assist you with work," Summer said smiling. "Summer I don't need your troubles, please go back home, if you want to work, then go back to your father's company," Xavier said.

"Sorry my love but am not going anywhere," Summer said. Xavier was about to persuade her to leave when his telecom rang, "Hello. Okay, I will be there shortly", he replied, then got up and walked past Summer and headed to the door. He opened the door and stepped out when suddenly, he felt a hand slide into his arm, he stopped and looked to his side then he saw Summer smiling at him.

I'm going to stick with you until you learn to respect me as your wife, she said as she leaned closer and rested her head on his shoulder. Xavier tried to get rid of her, but Summer held him firmly and said you better play along unless you want your employees to wonder why you are so unloving to your wife. Her sharp words came through, regardless of the smile on her face.