Florida Man Teaches Elderly Man Nutting Techniques

Chapter 44 – Florida Man Teaches Elderly Man Nutting Techniques

After the speech, Zhong brought his people back on the ship. Wu Buyi handed him the personal token of Ouyang Long and bid him farewell.

The flying ship took off. It was unknown if Zhong would bring them back to Cauliflower City or somewhere else. It was up to them to decide their fate.

After the people had left, Leo rechecked his gain.

All grain pills were sold out. After there was no pill left, everybody purchased three or four essence stones instead. Leo sat in front of his store and wrote a few numbers, calculating the sales.

750 low-graded grain pills, 150 lesser grain pills, and 650 essence stones sold.

7,500 + 750 + 32,500 = 40,750

Wu Buyi took a 10% share. He got a whopping 4,075 years as commission!

However, Leo was 36,675 richer. Combined with what he had, he got 41,663 to spend!

He was rich!