Florida Man Sued Dead Pro-War Rioters for Raiding His Shopping Mall and Got Shot to Death by His Employees.

Chapter 191 – Florida Man Sued Dead Pro-War Rioters for Raiding His Shopping Mall and Got Shot to Death by His Employees.

"Oh, dear. They have done it, munya. Who's going to help them, munya?"

On the mystic realm portal platform, the three statues laughed at the invaders. They looked at each other.

The black-winged angel shrugged, "Rock, paper, scissors?"

The Cathulhu disagreed, "That's not fair, munya. I can only do tentacles. Pick another method, munya."

The Fenrir also panted and stuck out his tongue, pretending ignorance, "You want my paws, woof?"


As they didn't feel the necessity of participating in this fight, the trio pushed the responsibility to each other. However, as they had the same mind, they couldn't come to an agreement.