Woman Called Cops on Florida Man For Allegedly Sexual-Harassed Her, Made Her Fall in Love with Him, Then Friendzoned Her. No Baby Has Been Conceived.

Chapter 193 – Woman Called Cops on Florida Man For Allegedly Sexual-Harassed Her, Made Her Fall in Love with Him, Then Friendzoned Her. No Baby Has Been Conceived.

Leo inspected the exterior of his buildings. Scars of burn and sword scratches remained visible on the shopping mall's walls, apartments, and the parking lot. Although they posed no threat to the structure's stability, they ruined the aesthetic and the beauty of these modern buildings.

Gazing at these buildings reminded Leo of when he just purchased a brand new car, but some douchbag door-dinged him, leaving behind small scratches on the mint car.

"Who did this?!"

Leo bellowed and stomped into the shopping mall to check the interior and his workers.

Upon entering the main store's building, Leo found a stone fountain. His legs froze as he didn't remember building it here.

"Lord Florida Man!"

"He's back!"

"We're safe!"