Florida Man Opened Fried Chicken Fast-Food Chain Restaurant, Served Alligator Meat Instead.

Chapter 219 – Florida Man Opened Fried Chicken Fast-Food Chain Restaurant, Served Alligator Meat Instead.

"I guess he recognizes you."

Leo translated the mannequin's expressions for her. Then, he passed Esen the rifle.

"This will be your weapon from now on."

"Eh? This?" Esen received the rifle and inspected it.

It was different from the breech-loading model. Esen couldn't find a way to insert an essence stone, spirit stone, or sacred wood bullets to load the gun.

Looking at the amateurish hands of Esen, Leo laughed. He picked a loaded magazine and showed her the reloading method.

The magazines looked the same as their modern world counterpart. Only 5.56mm cartridges were compatible. However, Leo used the milkium, aka the goddess's blood, as a material.