Florida Man Discovers Backyard Guest: Killer Whale Taking a Vacation from the Ocean!

Chapter 315 – Florida Man Discovers Backyard Guest: Killer Whale Taking a Vacation from the Ocean!

In the deepest void, known as the Abyssal Star Sector, the former territory of Kishin Douji was located there. However, his solar system was replaced by a galactic entity – The Void Tree.

The Void Tree was a giant semi-transparent purple tree floating in the middle of the void. It had already grown five times larger than what Kishin Douji had witnessed before.

The tree trunk was straight and smooth like a refined cylinder, but the top of the tree split into branches, which sprouted countless rainbow triangle leaves. Each was as large as Earth's total flat surface area.

Those were void leaves that Kishin Douji had mentioned. They were the tickets to the higher realm that the Void Principality had advertised.