
"He went down to stream…" Lucy said after entering Hyun's room. He was again holstered up there, listening to music and writing. When he heard her, he turned the volume down so they could talk. 

"Do you remember all the jokes you played on Seonghwa?" he asked. Even though Hyun already asked if he could use their story in his novel, he didn't have all the details about their escapades. 

"I won't tell you. Some of them were private…And don't change the topic. I was talking about Shan." Hyun shrugged and turned around to face his laptop. He wasn't willing to talk about it.

"Fine! If you are not talking, I'll be the one…" Lucy splatted herself on the bean bag and humphed.

"I get it. But I don't get you. We said you can go to therapy. You didn't want to. You said you would be okay among men. I took you here, but you are still in your room, getting out only to see a match…" she paused, waiting for Hyun. He unwillingly turned around and looked in her eyes. She looked worried. Hyun sighed. 

"I feel like nothing bad enough happened for me to go to see a psychologist." For once, Hyun said his true feelings out loud.

"If it was such not a big deal… Why are you always in the room? Why are you in Hong Kong? Why are you scared of human touch?!" She sounded more and more pissed. But when she said it like that, Hyun had to agree with her. And saw her point.

"But…" he sighed. 

"No, but. If you don't want to talk to a psychologist, at least talk to someone about it. I hate it when you hold everything inside." Hyun started fidgeting with his leg, shaking it up and down fast after hearing her argument.

"I don't want to bother anyone with my feelings. Everyone has their problems to deal with. So why should they listen and be burdened by my problems?" Lucy stared at him with her mouth open before shaking her head in disbelief.

"Is that really what you think? That you will be a burden? Hyun, treasure, that's what friends are for. Friends, lovers, family. To listen and help each other in time of need." That left a weird sensation in his gust. He had no idea whether it was gratitude or disappointment.

"My only family is far away and has their own problems with crazy stalking fans. I think you yourself should know why I'm not talking to Seonghwa." Lucy swore with one of those Czech swear words he heard many times, but she didn't want to tell him what it exactly meant.

"Friends? Love-" Lucy stopped herself when she saw Hyun's raised eyebrow.

"Nevermind. I have no idea what to do with you. But please promise me you will go out tonight or tomorrow. I don't care. Somewhere other than the eSport arena." Hyun was thinking about it for a while, but then nodded. Maybe he could find a place that would heal him at least a bit. And if he didn't drink at all, or had only a glass or so, it could be… a nice distraction from everything. And maybe he would even find some release.

"Okay. I will go somewhere. But if I don't come back in the evening, you shouldn't be alarmed." Lucy opened her mouth in surprise and then quickly closed it again.

"I swear. I've never seen someone like you. I really don't get you. But I'm fine with everything. But are you sure you want to do it, when you have Shan?" she asked and Hyun raised his brows, a mix of confusion and being weirded out was on Hyun's face.

"I have him? We haven't seen each other in two weeks and on yesterday's stream, he said he doesn't have time and isn't thinking about having a lover. Why should I not go and not search for someone else?" Lucy bit her lip. 

"I hate it when you are right." She got up, not knowing what else to say. Before exiting the room, she glanced at the document on the screen. 

"Don't forget the glitter. I cleaned everything up and you were visiting grandparents so you know nothing about those, but there is a huge-views fan cam from a music show where your brother is head to toe covered with fine glitters." Lucy laughed and ran away, leaving Hyunyeong stunned.

After a while of writing, Hyun glanced at the clock and decided it was time for a change. Yes, he was attracted to Shan. He physically wanted him. But when he got slapped so many times. Physically and emotionally. Why would he bother to stay 'faithful'? He searched for a gay bar that had English-speaking staff, took a shower, found himself an outfit, and went out. Just out of habit, he used the staircase, so he had to walk through the living room to get to the elevator. 

Shan watched with a corner of his eyes Hyun get out in a hurry, using the elevator. He looked at Lucy, whose mouth fell open and then promptly closed as if nothing happened.

"Fuck, to be honest, pity he is a gay. I would ask him out." Mei said, her mouth still open.

"What did you say? How do you know that?" Shan jerked his head her way, asking sternly.

"He told me himself when I asked him for his number. He said he doesn't mind if we know it." Lucy nodded, knowing he was certainly open about it.

"Where did he go like that?" Shan asked, still watching the elevator. He wasn't able to get the picture from his head. Simple black trousers with thin silver stripes, some were ticker though, that looked satin, or other soft fabric like that. Then he had a crop top suit jacket from the same material, but the sleeves were from black see-through silk organza.

"Bar. Find someone…" Lucy bit her lip, watching Shan turn his head at her in total disbelief at what he heard.

"What did you say?" he asked, feeling unreasonably, angry or jealous or everything at once because his emotions were confused.

"Well, he said you said you don't want a lover, so he won't wait and sit his youth away. He probably went to get l-..." She couldn't even finish her sentence before Shan ran away. Lucy only heard a slam of a door.

"Well. I guess he isn't such an emotional statue as we thought." Mei was nodding, looking at the way Shan ran. Lucy couldn't do more than agree. Maybe her hunch was right, and it was a good idea to put them together. 

"Do you know where he went?" Mei asked, and Lucy shook her head. 

"But he will probably write it to me if I ask. But why would I need to know it…" she laughed and Mei joined her.