They sat down in the Korean barbeque restaurant, facing each other. They did not order alcohol, only soft drinks and meat. 

"What do you like? Seafood? Or pork belly? What do you want?" Hyun was genuinely happy being there, seeing so many side dishes that he loved.

"I can eat everything. But I'm not a fan of spicy things. I can eat mildly spicy food, but more than that and my stomach hurts." Hyun nodded, but Shan had to be the one ordering things because the server spoke only Cantonese. 

"How do you speak Cantonese so well?" Hyuna asked and sipped the lemonade.

"My father is Cantonese. He taught me since I was a child. It was actually funny because he spoke with my mom in English and then they both spoke their own language to me. Because of it, I started speaking late. I had a mishmash in my brain…" Hyun smiled at the tiny detail Shan shared about his childhood.