You suck

"Holy fuck, you suck," Wuchen said and Shan bit his lip. He had no idea how to incorporate his new gotten knowledge into his game and instead of empowering him, it made him so bad at the game he had lost every fucking match he was in, both 1v1 and 5v5.

"I'm sorry. I'm thinking too much about what he can do with his spells rather than being focused on evading it and using my own skills." Shan explained. Somehow, he just couldn't multitask as he usually would. He breathed out and focused on the map of the dungeon.

"Shan, watch out!" Chao shouted, but it was too late. Shan, who was just watching the map down, had run into a pit of monsters and fell inside, being almost instantly killed. And because this dungeon was something your team had to clear without a single death, he was kicked out.