
Shan was staring right in the face of the magician's character. For a split second, they were both really shocked, but Shan was the first one to strike. It wasn't anything big, but it took some HP off of the magician before he jumped a bit back. Well, Shan was sure he would jump that way so his first kill ever was a trap spell. That would make the earth give up under you if you stood into it. 

He fell for it. But then he used one of his own spells to shoot himself up again. And then used another one to get some space between Shan and himself. He was good. Not Huobai good, but really good. But well, he wouldn't be a pro player and captain of a team if he wasn't good.

"Magician here," he said and pinged the location. He shouldn't be the one taking him on, because he would probably get killed before even getting close enough if he didn't have any distraction in form on another player.