
Shan had opened his eyes. He was almost lying on Chao's shoulder, and he felt a wetness in the corner of his mouth. Shan quickly straightened himself and wiped his drool, making sure no one had seen him. 

The plane was already landing. He looked out of the window on the left where Chao was and saw them flying through clouds. Then the whiteness dissipated and blackness appeared for a few seconds before the lights of Incheon appeared. Shan nudged Chao and looked to his right. Huobai was sleeping too, so he nudged him too. This way they both woke up looking as confused as he was before. It took a few seconds to sink in when they were landing already. Shan looked at his phone. It was already late in the night as the flight took around four hours and they wanted to save money, so they were flying in late for cheap tickets.