Sweeping and luck

They did not fuck around. In the span of three weeks, Zhu long had paved their own way into the quarter-finals. In the first round of the Swiss stage, they stood against PSG and because it was BO1, they were all jittery. It was surprising not only for them but most of the media too, that they swept PSG away in record game time. It took four minutes for team KO. 

Well, it was mainly because of Chao's ultimate that he activated immediately. They jumped 5v1 on him. And he wiped out PSG and himself. And Shan was in the proximity so he was dead too. But they won. 

The second round was against 8M1T. It was back to BO3, and it was another game that was brutally talked about in the media. They lost the first game. Somehow the weapon 8M1T brought was not the one Hyun had data about, but after the first game, they reversed swept them 2:1, and were only one win away from the direct advance into quarters.