Rose you naughty girl...

Delbora Brew,

A man paused in front of the menu board, looking at the various items and pondering which one to order.

Several minutes passed as he waited patiently in line as those ahead of him placed their orders. At long last, it was his turn to order.

"Welcome to Delbora Brew sir. What would you like to order?"

"I want one cold coffee, please."

"Sure sir, that would be 10 quesos. Is there anything else you would like to order, sir?"

"No, thank you."

After waiting a few minutes, he got his cold coffee and went to a table by himself.

As he savored the first sip of his beverage, he felt a faint vibration in his pocket.

He retrieved his phone, and the name "Rose Love" flashed on the screen.

He answered the call with a beaming grin on his face.

"H-Hello Rose, how are you?"

"I am fine Anthony I just wanted to ask if you have some time in the evening."

"O-Of course, for you, I have all the time in the world."

"Ok, then I will send you the text in the evening. Meet me there alone, okay?"

"S-Sure I will arrive early, don't worry, and I will come alone. Hello, hello, Rose.."

"She hung up. Well, is it finally my time? Did the Gods finally hear my prayer?"

Well, I am clearly not an expert on how to talk to girls or how to date them and all that, but one thing I can clearly give you advice on is that you shouldn't behave like Anthony in your life. You won't get anything, just like he doesn't get anything. Well, let's move on…

The joy on Anthony's face was palpable as he left the cafe. His expression was so evident on his face that he could have been mistaken for a Buddha statue.

Finally, his long-awaited opportunity to be with his crush had arrived, and he couldn't help but fantasize about the possibility of finally getting intimate with Rose.

Just the thought of her being naked on his bed sent shivers down his spine, and his excitement showed in the growing bulge in his pants.

However, as he walked past other people, their expressions of disgust at the noticeable bulge made him feel slightly embarrassed.

Meanwhile in Rose's apartment,

In bed, Deimos and Rose were sipping the wine they had poured for themselves and enjoying each other's company. The flickering light from the TV screen illuminated their faces as they watched the series together.

"Are you sure Deimos, you will be able to handle him? I am really scared of that guy."

"Don't worry Rose, I will make sure to teach him a lesson today he will never forget in his life."

Rose snuggled up to Deimos, pulling him closer, while the TV cast an eerie glow across the room. Deimos's face twisted into a wicked grin as the light flickered across his features in the dimness of the room.

As the morning light faded and darkness crept in, the solitary celestial star in the sky began to transform. Planet Xthar was unique in that it had no sun or moon, but rather a lone star that shifted from day to night.

Anthony retrieved his phone and inspected the map, taking mental note of the coordinates Rose had given him.

The directions led him to a desolate alleyway with no signs of life or activity in the surrounding area.

"Did Rose like to spend time with me here in the alley? Hehe, naughty girl,"

"Anthony, come here."

Suddenly, he noticed Rose calling out to him from the end of the alley and disappearing inside. Without wasting a moment, Anthony rushed towards the alley, his heart beating faster with excitement.

As Anthony entered the alley, he laid his eyes on Rose. She was standing there, all alone, and looked flushed as soon as she saw him.

Her hair was pulled back into a bun, and she wore a black crop top that showed off her big bosom. Her denim shorts fit all of her best curves, and her sneakers finished off the casual look.

"R-Rose, you are beautiful."

"Thank you, Anthony. Why don't you come a little closer,"

Anthony's steps sped up as he got closer to Rose. The sweet smell of her perfume overwhelmed him. He was attracted to her like a moth to a flame and couldn't stay away from her.

He felt a tap on his shoulder from behind, which seemed to break him out of the trance, but at first, he didn't pay attention to it because he was so focused on Rose.

But when he felt the tap again, his face changed to one of irritation, and he turned around to see who it was.

Anthony turned around to see a tall, handsome man standing behind him, a smile playing on his lips. His dark, piercing eyes seemed to bore right into Anthony's soul.

"W-Who the fuck you are,"

"I am Deimos, Rose's boyfriend,"
