Chapter 9: The Chosen One

Alia awoke gradually, her surroundings coming into focus: a rustic cabin. Confusion enveloped her. How had she arrived here? Gradually, memories started to resurface—terrifying creatures chasing her, and then a savior of some sort.

With caution, she rose from her slumber and ventured outside. The cabin nestled amidst a dense, enigmatic forest. Towering trees obscured her view, leaving nothing but a sea of foliage. How did she end up in this bewildering place?

"You're in the heart of Oberun Forest," a voice intoned, capturing Alia's attention. She hadn't even noticed the presence of a man until now.

He exuded an air of unfamiliarity, yet captivatingly so. His appearance was otherworldly, with eyes that gleamed like polished silver and hair to match. Towering over her, he possessed an imposing stature, coupled with a remarkably striking physique.

"Who are you, and why am I here?" Alia's voice trembled with confusion.

"You're here for your safety and that of your unborn child," the stranger responded, his gaze fixed on Alia's stomach.

Alia instinctively cradled her abdomen. How did this mysterious man know about her pregnancy?

"You still haven't told me who you are," she pressed.

"I am Kael."

"Why have you brought me here?"

"As I said, for your safety."

"But we're strangers. I don't know you, and I want to leave this place immediately."

"One thing you're right about, Alia," Kael began, startling her with the use of her name. How did he know it? "You know nothing."

"What are you even talking about?" Alia furrowed her brows.

"I mean you're completely in the dark. You don't know how crucial you are to that child within you. And you don't understand the significance of that child to the world. You carry a special child, one that must survive for the greater good. To ensure that, you must stay here."

Alia stared at the stranger as he elaborated on her unborn child. She was utterly baffled and disinterested. All she wanted was to return to her village and be with her family.

"I don't know you, and I have no idea what you're babbling about. Just point me in the direction of the village, and I'll leave."

Kael shook his head in disbelief. This woman seemed oblivious. How was she entrusted with carrying the Chosen One?

Seeing Kael's reluctance to help, Alia decided to forge ahead on her own. However, she froze when his words reached her ears.

"The King is dead," Kael revealed, hoping to anchor Alia to this place. Her safety and her child's were paramount.

Alia's breath hitched. She turned swiftly to face Kael.

"Killed by the Queen."

"That's impossible," Alia protested, unwilling to believe the stranger's claims.

"The Queen is a sorceress, Alia. She murdered the King. And now, she'll come for you next. Not to kill you, at least not until you've given birth."

Overwhelmed, Alia collapsed to her knees, tears streaming down her face. Aric couldn't be gone. Why? Her sobs echoed in the air.

Kael watched her, his gaze softening. "You must be strong, Alia. For your child's sake. You can't return to your family; you must remain hidden from the Queen."

Through her tears, Alia's voice trembled, "What's so special about my child?"

Kael's voice held gravity as he replied, "He is the Chosen One."