Chapter 23: Stablesman and Crown Prince

Ethan arrived at the stables, finding solace in the familiar routine of tending to the horses, a brief escape from the chaos of the world. The air was crisp, the sun's warm glow just beginning to embrace the ranch.

Soft whinnies greeted him as the horses sensed his approach, knowing that breakfast was imminent. Moving gracefully from stall to stall, he replenished hay bins and checked water troughs.

Amidst the tranquility, he noticed something amiss with Ruby, one of the chestnut mares.

Ruby's elegant gait was marred by a distinct limp in her right hind leg. Worry etched across his face, Ethan approached her with a calming presence.

"Hey there, Ruby," he murmured, his hand gliding gently over her muscular neck. "What's happened, girl?"

Ruby lowered her head, seeking comfort from Ethan's presence. He crouched down, scrutinizing her injured leg.