Today happens to be such a day, as Tula, Kobi and Nala left their position leaving behind Puchi to stay and keep a lot out on the settlement.

The three apelings surrounded by winds, traversed from tree to tree as they made their way to the meeting point, soon they got to an abnormally tall tree with wide ranges of branches and leaves, the tree climbed up the huge tree and soon got through an opening only to be met with a cite of a small building and apeling of Zephyr clan walking to the space from different sites.

As Tula, Kobi, and Nala entered the meeting space, they were greeted by familiar faces from other branches of the Zephyr clan. The atmosphere was tense, with whispers and murmurs filling the air.

"Have you heard anything new?" one apeling asked eagerly as they spotted Tula and her companions.