Looking at her children, Nana asked, "What did you notice from the image?"

Keles spoke up, "No judge appeared when the humanoid killed the god."

Jaws followed through, "Unlike the last one, the one that killed the god first didn't ascend."

Crepuscular spoke up again, "The death of the god triggered something in the residents of that world."

Nana nodded, confirming their words. "Indeed, when a mortal kills a god, they aren't judged for it, but the action itself comes with a certain price and consequences, which is that the mortal, no matter what, can never ascend to godhood."

"The part I find funny is that the divinity of the god killed will be placed upon the god killer, and the divinities' attributes and capabilities are all open for the killer. But they won't receive any divine energy or faith energy when worshiped for that power."