Ikenga with his omniscient view as an origin god was now looking at where his mortal home used to be. Unlike before, even though it was guarded by his two treants he was still able to get a view of what was happening at his former home.

But right after Wardewild changed to the spirit-like being, Ikenga noticed a huge change at his home. His home was no longer in clear sight almost like it was moved by with his connection no sight of his home was found.

Ikenga noticed a slight change in his acute sense when he paid close attention to where the house used to be. It felt like there was a layer there he couldn't penetrate. Frowning Ikenga pushed a bit more when he even used his divinity.

As soon as his divinity was used, Ikenga received feedback that made immediately stop his forceful approach. In his senses, a newly born consciousness was actively trying to reach out to him, begging him not to push any further.