"We beseech you, let your storms rage within us. Let your waters shield and empower us. With the roar of the sea in our ears, we stand unyielding against the tide of our foes. Guide our hands as the currents guide the waters. Make our strikes as inevitable as the rising tide."

"With every crash of our weapons, with every roar of our voices, we honor you, Jaws, god of sea and storms. Be our strength, be our fury, and let us claim victory in your name!"

It was subtle, but after Robin's prayer, the human army felt a tingle of power increasing their strength and courage, which in turn made them begin stomping the ground, mimicking the sound of heavy waves.

Robin, seeing this, smiled as a helmet appeared, covering his head. Using the opportunity, he began speaking again, "Warriors of the Sea, today we face an unexpected storm. But do we fear the tempest? No!"