Bernard clenched his fists. "So, it wasn't an attack. It was a passive effect of Silas' defenses."

The harpy nodded. "Yes, and it's powerful. We couldn't see through it or break free."

Bernard nodded, turning to his men. "We need to move carefully as we make sure the others are okay and alive. Stay alert and avoid looking directly at the territory."

As they took off, Bernard looked back at Silas territory with a frown on his face. This level of passive defense was new and troubling. They needed to prepare for the worst.

Back at Ursula's domain, Ursula paced back and forth, worry etched on her face. She could only hope that her children are okay, if not she will have to turn Silas home and territory to ruins regardless of the consequences.

When Bernard and his team finally arrived, she rushed to meet them.

"Mother," Bernard said urgently, "we have news."