Omake: Attack on Lungmen

At no man's land, there was one Asmodeus Naumann that was just staring at the sky while lying on the ground.

"I fucked up, messing with space-time was too early still. Kirsten and Saria are gonna think this is their fault." He sighed and looked around.

"I don't have a signal here. And I seem to be between Lungmen and Chernobog... That's impossible, unless... I'm in a parallel dimension." He gasped.

Standing up and dusting himself off. He went to nearby clusters of originium and began to absorb their energy.

"Ahh, this isn't enough... Good thing I have trillions of calories in my pocket." Ash took out a bar of uranium that they enriched.

It was an emergency energy source. Uranium has 20 billion calories a gram after all. And he just snacked on a kilogram of it.

"Ahh, I can feel my reserves fill. I'm still hungry though. Good thing I always have wads of LMD." Ash reached out to his side and he checked the contents of his pocket dimension.

"Yup, all good. My sword is here too." He nodded in satisfaction and he flew to Lungmen.


Arriving at the Yanese city of Lungmen. He thought about going to Ch'en or Wei Yenwu.

"Hmmm, but they don't know me here..." He deflated and checked his favorite restaurant in Lungmen if it existed there.

"Ohhh, it's here..." He was amazed and ordered some soup dumplings, his favorite dimsum.

"Ahh, this is just the same here as my own dimension. I wonder what changes happened here because I'm not present in this place?" He roamed around the city.

But suddenly, explosions destroyed the streets and he began to hear screaming.

"Wait a minute... The date is 1096... It's the Chernobog-Lungmen crisis! Why didn't I think of checking the date first." He clicked his tongue.

He was too amazed in being in a parallel dimension. Waiting for Ling to bend space and time to find him or something.

"Wei Yanwu, you damned furry. Can't even do anything against the Chinese inquisition. Ugh, Leizi was one of them right? I'll just kill the other two." He groaned and went to the highest skyscraper.

Ash observed the surroundings. And what looked like Eno and Sasha took control of the Lungmen Guard Department's HQ.

He furrowed his brows at the sight of Eno and he sighed. "I guess some things don't change. And of course he'd still follow Talulah. Sasha is with her too, that's new."

He then wondered if Patriot, Yelena, and Alina are still with Talulah in this parallel universe.

"Hmm, Ch'en, Hoshiguma, and Beatrix are rallying the elites of LGD. I can leave this to them for now." Ash squinted his eyes as he felt faint presences in the slums of Lungmen.

And at that side of the city where the majority of the infected are. People that are wearing a straw hat and wielding blades were slowly creeping towards the inhabitants there.

The shadow guards of Yan were being ordered by the Yanese censors. The Chinese inquisition, just like Iberia's Spanish one.

Ash appeared out of the ground in front of them and he was holding his demonic sword. Immediately putting them into an alert state.

"Leizi... I'm quite disappointed in you." Ash looked at a blonde Kirin that was surprised he knew her.

"Who are you! Speak!" She glared at him and he clicked his tongue.

"Leizi, Leizi, Leizi... You've been a very bad girl. Trying to purge the slums of Lungmen because they have infected." Ash tapped his sword on his shoulder while shaking her head.

"Leizi, explain right at this instant on who that arrogant scu-" A bulky guy that was a part of the censors were going to run his mouth off, but his head suddenly exploded along with the other one.

Painting Leizi's face with blood and brains. "Bang~ W always liked to see her enemies explode. I should try this more often." Ash was pointing a finger gun on them.

"H-how... There wasn't even an activation of arts..." Leizi started to stumble backwards and he grinned.

The blood that stained the ground slithered towards his sword and it began to glow a brilliant crimson.

"Shadow guards of Yan, shall we?" He grinned at them and lunged. Looking like he teleported from his spot.


"Hoshiguma! Arrows at the front! Fire! Don't let them get an inch! We're the special inspection unit of LGD!" Ch'en barked orders and a green haired oni charged with her triangle shield.

"You heard madame Ch'en! Go and kill these terrorist bastards!" Hoshiguma blocked the attacks from Reunion.

Ch'en displayed her martial prowess with her twin swords and cut down arrows that flew towards her direction.

Unleashing her chi xiao, the dragon slaying sword. "Don't force my hand!" She stabbed through the air with immense speed. The red blade on her hand glowing brightly as her arts cut through Reunion soldiers like butter.

"Madame Ch'en, I don't know about you... But this seems like a trap, those things are regenerating." Hoshiguma sliced one of the zombie looking enemies and it was regenerating.

"Abominations... We have to retake the LGD HQ! This is a stain on our honor!" Ch'en continued to mow them down, though they keep on coming back up.

"Captain! Snipers up ahead!" A member of her unit warned and an arrow coated with arts that glowed violet entered her sight.

"Get down!" Ch'en sliced it with great accuracy and precision. Then positioned herself behind Hoshiguma's reliable shield.

"It seems we're going to get pinned down ma'am." Hoshiguma sighed and they were getting pushed back by arrows and the mutants.

They stood their ground and Ch'en was getting annoyed by the undying abominations.

"Kekeke, do you like my present? Faust! Shoot her in the mouth!" A silver haired boy appeared and was healing the mutants even faster.

"Tch, so that kid is where these abominations are coming from!" Ch'en hissed and glared at the boy.

"Ahh, why are you so mad? Mephisto, the one who is in charge of the LGD headquarters. Your police department was pretty weak, they died quick." Mephisto bowed and Ch'en gritted her teeth.

"Damn it, where is Beatrix?" Ch'en furrowed her brows and they continued killing the mutants.

A chopper then flew right above them and they heard a woman cry out in joy.

In the middle of the battlefield, a feline woman appeared. Carrying a briefcase with her.

"Elite operator Blaze, at your service~" She took out the item out of her briefcase and it was a modified combat chainsaw.

"Who are you!? Rhodes island!" Mephisto saw the woman's clothes has a symbol of Rhodes island pharmaceuticals.

Blaze started up her chainsaw and she scattered her blood on the battlefield. Using her arts, the air ignited at once and she put a stick in the back of her chainsaw.

Using it as an extension, she made the blades of her weapon ignite with her arts as well and mowed down the mutants that couldn't out regenerate her arts.

"Blaze, that was risky. You shouldn't jump out of a helicopter like that." A teenager with bunny ears chided her.

"Hehe~ it was pretty fun Amiya. You should try it sometimes, keep the blood pumping!" Blaze smirked and Hoshiguma stood in front of her.

Blocking an arts infused arrow. "Keep your head in the game Rhodes island operators." Hoshiguma gave them the side eye.

"Attack!" Ch'en ordered and their group pressed the battle towards them.

"Kuu! Rhodes island! I'll fucking kill you one day! I'll remember your faces and make you scream as I turn you into corpses!" Mephisto lost his shit and began to retreat.

Ch'en and the LGD special investigations squad got motivated with the support.

"Good thing I led Rhodes island here. They even brought an elite operator." A brunette had a smug look on her face.

"Shut up Beatrix, we could've solved that without Rhodes' help." Ch'en snorted and they gave pursuit.

"Mephisto, they'll wipe us out if they catch up to us. I'll hold them down here and escape with my squad." Faust, their sniper was serious.

"Sasha... You can't, we'll defeat them when we're together!" Mephisto got angry.

"Shut up! Go! You'll die here too if you don't!" Faust charged towards LGD.

"Faust! Let go of me! Faust!" Mephisto got held back by his squad and they took him away to not let their leader's sacrifice be in vain.

Faust, with his camouflage arts was able to stall for time. But inevitably, his infected body gave up.

"Hah, hah, you won't get past me!" He stood in front of the LGD and with the leftover Reunion soldiers that was with him.

"Give up, or we will be forced to kill you." Ch'en furrowed her brows and saw that he was just a teen.

"I'll die here where I stand." He aimed his crossbow at them, but before his trembling hands could aim properly. An arrow hit him and his eyes went wide.

Several more then hit his body and even his crossbow got split in two as it got hit by an arrow.

"I'm too tired... Goodbye Eno." Faust dropped down on the ground and an LGD operator shot him on the head for the double tap.

While Amiya and Blaze laments the teen's death, they saw someone appear from the ground like it was a puddle. Rippling around him.

"Hmm, so you've taken care of the attackers? Ch'en, Amiya, Blaze." Ash looked towards the corpse of Sasha and he sighed, thinking it was his fate for being a terrorist.

"You! Who are you!?" Ch'en pointed her sword at him and he smiled. "Talulah would be disappointed in your strength Ch'en. How can you save her when you're that weak?"

Ch'en went wide eyed and she gasped. "What do you know!?" She squinted her eyes.

"Babe, Talulah would smoke your ass. Even if you're sisters, the disconnect in strength is ginormous." He snorted.

"Umm, who are you?" Amiya asked him and he forgot to introduce himself.

"Ahhh, I'm Talulah and Ch'en's husband." He smiled while scratching his head.

"Husband!? What are you talking about you bastard!" Ch'en shouted in rage.

"Yeah! What's the big idea punk! Madame Ch'en won't marry you!" Hoshiguma added.

"Well, Ch'en. You have a mole on your left breast right? And your horns are pretty sensitive. Ahh, you don't know that yet. I was the one who discovered that." He thought of things that only he and Ch'en would know.

He then tossed his phone to Amiya and Blaze because they won't destroy it after seeing the picture.

"Ohhh!? The strict head of the special inspection unit in a wedding dress!?" Blaze showed it to Ch'en and Hoshiguma.

"H-how did you know I have a mole on my left chest you perverted bastard!?" Ch'en gritted her teeth.

"Easy, I kissed and licked it so I noticed it." He shrugged and Ch'en gaped like a fish.

"Come on, we gotta stop Reunion you know?" He gestured for them to follow him.

Ch'en then got carried by Hoshiguma because she was too shocked to function.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.