Chapter 103: To The Seas

Kal'tsit shook her head vehemently and Ascalon thought that she was acting weird. She signed to her. 'Is that thing extremely dangerous? You look really pale, Kal'tsit.'

'You have no idea how dangerous that sword is... That thing, that contains horrors you can't even imagine.' Kal'tsit ended it at that, leaving more questions for Ascalon instead of answers.

"Now that's done, we sail towards the eye of Iberia yeah?" Ash raised his hand and the sword went back to him.

Kal'tsit then got jittery, thinking that it would influence him with its demonic energy. But it was surprisingly tame and didn't put up a fuss.

She sighed in relief immediately, wiping sweat from her brows.

"T-that is the case." Carmen was shocked. Irene and Dario knew they could take care of it though. Ash's entourage already fought off a much more massive horde than that earlier.

"W-wait! Did you say the eye of Iberia?" An Aegirian middle aged man went up to them.

"Pops, I'll handle this. You're too old to go there. I'm Jordi, a descendant of Breogan. The one who made the eyes of Iberia." A blue haired young man stepped up to them.

"Jordi, you can't! The people will lynch you just like Breogan." The older man was worried for him.

"I have to do this pops, I need to lend them my help. Or the seaborne will just keep on coming. We need to find the Stultifera Navis." Jordi replied with a determined expression.

"Hoh? You want to help us eh? So, do you know how to activate it again?" Ash looked at him curiously. That is a little helpful.

'I'm sure that Maria can do it. But someone that knows how to activate the thing would be much better.' Ash was ready to accept his offer if he did know how.

"I was able to get notes from Breogan's work. It is his legacy, so I hid it well and studied it." Jordi replied and Ash patted him on the back that made him stumble.

"Then you're in, don't go far kid. Or you'll get killed." Ash smirked at him and Jordi gulped.

"Sir, he's only in his early twenties... Please don't let him die. He has a life ahead of him." Jordi's father begged him.

"Damn, shouldn't he be your big brother, Ash?" Nian laughed and Ash glared at her, making her shut up.

"Hah, why is everyone older than me? Well, it's not bad being a teenager." Ash shrugged and Carmen looked at his inquisitors dumbly.

"Yes sir, he's a teen. He's a bonafide minor." Dario revealed and he almost dropped to the ground, hit by a sudden wave of dizziness.

"Okay, we'll sail towards the tower." Ash clapped and that got them out of their funk.

"We'll regroup with you after you have retaken the tower. I don't think you'll have any problems with that." Ascalon gave them a look.

"No problem, let's go." Ash gestured to Irene and Dario to lead them towards a ship.

"Why not just fly there?" Lappland raised a brow and everybody gasped in shock.

"What?" She gave an annoyed glare at them. "Well, you were the voice of reason... That's very unexpected." Zofia commented and Lappland huffed at them.

"Shaddup!" She pouted and Ash ruffled her hair. "They grow up so fast... You've become mature, Lappland." He gave a soft smile that irritated her further.

So she bit his hand and that was the wrong move. "Ow! My fucking teeth! Son of a bitch!" Lappland swore like a sailor as she rolled on the ground, nursing her teeth that went numb.

"Come on Lappy, you know that's a bad idea. I would have let you bite me in a safer way if you just asked." Ash shrugged and he carried her like a sack of potatoes.

"Is she okay? That's not a sound that teeth should make when it bites into a hand." Irene was a bit concerned.

"Don't worry, she's made out of tough stuff." Ash smacked her butt and Lappland was having a tantrum.

"You're bullying me! I'll tell on you to Texas!" She hissed and Ash snorted.

"She loves me and you know it, jealous?" Ash fired back and Lappland pouted at him.

"But Lappland is right, why not just fly there? It would be much quicker right?" Irene was curious because she knows that he could fly.

"Well, sailing in the rough seas with monsters lurking below sounds cool. It's a man's romance, just like the Moby dick." Ash nodded sagely.

Dario had to agree as he rubbed his chin. "A perilous adventure to find the lost battleship of Iberia that led the glorious navy decades ago. You wouldn't understand Irene."

"Men..." Zofia rolled her eyes and Irene nodded at her.

They went towards one of the ships of the inquisitors and Ash nodded at it. "Made of wood, definitely something that would sink as a kraken gets a hold of it. Then we will fight it with harpoons." Ash was thinking of useless things.

"Ooh! Ooh! That's a very great movie! I'll call it, Inquisitors of Iberia: At world's end. It'll sell like hotcakes!" Nian took out her camera.

"Aren't they a bit too carefree?" Jordi asked the inquisitors because he thinks they have a few screws loose.

"Boy, if you have strength and power like them... I'll doubt you'd be nervous about this trip." Dario replied seriously.

"Yeah, that huge guy over there can snap leviathans like a twig." Irene pointed at Ash and Jordi gulped.

'Are they monsters? What did I get myself into? Am I even needed here?' He contemplated, but he was in it far too deep.

"Let's set sail!" Ash stood at the stern of the ship like a certain pirate and he pointed forwards.

"Arrrr! Aye captain!" Nian went to the wheel and she spun it around like it was a toy or something.

Zofia face palmed. Mudrock and Maria chuckled in amusement. While Lappland wanted to know if the ship had turbos installed.

"Hah, let's set sail..." Dario sighed and they started moving through waters.

And just after a few minutes, Lappland was already about to blow.

"Isn't this dingy boat slow as hell!?" Lappland was in an outrage. She wanted excitement, speed.

"Boats aren't planes, Lupo." Irene looked at her weirdly.

"Don't mind her, she's clinically insane." Ash commented and Lappland nodded.

"Damn right I am! Where's the turbos? Where's the engines!? Ash, please speed us up! Or I'll die of scurvy!" Lappland begged him.

"Scurvy is the result of lack of vitamin c Lappland. Not lack of excitement." Zofia retorted.

"Tomatoe, tohmahtoh. Bah! It's the same, I'll die either way." Lappland huffed and Ash shrugged.

"I guess it's a bit slow, so I'll speed it up." Ash flicked his wrist and the sails were hit by a gust of wind.

Nian also formed propellers on the back of the ship and Ash powered them up by giving them tons of mechanical energy.

The inquisitors and the other crew almost fell on their asses at the sudden increase in speed. They now travelled a good hundred knots and the wind was strong.

"Hey! The ship can't handle speeds like this!" Dario warned and Ash rolled his eyes.

"Like that matters to me. Nian, line the hull with steel! Full speed ahead!" Ash gave it more speed and Nian saluted.

"Aye, aye captain!" Nian protected the ship because Ash was too lazy to do so.

The ship then crashed against a wave, making it bounce a couple of meters up high. Giving everyone a floaty feeling.

"Kuahahahah! That's it! I have a need for speed and this is what's it's all about!" Lappland went to the stern and she enjoyed the wind.

"T-they're insane... I might not even get to the tower... Forgive me pops, I will have a pointless death today." Jordi prayed for his soul.

"Enemy at twelve o'clock!" Zofia reported and Platinum confirmed it through her sights.

"It's the kraken! Prepare the harpoons!" Ash shouted at Nian and she made some oversized harpoons that were definitely rated for something bigger than whales.

"Sailor, prepare to spear that little scallywag!" Ash tossed Mudrock some harpoons and she cocked her arm back and went backwards for momentum.

Like a javelin thrower, she threw it with all her might. The air exploding due to the sonic boom.

"Aye captain! I got a hit!" Mudrock clapped excitedly like a child. She was having a lot of fun.

"Aye, good throw sailor. Keep it coming." Ash also threw some harpoons at the leviathan and the others followed.

"Good thing they're here huh?" Irene spoke to Dario, relieved that they were with them. Or the leviathans would definitely sink them.

"Aye, I mean. Yeah." Dario nodded and he looked at the poor bastard that was being skewered by giant harpoons.

"Can leviathans really be killed by harpoons? I thought that dozens of inquisitors are needed to kill one?" Jordi asked nervously.

"Yeah, but are those normal harpoons? Look at them boy, they're probably heavier than your lanky body." Dario pointed at the barbed harpoons that Nian made.

And the said creator was filming it with eagerness. "Kukuku~ Another best seller will be in the market. Going to Paradiso was the best decision!" Nian was overjoyed.

After they killed the leviathan by turning it into a porcupine. The excitement died down and they quickly arrived at an island in which a tower that could only be described as gigantic was situated in.

"Whew, this place is definitely not half assed." Ash was impressed by the engineering of the place.

"But look at that, nethersea brand." Maria pointed and there were blue veins all over the place.

"The place must be infested with seaborne." Jordi frowned and the inquisitors hardened their expressions.

"Come on, let's go inside and take care of this little infestation." Ash led them towards the tower.

Nian quickly made her move and supported the tower with metal beams. Because they don't know how deteriorated it was.

"Nian, call for the abyssal hunters. I think that after we activate the lighthouse, they would be interested in going back to Aegir in order to report." Ash ordered her and he was serious.

"Sure." Nian created a metal bird and it flew towards Iberia in order for Kal'tsit and the others to send a message to the abyssal hunters.

In passing, Gladiia told him that they couldn't return to Aegir due to the lack of members and protection. With the eye of Iberia reactivated, they can navigate through the waters much more easily.

"Let's get this party started eh?" Ash saw multiple glowing eyes inside the tower when he opened the doors that creaked. The sound alerting anything that was creeping inside.

With their savage roars and scuttling, the seaborne pressed the attack towards them.

"Mudrock, be careful. This place isn't like how it used to be." Ash reminded her and she nodded.

"Come, come! This place will be a blast." Lappland began cleaving through the seaborne.

Jordi went towards Ash who was just watching. There might be ones like the freak that spoke. Hiding around somewhere.

And if it got the drop on Gladiia, it could ambush anyone in the group that wasn't on his special guard group consisting of Degenbrecher, Shining, and Margaret.

The only one who could defend against that would be Mudrock.

Dario and Irene went into support roles, sniping some seaborne from time to time. While Platinum took out an assault rifle and was a real deadeye shooter.

Their muzzles flash and the dark corridor was illuminated a bit. Showing that the place is infested to the maximum.

"Ewww, what the fuck is that?" Ash recoiled upon seeing eggs that were birthing seaborne like a broodmother.

Then, there were fragile looking seaborne that had beak-like heads on them. And Lappland was pleasantly surprised when it dodged.

"So you freaks can dodge!? Great! It makes the hunt more exciting~" She redoubled her efforts and her arts roared to life.

The seaborne were fighting tooth and nail for the place. 'Woah, this would have been terrible if Irene and Dario went to this place alone.'

Ash then saw some flying ones, they were like fish that floated and swam through the air in groups like a school.

"Platinum, engage those ones." Ash guided and the Kuranta nodded, quickly reloading as she pointed her rifle at them.

"They're not giving this place up. It's like they know this tower is important." Ash rubbed his chin.

So he clapped and the air seemed to stagnate. An irresistible force then gathered all the seaborne in midair.

"We have no time to play games." Ash clenched his fist and the congregation of seaborne compressed until it was as small as a marble.

Jordi gulped at the scene and the inquisitors smiled wryly. "Appreciate the help, but couldn't you have done that much sooner?" Irene complained.

"Then do you want to go in without us?" Ash snorted and she shut up.

"That's what I thought." He then fed the little ball to his sword and it started releasing a terrible aura.

"Calm down boy, you'll get lots of food here today." Ash smacked it and he stored it back to his hammerspace.

"Jordi, you know where the control room is?" Ash raised a brow.

"It's in the middle floors, right at the heart of the tower." Jordi replied immediately and Ash nodded.

They continued climbing the tower and Ash burned the nethersea brand that was encroaching the structure.

"The tower's integrity is thankfully still good. Or this place would simply crash down to the ground." Maria looked around and checked if the supports were still intact.

"Good, then we push through." Ash continued on as the vanguard and they cut everything in their way. Or in Mudrock's case, smash them to pieces.

"Hoh? This is definitely something different." Ash smirked as they went face to face with a knight. (pic)

Maria and Zofia gasped. "That's the last knight... He disappeared when he set sail in the ocean." Maria remembered the guy.

"Are you against the ocean... Or with it?" The knight asked and Ash snorted.

"Then let's give him a warm welcome, a beating." Ash cracked his knuckles.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.