Chapter 4: The Battle

The raider charged at Captain Takahashi and Kato with surprising speed, his knife glinting in the dim light. They quickly dodged to the side, drawing their weapons in the process.

Captain Takahashi fired a shot at the raider, but he was quick to dodge. Kato lunged forward with his knife, but the raider easily parried the attack with his own blade.

The three of them circled each other warily, waiting for an opening. The raider was clearly experienced in combat, and he moved with a grace that belied his rough exterior.

Suddenly, the raider lunged forward, knife flashing in the dim light. Kato barely managed to dodge, but Captain Takahashi wasn't so lucky. The raider's blade grazed her arm, drawing blood.

She gritted her teeth, ignoring the pain. "Get behind me," she hissed to Kato. "I'll take him on."

Kato nodded, moving to stand behind Captain Takahashi. The raider grinned, clearly relishing the challenge.

They circled each other once more, their weapons at the ready. The raider feinted left, then lunged right, his knife aimed for Captain Takahashi's chest.

But she was ready. She stepped aside at the last moment, grabbing the raider's arm and twisting it behind his back. The raider howled in pain, but she held on, using her other hand to disarm him.

The knife clattered to the floor, and the raider stumbled forward. Captain Takahashi took advantage of his momentary weakness, sweeping his legs out from under him and knocking him to the ground.

Kato stepped forward, his own knife at the ready. "Don't move," he growled, pressing the blade against the raider's throat.

The raider snarled, struggling to get free. "You'll pay for this," he spat, his eyes burning with hatred.

Captain Takahashi knelt down next to him, her expression cold. "Who are you?" she demanded.

The raider sneered. "Just a survivor, like you. But I've been here longer than you, and I know this place better. You'd do well to remember that."

Captain Takahashi stood up, motioning for Kato to do the same. "Take him back to base," she said. "We'll interrogate him there."

Kato nodded, pulling the raider to his feet. They left the laboratory, the raider snarling and struggling the entire way.

Captain Takahashi stood in the empty laboratory for a moment, her heart racing. She had expected to find danger on this expedition, but she hadn't expected to find it so quickly.

She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. They had a mission to complete, and nothing was going to stand in their way.