
The crew walked towards a village surrounded by a wall of stone, tens of feet high. A passageway blocked by doors was the only entrance. 

"Wow, this wall is huge! What type of city could this be?"

Shea's voice was filled with wonder. 

"That's what central hubs tend to be like." Selena answered. "See those convoys? They're shipping materials across the entire country."

She pointed at convoys composed of dozens of wagons filled with a variety of goods. From raw goods to such as unprocessed scales and limbs from a variety of creatures to weapons and armor crafted from local smiths.

"We're not going to be here long, One night." Hajime spoke. "Just wanna do some R&R and be able to sleep in a real bed for once." 

The crew walked through the entrance and was taken by surprise, not prepared at seeing the vista before them. However, they see guards posted on every corner. Selena saw vendors everywhere, discussing their wares. From clothes to prepared foods, the streets were bustling with life. 

"Wow, there's so many people here!" Shea shouted. 

Hajime noticed guide services. Not wanting to get lost in such a massive city, he made his way to gather knowledge. The others followed suit.

The crew made their way toward the village, their footsteps echoing as they approached the towering stone walls that surrounded it. The walls were colossal, easily rising tens of feet high, constructed from massive, weathered stones that had been carefully stacked over many generations. They appeared impenetrable, a testament to the village's strength and the effort that had gone into fortifying it against the outside world. The only way in was a narrow passageway guarded by a set of imposing wooden doors, intricately carved with symbols and designs that hinted at the village's long history.

"Wow, this wall is massive! What kind of city could this be?" Shea's voice, full of wonder and curiosity, broke the silence. She stood in awe, craning her neck to take in the full scale of the wall. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before.

Selena, ever the experienced traveler, glanced at the structure and smiled knowingly. "That's what central hubs tend to look like," she explained, her voice calm and composed. "These places are designed to be both secure and self-sufficient, built to withstand sieges and other threats. See those convoys over there?" She pointed toward a line of wagons moving steadily along the road, drawn by sturdy draft animals. "They're shipping materials all across the country. This place is a center for trade, so everything from raw materials to crafted goods passes through here."

As the crew watched, they could see dozens of wagons, some piled high with unprocessed scales, limbs, and other parts of creatures, while others carried finely crafted weapons and intricately designed armor made by local smiths. The sheer variety of goods was staggering, and it was clear that this was a place of commerce, where the livelihoods of many depended on the flow of materials from one place to another.

"We won't be here long—just one night," Hajime interjected, his voice a little more relaxed than the others. He cracked a small smile, stretching his arms. "I'm not interested in getting involved in any of that right now. I just want to relax, get some rest, and maybe sleep in a real bed for once."

The others nodded in agreement, each of them tired from the journey. The long days of travel had left them weary, and the thought of a comfortable bed was enough to lift their spirits. With a collective sigh, they moved forward and passed through the entrance.

The moment they stepped inside the village, they were taken completely by surprise. They had not been prepared for what lay before them. The scene was overwhelming—a striking contrast to the quiet, solitary path they had followed to reach the gates. The village spread out before them, with wide cobblestone streets teeming with people. Everywhere they looked, there were sounds of voices, the rustling of fabric, the clinking of metal, and the soft rumble of conversations. The air was filled with a mixture of aromas—freshly baked bread, sizzling meats, and the sweet scent of fruits from nearby stalls. 

Guards were stationed at every corner, their eyes constantly scanning the crowd, ensuring that the village remained safe and orderly. Their armor gleamed in the light, and their presence gave a sense of security to the bustling surroundings. Despite the movement of so many people, there was an underlying sense of control—this was no chaotic marketplace, but a well-organized hub where the flow of life was carefully managed. They seem to be keeping an eye on the less savory people. Some adults and kids were near enough to be seen but they didn't get closer so as to not set off unwarranted aggression from the guards. 

Selena's eyes moved over the crowd with practiced ease. Her attention was immediately drawn to the many vendors setting up their stalls along the streets. Some were selling finely woven clothes, their colorful fabrics catching the sunlight. Others offered prepared foods—hearty stews, fragrant pastries, and skewers of grilled meats—filling the air with mouthwatering smells. The variety of goods was staggering, and it was clear that this village was a center for all kinds of trade.

"Look at this place," Selena murmured, her voice almost lost in the chorus of voices surrounding them. "This place is alive. It's not just a village—it's a crossroads for so many people. Traders, travelers, merchants...they all come here, from all over."

Shea, unable to contain her excitement, shouted, "Wow, there are so many people here!" Her voice rang out above the crowd as her eyes darted from one corner of the village to another. The streets were packed with people, some walking briskly toward their destinations, others lingering to haggle with vendors or chat with familiar faces. Children ran playfully between the adults, while carts rolled by, laden with goods to be delivered to different parts of the village.

Several Merchants began eyeing Shea thanks to her giddiness. Some even compared their own slaves with her, desiring her. 

"This is incredible," she continued, her voice filled with awe as she took in the sights and sounds. "It's like a whole world packed into one place."

Selena saw Hajime's eyes scan the area, assessing any and all possible threats. His gaze lingered slightly longer at the slave traders. 

Together, the crew continued walking through the streets, each of them absorbed by the bustling scene before them, ready to experience what this vibrant village had to offer.

As they were walking through, the majesty of the village quickly faded away. Selena recalled the grand cities from her previous life, Los Angeles skyscrapers towered far higher than even the stone wall. She remembered the crowded swap meets and ranchero markets that she would walk through, the vibrancy from it all. 

Hajime walked to a booth filled with guides. A little girl asked the crowd queries such as "Need to know the best blacksmiths? I can lead you there! Or how about some food for famished travelers? Trust me, I can lead you to the best pubs around!" Selena giggled at the girl's earnesty. Her glance locked with Hajime's, attempting to grab his attention. 

"Sir! Sir! Need help! Best help around! I can be your guide! My name is Rithy!"

Hajime stared at her for a bit. "We'd like somewhere to eat and then discuss business."

"No problem, I know exactly where to go first!"

She led the way to a corner filled with restaurants of all kinds. Entering the establishment, they served pastas and broths. Sitting down and ordering their meals they began to chat. 

"Where would be the best place to stay?" Hajime asked.

"I recommend heading towards the tourist quarter first," RIthy answered. 

"Tourist quarter?" He interrupted. 

"Oh yes, it's one of the four quarters of the city. The tourist quarter has tons of entertainment. The other three, the makers' quarter, where weapons, armor, tools, and furniture of all kinds are made, The bureaucrats' quarter, where the city's various administrative affairs are processed, and finally the traders' quarter, where goods of all kinds are sold. There are a few inns in the bureaucrats quarters, but they're few and nowhere near as good as the others. 

"I see," Hajime answered. "Money isn't a concern, we're looking to stay somewhere high end."

"Sounds good," Rithy replied." Any specific accommodations?" She turned to look at the women in the party.

"Ohh, I want the room to have a ginormous bed!" Shea said. 

"If they have a bath, are there any mixed bathing times available?" Yue added.

"If they have soundproof rooms, that would be helpful," Selena added. 

"I see," Rithy's face darkened a deep red. The guard standing by Rithy had a look of envy plastered upon his face. 

"We're also looking for a guarantee." Hajime said.

"A guarantee? Guarantee of what?" Rithy asked. 

"Ah, let me explain. Say, for example, we get into a dispute of some kind, and we clearly weren't the perpetrators, the inn will make those responsible pay for the damages. I want to stay somewhere decently high-end, but I want a guarantee that we won't have to pay for any broken furniture or the like if the incident is clearly not our fault."

"Umm, you shouldn't run into any trouble like that in the first place, I don't think…"

Hajime smiled awkwardly.

"Normally I'd agree, but as you can see, my three companions attract a lot of attention, And it sounds like most of the people that frequent the tourist quarter aren't exactly the restrained type. I'm worried some of the more forceful merchants might try something a bit… violent. But, well, like I said, only 'if possible.' If it's too difficult a request, then you don't have to worry about it." 

Rithy looked over at the three sitting next to Hajime, happily chowing down on their food, then nodded. 

"Those three certainly do stand out." Even now, they were attracting stares. Especially Shea, since she was a bunny girl. Assaulting another person's slave was a punishable offense, but that wouldn't stop some of the more zealous merchants, or a determined pervert. 

"Would it not then be wiser to pick an inn with increased security? Since there are a lot more people who value that as a service, I can think of a few inns that can provide—"

"No, that's fine. People are more liable to do some pretty crazy things when they're running on hormones. Security isn't always perfect, so it's easier for me to assume we'll have to persuade them by force."

"Persuade them by force… I see. So that's why you want a guarantee, then."

Rithy took in all the information, pondering where to take them. The crew finished eating, and Rithy began to take them to the center of the quarter, taking them to the better inns. She took them through the shortcuts, nowhere near as packed with guards as the main roads. Instead, the commoners were the opposite of those from the main roads. These wandering folk stuck to themselves, rarely traveling in large groups. Some waved at Rithy, the group were all somewhat aware of each other.

Selena was curious why the city was like this but didn't seem to get the chance with Rithy constantly at the forefront. When she seemed to get her chance now that the girl was slowing down, a large explosion rocked the area. Multiple explosions occurred simultaneously, with people scattering from where it occurred. Adventurers and guards split up and take down the more shadier denizens. The guard following Rithy took position to defend her. A man walks up to the crew, pointing directly at Selena. 

"Girl! Come here!"

Rithy and the Guard took their defense. 

"You wanna take this?"

 Shea didn't seem to care one way or the other. The rest of the crew couldn't have cared less about the assailant, who stood there, dumbfounded, as they showed no reaction to his threats. The guards chasing him were closing in fast, forcing him into a desperate, do-or-die move. He lunged toward Selena, attempting to grab her as a hostage.

Without hesitation, Shea drew her weapon of choice and swiftly knocked him to the ground.

Everyone around the crew stood frozen, stunned by the sudden turn of events. Even Rithy and the guards took a few steps back in surprise.

"Thanks, Shea!" Selena rubbed her head, her voice filled with gratitude.

"Aww, I'd do that for any of you," Shea said bashfully, trying to downplay the situation.

One of the two adventurers who had been chasing the assailant spoke up, still in disbelief. "Wasn't that Reganid the Black? He's notorious! They say it took at least three of us just to try and capture him!"

"I didn't know he was involved in human trafficking," the other adventurer added, his tone reflective. "He must have been getting paid a fortune to take on a job like that."

The two speculated on the motivations behind a man like Reganid doing such work, trying to understand how someone so dangerous could fall so low.

"Well, look at him now," one of them muttered, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and fear. "Crushed like a bug by a hammer." They shuddered at the thought.

Hajime glanced at Rithy, his eyes subtly gesturing for her to lead the way.

Without missing a beat, Rithy quickly moved to the front of the group, her earlier shock forgotten as she took charge once more. The others followed, ignoring the mess they'd just left behind.

The adventurers and city guards, still stunned, could only watch in silence. As the party passed by, Yue flicked her finger, and a bullet of wind shot through the air with a sharp whoosh.

Splat! The sound echoed softly through the quiet back alley, where the last of the stragglers had already fled.

"W-WaaHH!" Reganid, still barely conscious, screamed out in pain before collapsing once more.

"Hey, you think that was them?" one of the men muttered nervously. "Yeah, I think so. The 'Smashers,' right?" he added, trying to sound confident. "I heard rumors, but honestly, I thought those girls around them were just for show…"

The two adventurers glanced warily at the unconscious Reganid, then exchanged uneasy looks. "Man, I don't know. You sure want to stay far away from them," one of them whispered, his voice shaking as he nodded toward Yue and Hajime, who were walking further down the street, utterly indifferent. 

"Hehe" "haha" both me and Shea start laughing since that smasher brought joy to me since the people of this world were very on the nose about their name. 

"Want to die bondage queen…" he hissed back. 

"One time!!! And it wasn't even my choice damn it." 

"I could get the rope" Shea seems to have brought rope out of nowhere. She had a mischievous grin. 

Just as we were about to leave the area. "Please wait!!" A man who seemed to be well dressed. 

Rithy stopped since clearly their group was being called. 

Hajime reluctantly turned back to look at the man. "Yes? We're busy." He clearly didn't want anything to do with this moment. 

"Sorry we need you to write a report since you were not a part of this mission but you help us apprehend a very dangerous start we need a statement about it. Also I will need to see all your status plates."

"Sigh" he looked at me and we both handed our plate to the man. He looked towards Shea and Yue. 

"Ah, yes, we got attacked by a monster and seem to have lost it in the attack. We have been needing to replace it but money is tight."

I had to look away since his lies were getting more outlandish as the days went by. "If only his parents could see him now."

A scowl slowly creeped on Hajimes face, annoyance taking over him. Selena knew she had to do something.

"Hajime! The letter!" I had to break the awkward moment. 

Hajime quickly recalled that he had the letter, his face lighting up. He pulls out the letter, making it seem that he kept it in his pocket the entire time. He hands it to the guild attendant. 

"Please, you think your problems would be solved just from…"guild attendant seems to be scoffing at such a thing.

The attendant took a moment to look at the letter, his expression turned a bit worried.

"I see, this comes from Catherine! Right this way. I wasn't aware, Hajime-san."

The group felt odd at this sudden change of tone but went along with it.

"Come with me, we need to go to the office. We need to simply verify that this letter is legitimate."

Hajime let out a sigh. "Fine, let's go."

Rithy began to leave until Hajime stopped her.

"Where are you going?"

Rithy slowly turned around, fear gripping her.

"Oh, you know. I figured my job here was done! I'm not really an adventurer, you know."

Hajime looked her in the eye.

"Oh come on, you can't just leave us here practically stranded! You're the best guide we've got! You definitely aren't the type to not finish a job half done!"

Rithy sighed.

"You're right, I can't go back on my word!"

She pumped her fist in the air, determination on her face. 

Soon after, they entered the guild master's hall. The building was two stories tall and on the inside was luxurious. 

"Wow, this place looks way better than the one in Brooke!" Shea exclaimed, her bright eyes filled with wonder as she took in the grandeur of the building. The sheer scale and lavish design were far beyond what they had seen before.

"It's okay," Hajime muttered, clearly unimpressed and eager to move things along. His arms were crossed, his posture tense—he had little patience for sightseeing.

The moment we stepped inside, I could feel the weight of countless eyes on us. Just like in every other town we had visited, people couldn't help but stare, particularly at Hajime. He had an air about him—one that drew attention whether he wanted it or not. But this time, their gazes lingered on Shea more than anyone else. It wasn't surprising; her outfit left little to the imagination, and adventurers weren't exactly known for their subtlety.

I glanced at Rithy, who seemed out of place among the hardened mercenaries and thrill-seekers gathered in the hall. Her discomfort was evident, and I felt a pang of guilt for dragging her into this. "Sorry about this, Rithy," I murmured. "We'll try to make this quick."

She offered a small, reassuring smile. "No problem. Honestly, this place feels safer than waiting outside." She then spotted an empty seat near a small dining area and quietly broke away from our group.

"Hey, Roger! Are you off duty already?" someone called out nearby.

"Nope. Still on duty, so no drinks for me just yet," came the gruff response from one of the guards.

"Oh," I said, suddenly realizing something. I had seen him several times before but had never bothered to learn his name. It felt strange, considering how often we had interacted.

"What's up, Selena?" Shea's voice pulled me from my thoughts.

"It's nothing," I said, shaking my head. "I was just thinking... some people really are just meant to be background characters."

"Mm, yeah, this place does have a lot of forgettable faces," Hajime remarked casually.

A tense silence followed. Several adventurers who overheard him turned to glare in our direction, clearly not appreciating the comment.

I sighed. "Could you stop being so brutally honest for once?"

"No," Hajime said flatly. "It's my best quality." He didn't even glance at me, but I could already picture that smirk of his—the one he wore whenever he was deliberately riling people up.

A polite but urgent cough interrupted us. "Ahem. This way, please. The guild master will see you now," an assistant announced, gesturing for us to follow.

We ascended to the top floor, where a grand door awaited us. It was ornately carved, a clear indication of the authority held by the person beyond it. As we stepped inside, we found a well-dressed man seated behind an elegant wooden desk. In his hands, he held the letter we had delivered, his eyes scanning it before shifting to assess our group.

"Welcome to the Furhen branch of the Adventurers' Guild," he said smoothly. "My name is Ilwa. I trust that Dot here treated you well?"

Hajime, showing little interest in pleasantries, immediately got to the point. "It looks like you've already verified the letter. Are we good to go now?"

Ilwa let out a short cough, as if caught off guard by Hajime's bluntness. "Yes, we've confirmed the authenticity of the letter and the identity of the person it concerns."

Hajime raised an eyebrow. "Oh? So Catherine has that much influence?" He sounded genuinely surprised that the letter had so easily cut through the usual bureaucracy.

Ilwa nodded. "I'm legitimately surprised, she seems to know a bit about your group."

Hajime raised an eyebrow at his response as Ilwa continued.

"Not just any group can go into the Reisen Gorge, go down there and treat it like a plaything."

"Or go into a new type of monsters and walk out of there alive." Dot continued

"But how did she know," Hajime responded. "I never told Catherine about Reisen Gorge…"

Shea nervously chuckled. "I may have told her tee hee."

"I'm gonna punish you…" Hajime scowled. 

"Wait, Yue was there too!"

"Shea, you traitor…" Yue teasingly said. 

Hajime shook his head, and I did my best to mirror his confusion, just as the others did.

Ilwa chuckled and turned a framed photograph on his desk toward us. The image depicted a much younger version of himself standing beside a strikingly beautiful woman.

"Catherine trained most of the current guild masters," he explained. "She used to work in the capital."

"I knew it…" Hajime muttered under his breath.

"What a damn shame," I sighed, looking at the picture. "I'd smash that."

Hajime nods his head in agreement. Yue and Shae pinched his sides eliciting a grunt.

Hajime sat on a big couch with Yue and Shae to his right and left while I was standing behind the couch. I knew to stay standing since I didn't want to stomach seeing Hajime and Yue make out like mad.

Ilwa smirked. "A lot of us who trained under her were completely smitten. But in the end, she found love outside the guild. Married a farmer, of all things. It was a shock to everyone when she packed up and left. The weeks after her departure were… chaotic, to say the least."

There was a wistful quality to his voice, a trace of nostalgia mixed with a hint of regret. Catherine had clearly left a lasting impact on those she had trained.

Hajime, however, remained as unreadable as ever, his mind likely already moving on to the next objective.

"What's the deal, anyhow?"

Ilwa looked at Hajime.

"I'd like to hand you another job."

"I refuse." Hajimes was as stern as steel. Ilwa coughed in surprise. He was flummoxed by the sudden refusal and did not have any real leverage to keep them there. Curiosity got the better of me.

"What's the job?" I asked.

Ilwa cleared his voice. "A group of adventurers I sent out to investigate the city of Ur has lost contact with us some time ago. I want you all to scout and see where they are, if they're alive at all."

"Sounds like a pain," Hajime interjected. "I'm sure you can find any other team than us. We're heading out."

"Wait!" Iowa shouted. "I can help your group. I can grab status plates for your party." He gestures plates to the others. "And I can bump your status to gold!"

Hajime seemingly was interested, humming to himself. I knew that hum was not genuine and was ready to leave. 

"That's not enough, we definitely need more than that." I said, since Hajime did not want to negotiate. "If we ever get banned, we can come to you for services. If we also need more resources, we can come directly to you!"

I noticed Hajime was not saying anything, seemingly leaving me to my own devices.

"Whether or not we find anyone alive," Hajime finally said. "We get the reward. We'll take the status plates with or without survivors when we come back."

A secretary coughed in the background, attempting to try and have her guild master think of these negotiations before making any hasty deals. Ilwa wasn't sure what to say, their demands being extremely ludicrous. 

"Look," Hajime said. "It's either a deal or we walk." He gets up and starts to make his way towards the exit. He stops briefly. "I'm not gonna be a damn pack mule, either we get compensated fairly or no dice."

A sweat drop formed on Ilwa's temple. Hajime knew he definitely needed him and his crew as a useful contact, otherwise he wouldn't have kept them around for so long despite the crazy demands Selena made for them. 

"Fine…" Ilwa said defeated. "Can you wait a moment?" He quickly scribbled down something on a piece of paper and stamped it with his seal of approval, handing it to Hajime. 

"Here, go to the Guild receptionist. He will deliver a paltry sum to you and your crew for the crew. The letter will be used once you get to the city of Ur."

Hajime grabbed the letter, nodded, and headed out with his crew. Once they were out, Ilwa sunk back in his seat, sighing. 

"Are you sure about your decision, sir?" His secretary Dot looked a bit worried, as he for the most part simply stood there.