Ken looked at his information about his new identity and background and one new thing as well because I make clones of myself I can put some clones in some places for hell.
It's a new feature for the system, I can only put nine clones with background in this world and here is the list:
Death(Puss In Boots The Last Wish) A friend of Lucifer and its death itself.
Alder(Pokémon) Famous human in hell that can defeat powerful demons and the caretaker of Giratina.
Giratina(Pokemon) Goddess of Death/ daughter of Arceus and daughter in law Alder
Arceus(Pokémon) God of everything but keep his existence to a minimum and some people know what he looks like and have a connection with him.
Luffy(One Piece) God of the sun and freedom, he doesn't listen to the laws just explore and bring happiness to all who are watching.
Adam(Shuumatsu No Valkyrie) The first human made by God and lives in hell to help his children.
Bellamy(One Piece) a spring demon that is Lucifer's amusement park repair man and business manager.
Yu(The Boxer) A sinner that had a terrible life and killed his father because of the abuse he gave, he has no motivation or don't know the value of life. A Boxer Demon
J(The Boxer) A human angel come to help Yu to live his life with happiness and joy.
I looked at my clones that I am putting in these world but I noticed that the system is more lay backwith his power of intimidating, may be because the person who made it was now his father and in the multverse they are more things powerful than you so that is probably why the system is not so focused in charisma/intimidating.
But back to the main topic, he pressed the button and he separated himself to nine clones.
All of the clones and myself transformed to their respective forms, he is in Imp City and he noticed that he is in a cloak that covers every part of his body, but he was in front of a building and he looks at the system and it says that the I.M.P. headquarters is here.
He walking in the building and went to the six floor, I walked to a door that says I.M.P meeting in progress, I open the door and saw them arguing.
I knocked on the door to get their attention and all eyes are on me, Blitzo rushed to me and hugged me. "Grandpa Blaze, what are you doing here so how's Grandma Fionna doing, still being the s##t she still is." I don't know what to say but my mouth just move by itself and said " I hear your in a bit in a money/business problem so I get some money for a few mafia bases and also why can't you visit your old man Blitzo and yes she find a job in the lust ring,"he cried with tears of loneliness because his family not visiting often.
"The name is Blitz now and act like your cool self in front of my employees and daughter and hey your hugging to hard," Blitz's face turns a bit purple and Blaze/Ken let's go of him.
" Sir, we still are in a meeting, also he is going to give us money and who is he," as Moxxie was frustrated about the nonsense of his boss was telling in front of everything about him and also confused about who is these person.
" Moxxie is your ear filled with shit or can't you listen, he is my grandfather, Blaze Hellsing."
As he said that everyone looked at with eyes of fear and amazement when Blitzo said that. "You mean Blaze Hellsing, the demon that a level that can fight Lucifer Morningstar, the demon that defeats powerful groups of demon and large number of mafia groups that my father is afraid of this man to make trouble for. Also he is a imp, a lower level demon that reached the top of the power level of almost everyone in hell, that Blaze Hellsing." As Moxxie finished at sentence everyone stopped everything they were doing and looked at me.
"So I was here to drop your allowance for 15 years ago, 2 billion souls for you, also this is your daughter Loona, nice to meet in person I am your grandpa, almost forgot here is the cure for syphilis that Blitzo begged me to get for you, also what were you talking about in these meeting."
"Uhh, thank grandpa, maybe Blitzo is not a bad father," as she whispered it and closed her eyes to inject it too not freak out too much but for Blitzo he heard it and was going to hug Loona but she kick him in the balls to stop him.
"We are talking about how Blitzo got the book from Stolas and fuck him for it," as Millie happily said, she was waiting for my reaction about that. "Stolas, I fuck his father so you don't get in trouble about steal from them, we beep beep then I beep beep then he bend down beep beep," as he horny explains in little detail as he can.
" You are all are horny and a bunch of asshole you know," as a kid on a table for the flashback they were have.
I come to the kid and killed him and everyone was shocked on why he do that. "Sir Blaze, why do you do that, that kid was innocent, we accidentally shoot him," as he was rubbing about him but I said " You shoot the right target, the message should said that you had to kill a kid."
A message popped on Loona's phone and he was right about the target and they start chopping him up to send the body back to the live world but what shock the group the most what I said to them.
"I want to work with the I.M.P. ." As he said this, Blitzo and the other cheer because they have a powerhouse that he working with them and it is Blitzo's grandfather.