It has been a few days from the accident of Stella and Stolas, but right now Blaze is having a talk with Loona to use some of Blaze's social notes to the customers and not only on her friends.
Blaze is just watching the scene of Loona beating the live out of Blaze, Blaze is not helping because Blaze knows that Blitzo has a soft spot for Loona and don't give her tough love to teach her some of the things he wants Loona to learn, so he is allow this so he can get some more advance parenting skills.
" Blitzo, you know that you can punish her or get her a good hit on the head so she can tell that you are serious," as he is eating on the opposite side of the office and gives Blitzo some advice, happily watching the show.
The door quietly opens to show Octavia sneaking in the place and she saw Blaze looking at her, she beg Blaze to not tell anyone in this room that she is here. Blaze is eating the remaining food, gives a thumbs up to Octavia, Octavia smiles at Blaze's okay and keeps sneaking. Octavia meets Loona, but Loona don't give a shit and text some of her friends if they have any plans for this week.
A purple light came from Blitzo's office, everyone expect Loona and Blaze came to the office with weapons ready to fire, but they see Octavia leave with the book to the human world.
Blitzo is freak out because of what will he tell Stolas of what happened and he tell Stolas " Hey Stolas, your daughter came by take your book and teleported off who FUCK know where. We have no way of getting either of them back."
For a couple of seconds everything was fine, but Stolas cames busting the door open and calling Blitzo name.
Stolas is worrying about her daughter and the book, but most her daughter, Blaze is trying to calm down Stolas from having a panic attack, but Loona sniffs the area and finds out that she went to L.A. They went there and it is not so different from hell.
Blitzo tells that plan, they need disguises, Loona and Stolas get their disguises, but for everyone else Blaze has a cast some spells that go on the line of this disguises will last for the day.
Blaze, Stolas and Blitzo separated for Moxxie and Millie to cover more ground, but Blaze's team got stopped because of Blitzo's disguise look like a famous person. Blitzo and Stolas put up by some man and put in a van to take them to Starstruck studios.
Blaze and Loona get the job of going to find Octavia, they got some coffee because they know that the search will take all day to search for this big city. Loona looks at her phone and take some photos with some cool pictures, Loona found a clues on her Sinstagram.
Loona and Blaze went to each place that Octavia went on her Sinstagram, going place to place made Loona tired so Blaze decided to give her a piggyback ride so she can rest and also tell Blaze were to go with waiting for Loona to rest.
It has been a couple of hours, but they found the last place that Octavia posted at and the found Octavia looking down in the dumps. Loona talks with about her father loves her and he I'd trying to do his best, things can be difficult that can't be easy fix or not easy to ignore.
They hug each other and Looks at Blaze," Sorry for making trouble for you, I just wanted to see the stars with my dad, but my mom happened and I decided to go alone."
" It's alright kid, you learn about something today, like I said to you when we were in Loo Loo Land, your dad loves you so much that he will start a war for you if something hurt you and I would join him." Blaze hugs Octavia and gives her a piggyback ride back to the city.
Blitzo and Stolas reunion with their daughter and Loona kicks Blitzo from hugging her. Stolas and Octavia hug each other and apologize about what they do. They see fireworks going off from the studio that Blitzo and Stolas were at and they enjoy show. Everyone goes home and sleep expect Blaze who is training each skill he has to a acceptable level.
He cooks some food and also cook a large amount of food for his demon dragon, the fallen angel are on a mission for a sinner. Blaze cooks a fair amount of food for their hardworking they do everyday. He goes to his bedroom to sleep and see what chaos he will he experience this month, week or maybe a couple of days.