In the first day of Hazbin Hotel, everyone was getting everything ready to open the hotel when the Extermination was done.
Death, Luffy, J, Yu, Giratina, Alder had a noticed on the system that the main cast was been replaced and they want to make a sing that will thank and give a farewell to the people.
The main cast know that the 6 of clones were not from this world, but they don't care because they had a bit of fun with the 6.
They are interested about what will they change in the story, but they want the 6 to help produce a song to the people in the audience who had good times with them.
When the song was done, a Portal open and white human like being come out of the bodies of the main cast, the being walked to the portal and new white being go inside of the main cast.
Their bodies change like color, shape, features and voices.
The main cast are getting use to their new bodies, they are getting into character and how to character would respond.
" Will I guess we are going to work together so let's start with a bang," as Charile was excitement to meet the other people that will be in the group.
" Alright everyone we has work to do, we have a few days before the first episode starts, so come on people work," as Vaggie tells everyone the time limit and get everything ready because they have to make a good impression to the audience.
A few days later
Charile is reading about the history of hell, it was about how Lucifer and Lilith were the cost of evil spread to earth and creating hell. Lilith made hell grew in size and power, heaven was threatened because this and that was when Extermination was created. Lilith's dream was pass down to Charile.
Vaggie and Death come in the scene, they were standing at the door with Charile was reading the book to calm down.
" Charile, almost 17% of hell's population was killed by the Extermination, if you want sins to go to heaven then you have to try harder because at this rate we has 0000000000000000000.1 chance of this being successful.
Vaggie hits Death of the shoulder, looks at Death with a mad look in her eye and said " What he means that we have to try harder to save the sins and come on Alastor has something to show us.
A TV turn on to show Alastor insulting the hotel and its people, Alastor shows Death doing his job of deciding if they got to heaven or hell, Yu and J practicing his boxing, Alder talking with Husk and playing card games, Giratina is repairing all of the fallen pieces of the hotel, Luffy/Nika was playing harmless prank like scaring then, making the floor like a bounce castle and Mask is doing stand up comedy in the main room.
" What the fuck was that," as Vaggie saw that Alastor was insult the hotel.
" The second part of the commercial was pretty good, it showed that the hotel has a lively atmosphere, everyone getting along and having fun.
" Will it don't make it any better if one of the most powerful overlord think that this places is a waste of time and effort."
" Will people know me by my radio show(Proper Medium), but you decided on this piece of junk so I just have a bit of fun of it."
" We need a better commercial, we can keep the second part, but we need people to come willingly," as Vaggie points at Alastor and is mad at Alastor of creating that commercial.
" Hey, that least it wasn't the worst commercial of the year," Alder taking a shot and waits for Husk to refill.
" Will you can take advantage of the famous star that is right here," as Angel points at himself in a relaxed position."
" Aren't you a porn star?" Yu comes in and saying that will be a bad idea if Angel is thinking about the same thing. J looks at Yu and says " What is porn."
" You don't need to worry about that in your little head," Yu looks at Angel, his faces is telling that if you tell him what or show porn he is going to kill you. " I know that face, No Killing," J look at Yu with a cute angry face.
" Yes I am and a famous one, I can get the most horniest sins to come to this hotel and stay for a good amount of time, if I can have s#x with one of the 7 men in here," Angel give wink at the seven men.
The 6 clones + Alastor laughed and said no at the same time.
Charile gets a phone call from her dad, a minute pass of aguring of the hotel being stupid and Charile talking on the phone.
Charile calls Vaggie over, she tells that her dad wants her to meet the leader of the angel army instead and this was a opportunity for her, the angel can help her with her dream.
Charile begins to sing her song, the 7 clones get their instruction like the trumpet, piano, drum, flute, saxophone, xylophone and clarinet for her song.
Happy Day In Hell song, 3 minutes of singing later
Charile and Death walked in the building of the meeting, the area was very quiet and made Death's whistle more creepy.
They both signed in, a door opened to a room, that room was where the leader with his ribs and lieutenant were there.
Back to the hotel
Vaggie was telling that we needed a new commercial, we can keep the second part of the old commercial because it describes the place as a lively and fun.
The first take was pretty bad because Angel was really horny on the scene and Husk had the script right up on his face.
Second time was a bit better because Angel was less horny and Giratina was holding sign so Husk can read them and the script was not right up on his face.
Back to the angel building
Adam was being a dick and talking about a woman having sex with and Charile figured that the leader was Adam the first human, a another person comes to the room out of nowhere and
The person was young and muscular man with supreme beauty that even aroused the Gods. has platinum-blond hair, and big sky blue eloquent eyes. He was in classic suit with a tie that has a apple on it.
Adam looks at the person with annoyed face. " I see that I need to introduce myself to the new people, hi I am Adam that first human on earth.
Charile looked at Adam(angel) and Adam(human) with a confused face because they both said that they are both the first human.
Adam(human) looked at Charile and he explained that " I am actually the first human, but someone framed my wife Eve that she eat a forbidden fruit and she was going to be exiled so I eat the forbidden fruit as well to be with my love."
" I kill that son of bitch before leaving with my love and we were exiled to earth to never go back to heaven. They tried to make a another pair of us, but failed and created hell."
Charile was interested about the story that was told, Charile was crying because that was the most romantic thing she ever hear.
After a few crying and annoyed look for Adam(Angel) " Adam Sir, your a big thinker, a revolutionary, a genius that would like to put his name on stuff."
" You have my interest swing towards you, come on come on tell him."
" You can help me fix our biggest problem ever."
" Yeah, herpes that a bitch, I have a friend that have that, it is tough to no look at it and it hurting his social life so if we can find a cure I am in."
" No, maybe a another time, but our second biggest problem," as Adam(angel) was taking a few guess of what is the biggest second problem.
Back on the hotel
Niffty had to say one sentence, but Niffty just stood there with a bland expression. They tried again, but Niffty do the same thing once again.
Mask saw that Niffty has some kind of stage fright or something, "Hey, Vaggie I think I can help with this."
As he smashes a hammer on himself and a chisel to make a shape of Niffty and size. Luffy comes with buckets of paint that matches Niffty's colors and luffy got every small detail correct.
" Alright Vaggie, start recording and I will try to do my best impression of Niffty.
" Hi, my name is Niffty, I am the cleaner of the hotel, we have the cleanest room probably in hell, I triple clean the rooms and check every edge of the rooms to see if there is no more dust."
" Cut, wow you do a amazing job with the Niffty impression, you got her over excitement to the T and I think we go enough to convince people to come to the Hazbin Hotel."
" You guys are really helping out that hotel as guests and that is a wonderful thing," as Alastor gives his classic creepy smile to the 6.
" I will be in a another room to put the final touches to the video to be a commercial," as Vaggie rushes to a room to put the final touches and can't wait to see Charile face.
Back to the Adam(angel)and Charile meeting
Adam(angel) is talking about his woman experiences/issues, Charile talks about redeeming the sinners, but Adam(Angel) disagree about that because they only get one chance and that's it.
" Hold on, she has a interesting idea because if she can redeem my children and go to heaven, I am in interested in the idea because I can't watch my children be slaughter every year," as Adam(human) cries because he sees them die millions of times.
" Shut up Adam, you are only here because Lucifer said so, you don't have any power for this decision," as Adam(angel) yells at him because he supports a naive girl.
" Remember that Hell is forever for sinner,"
" Adam(angel), almost everyone can change their own fate even in death they can as well, I have seen it alot in my immortal life."
Adam(angel) laughs at Death for being on their side, Death is angry because Adam(angel) is being arrogant/prideful because he is powerful and people die faster if people act that in front of Death.
Adam(angel) sing Hell is Forever, telling that killing sinner is entertaining for them, the three are angry and are showing killing intention because of Adam(angel) attitude.
Death was ready to kill him in any second, but he stopped because of surprise that he said, they are going to move to extermination to a year to 6 months.
Adam(angel) and his exterminator pushed the three out of the room, Charile runs to the door and hit, Death slashes his sickles at thee door and promises that he will take a arm from him and Adam(human) is calm, but hit the wall and destroyed it.
The three of them go to Hazbin Hotel, Vaggie is excited to show Charile the new commercial, she looks at Adam, but don't mean him.
Everyone is sitting on the couch waiting for Charile, Death, but don't expect to see Adam with him.
The commercial was start with the Happy times in Hazbin Hotel, but it got interrupted by a news, they talked about that the extermination is coming soon than unexpected. More chaos has broken out more than usual because of this news.
Alder call Lucifer because of this news, but he don't answer so he leaves a text about it and wants answer.
Lucifer texts back and says I don't know why they are doing these.