Yu is practice his boxing, he don't want to get rusty, J is being a support team for Yu and has pom poms to help with his cheering.
Alder is playing a few games with Husk, he offered his shoulder to gamble if Husk beat him and Alder can summon him, Husk shake his hand with Alder, the two play go fish rules.
Alder wins because of Extreme Luck skill he got, they play different card games, dice, flip a coin, and rock paper scissors.
Alder wins 125 games, Husk gets 0 wins, Husk looked at me, Alder smile at Husk and Alder smile reminded Husk about Alastor, Husk played against Alastor, he always lose to him.
This moment, the same act happened again, he lost and his opponent is smiling at his face, but Alder was honestly smile and don't have a malice behind it.
Husk smiled back and said " Man, I hadn't lose this badly before Alastor," Husk laughed at the familiar, but different situation he has got himself into.
" Don't worry about it, it was just luck, I am a honest man, I don't cheat and playing fairly with my luck."
Husk is having a laugh at him saying that, but it was true, Husk was observing him and Husk can tell if someone is cheat, the man he played with just use raw luck.
Death is still doing a large amount of paperwork because human die alot through a year, Giratina is doing half the large amount of paperwork because she is the goddess of death/underworld so she has some of the responsibility of doing paperwork.
Mask is going ready for the day, he is wearing a fine yellow suit because they are having a overlord meeting.
Adam is also getting ready for the day and ready to help his children from the Extermination.
Luffy is entertaining everyone by making a fool out of himself, but he doesn't care because he only thing he cares about bring joy and laughter.
Charile and Vaggie are welcoming Sir Pentious to his first week in Hazbin Hotel, but Sir Pentious brings a bunch of weapons because everyone is too nice and it can be a trap to kill him so he is being prepared.
The worse part is that he bought them from Carmilla, a overlord, Death comes over to Sir Pentious to explain some things, " Sir Pentious, I know that you don't fully trust everyone and everyone being nice, but everyone here is trying to help more or less."
" Like Death said, we are trying to help and they are being nice so you feel welcome," as Vaggie trying to relieve his worries.
Sir Pentious looks at half the people that menacing, other half are just friendly goofy balls and one is literally Death.
" Half of the people I can trust, so-so on Death because he is just a doing his job, he is part of the cycle of life and he bring me here so I am nuertal on him," as Sir Pentious turn back to Charile, Vaggie, and Death.
" Will why don't we work on that for today," as Charile with her cheer tone and personality.
Before that happens Vaggie is putting some ground rules, no more building weapons, no plotting against other guess, and Sir Pentious has to get rid of his egg boys.
Sir Pentious explains that he needs his egg boys to do his evil bidding, but Luffy comments on getting rid of the egg boys. " Aren't the egg boys sinners, you are trying to lower our chance of redemption," as Luffy laughs at Vaggie on getting rid of the egg boys.
" Fine, but the egg boys can't be anywhere close Sir Pentious," as Vaggie takes the response on Luffy and changes one of her ground rules.
" Why not let the egg boys come with me to a meeting that I have with the overlord," as Mask volunteered to take the egg boys because he likes him and help him improve his comedy acts.
" All right then, we have everything figured out, then we can start trust exercise," Charile happily walk to the others.
Mask gets dressed properly, he walks into Alastor room it let him know that it is a good time to leave, Alastor is eating a dead deer corpse.
Mask takes out a airhorn to get Alastor's attention, the airhorn was much louder than expected, but it clearly got Alastor's attention.
" Alastor, deer boy, we got a meeting to go to, I don't want to be late and don't want the overlords question why I am late," as Mask walks with all the egg boys climbing on him, some of them falling then hit the ground and cracking.
" All right, all right, just let me have a few more bite then we can go," Alastor looks a bit annoyed with his friend's actions, but laugh it off.
Charile and Vaggie started the trust exercise and it was going badly, Yu, Adam were the only one that do amazing.
(Adam count as a sinner because he ate the apple, he knows that he will never go back to heaven/eden because of his sin, but he can make a good example to his children.)
Mask and Alastor were walking to the meeting, Alastor is a bit annoyed about the egg boys, but Mask was answering their questions and having fun with them.
A overlord comes to greet the two other overlord, but mostly Alastor because he has not seen him from 7 years ago.
Zestial is asking where have you been, Alastor don't saw directly, he use had a vacation and he would like to heard the theories where he has been.
Zestial looks at Mask, " Mask, it been a while, I haven't seen you in 3 years, do something happen like you go in a fight with the Extermination.
" Hell no, I was just running out of inspiration for my comedy act so I went away to find some inspiration and practice."
Zestial understand Mask because he is a artist that may need time to make his act perfect and fun at the same time.
They walk to the building were the meeting is, Mask command them to stay guard and so Alastor don't lost his patience, but he is take Frank because he is the funniest out of the egg boys.
The elevator goes up, almost every overlord is here, Mask sit close to Alastor, he's best friend/ business partner.
Carmilla explains why she call all of them here, when she looked at Mask and Alastor, she don't care where they were, maybe Mask because he makes the meeting a bit more fun.
Carmilla explains that the Extermination was brutal because it almost 17% of hell's population in the pride ring were killed, she was going to explain that they have to do something.
Velvette kick the door open, she talking to Vox or Valentino on the phone, she insulted every overlord in this room.
Valvette explains that we can if the angel can be killed then the game has chang, but Zestial interrupted Velvette because she don't have prove that a demon killed the angel or what killed them.
Mask rises his hand up, he snaps his finger to summon Nighteye(MHA), " I have a guy that can see the future and he can saw what will happen if we listen to the Vs and don't have the full details.
Night eye uses his power to show the future of listening to the Vs, it shows that he'll is a destroyed city, no demon was spare in the fight, the Vs are fighting, but are begging for their lives in the end and being coward to save their skin.
The future scene is over, the overlord looked at Mask, Nighteye, Vestial, overlord agreed that if they are unprepared that all sinners are going to die because of the Vs.
Velvette is looking around the room, she starts insulting Mask, Zestial, and Nighteye because they are afraid, but they don't care because Nighteye should what will happen if they listen to the Vs.
Valvette hit one of Carmilla's nerves, and the two start sing Respectless.
When Carmilla was dismissed the meeting, Valvette was going to leave, but Mask wouldn't letting her go, when she went to the other side of the door, Mask leave to the meeting.
On the other side of the door, they can hear screaming, ripping, tearing, and crush on the other side of the door.
Valvette stand there with a haunted look, scared look that can be seen, Mask snap his finger and Valvette is quick to act. She apologized to all of the overlord, especially Carmilla and Zestial.
Mask warned her if she does this again, the pain will be much worse than what happened today.
Mask looked at Alastor, he smiled widely at the act of Mask and order Frank to follow Carmilla, Zestial, and her daughters.
Back to the hotel group, they ate at a strip club to help make a strong bond, that was Angel idea anyway.
Vaggie had a another idea, it was fight your opponents to the death and you have to trust your team to cover your back.
Adam, Yu, and J had to help because they were kinda bad fighting as a team, but the other do a good job working with the other. ( Sir Pentious use his hypnosis and Yu punches them until they are unconscious)
(Angel is a close grappler or mid range with his Tommy Gun, J as long range with his holy light beams and Adam as close combat.)
A few minutes, Charile calls the group to go home, Yu can see Vaggie and is about to sing a song ( Whatever it takes)
Back to the Charile's place or factory
Frank was ready to jump in the dumpster to play with the other egg boys, but Alastor stop him to heard the information he got from Carmilla and Zestial.
Alastor says that we kept this as a serect with his creepy demon form and Mask with a dumb looking face says all right.
Back in the hotel
Everything is have a good time, they are bonding with each other, Luffy is asking what do they do and the group told the story of today.
Luffy laugh because they sound like they has fun and Sir Pentious is starting to man up, but Luffy can see the joy of others.
Death is looking at the group, serectly smile on the second floor, but Giratina got angry because he left her with all the paperwork.
Death sights, takes one more look and smile, he walks with a joyful walk even if he has to do mountains of paperwork on who go to heaven or hell.
Mask returns all of Sir Pentious's egg boys and does a handshake with Frank, gives a bit of his power to Frank for self-defense reasons.