A few days later of Lucifer's visit, Charile is packing up for Heaven, she decided to take Death because no one is going to mess with him and he is a force of nature, he takes those who time is up or they laugh to his face.
Death is getting his weapons ready, he is sharpen his sickles and has some extra weapon if his sickles are destroyed or something else. Death want to protect this hotel because the people are happy that he is around, no one want Death to be around the next corner.
He has been long for a while, Life sometimes visit to have a fun chat, but they are both busy with the cycle of life and Death, thank to this hotel Death has friends and maybe a place to call home.
Bellamy is being throw around, Lucifer is worried for his daughter, but Lucifer is happy that Bellamy is going with Charile so Lucifer load Bellamy with weapons and a book of Heaven laws.
" Lucifer can you calm down, I was one of most powerful demons in hell and killed thousands of angels before you were ruling hell. Bellamy is trying to calm Lucifer, but he is too worried to listen to him so he punched Lucifer right on the head.
Lucifer stopped with all of the negative emotions, Bellamy grabs Lucifer's shoulders and said " Lucifer, I can kill angel if I have to and I can luanch himself to get Charile to a safe place.
Lucifer calm down after he said that, Lucifer threatened Bellamy if he didn't protect his daughter he would kill him, Bellamy keep that in mind and lessen the weapons he has, so he don't look like a threat to heaven.
At the hotel, Angel came in the building tired because his boss worked him 16 hours straight and Nika grab him, mush him, turn him into a ball, twist him, and angel feels a lot better after Nika's bizarre way of doing a message.
" Wow thank Nika, you should do massage to other because I feel great," Angel relax himself on the couch.
A explosion happened to the wall again, Giratina is angry because she has to fix that walk twice and she has to do some who goes to Heaven or Hell paperwork.
Cherri Bomb was the one that blow it up, Cherri Bomb came to get Angel to have some fun because Angel has been texting her some depression shit.
Death come down because he had heard a explosion happened, Death got his sickles ready, but it seems that it was one of Angel's friends.
Bellamy with a duffle bag open the hotel's door, he sees that a new person and hole on the wall appears, Bellamy greets the new person with a handshake.
" Name is Bellamy, Lucifer manager and caretaker of Charile Morningstar, are you here to get redeemed," Bellamy gives a smile to the new, his teeth and black sunglasses get a shine.
Cherri Bomb was interested in the guy, he was tall, looks powerful, well-fitted, and he is rich. " Hi hotstuff, I am here to get Angel a recharge, you can came if you want to."
Bellamy respectful rejected the offer because he had to go to Heaven with Charile, Vaggie, and Death. J came to Charile to ask if he can came because he can convince with other angel and tell them the results.
Cherri Bomb was going to reject the change of bring the other residents of the hotel, but Bellamy give her 10,000 souls and she instantly changed her mind.
The portal to Heaven has open, Bellamy pushes Charile, Vaggie through the portal and give their stuff, goes into the portal and Death, J calmly goes through the portal.
Sir Pentious tries to look cool, but he looks frustrated when Cherri Bomb said that they are going out to have fun with them. Sir Pentious took it as Cherri Bomb taking him on a date.
Yu waves Sir Pentious over to have him tip on confessing your feelings.
The group find themselves standing on clouds, a giant golden gate in front of them, a blonde haired, blue eyed angel. He wears a blue suit with a red bow tie. He has a pair of pale yellow feathered wings on his back. For footwear, he wore yellow flat shoes. He ask for our names and looking through a large book.
Death comes forward to said " Peter, we has a important meeting with the higher up, if you can let us in so we can get this over with," Death tries to say it nicely, but it ended up sounding menacing.
Peter was scared, but he is use to it because Death comes to heaven to report of the souls that are coming so we can better to welcome him, even with the scary aura he is a nice guy over all.
" Death, you know that I can't do that, you are with Lucifer's daughter and manager in Heaven, so I have to check with Sera."
Peter didn't have to wait because Sera and Emily came to greet the group, Sera told Peter that it's okay to open the gate.
Peter happily open the gate to show Heaven, he sing a song about Heaven with Emily and Bellamy is laugh at the effort they are putting in the song.
Death and Bellamy didn't like how bright Heaven is, but they are slowly adjusting to the brightness.
They pass Adam and Lute, they give them a warning if they do something, the two give him future vision that the two killed them with ease as they pass by.
Adam and Lute are scared because they don't expect that they were going to be killed, will in a vision of the future and also shocked that Charile, Vaggie, J, Death, and Bellamy would be here in Heaven.
Every got sited to their rooms, Bellamy drink something and went to spy on Adam and Lute if they do something to cause trouble with others, especially to Charile.
Bellamy is watching Charile going out and having fun with a smile that he enjoys, he checks on Vaggie to see if she is doing fine because she acted pretty strange when they speak and got into Heaven.
He was going to knock on the door, but he noticed that Adam and Lute are coming this way so he activated the beverage or potion he had drank.
A potion of invisible, that last as long as Bellamy hold his breath, Bellamy learns that Adam was coming for Vaggie and also that Vaggie is a angel/Exterminator.
Bellamy's invisible wear off and grabs Adam and Lute, throws them out of the room and says " You have to ask permission before you go into a girl's/person's room," Bellamy looks at Vaggie with a intense look.
Vaggie looks at Bellamy, she know that Bellamy is probably upset because she keep out that she is a angel/Exterminator.
" I only have one question, are you going to hurt Charile or the hurt the hotel's process and I know when people are lying."
" No, I want to protect Charile and the hotel's process, you can take my other eye if you think that I am lying," she said it with a calm voice, a steady heart, and with a eye that burns with loyalty and determination.
" We will talk with Charile about this because she would feel betrayed about not telling her about this, but we has to deal with a court.
They are court with another angels to decide if a sinner can be redeemed, Angel Dust was the person that Charile choose to represent a high percentage of being redeemed and Adam give them how to get into Heaven like don't steal, act selfless, and stick to the man.
Bellamy pulls out a book of Heaven laws and said " That's one way of getting into Heaven, there is also doing good deeds that out weight the bad or doing something that may cost your life, but it has to be other people that you do it for. " Get ready to see the change souls of Hazbin Hotel," J cheers for Angel and other to show that they can be redeemed.
A large ball of light show were the group are and especially Angel Dust. They beginning was not great, like Angel agreeing to take drugs and they are in a club.
Yu tried to get Sir Pentious some advice to confess his feelings, but it failed because he's too nervous to say his feelings or it's hard to find the words that we wants to say.
Adam was trying to convince that all sinners are unable to be redeem, but Charile says that it s a drink with Friends and to wash away a hard day. Charile and Sera talk to just watch a little, Bellamy will help if things get messy or read the book to get a advantage, Death and J are talking to another angel about his good time with them, they may be flawed but they are still good people and friends.
Sera agreed to watch a little bit longer, the group were drinking contest, Nika was winning because he was drink barrel of alcohol, Alder was drinking buckets of alcohol, Adam and Yu don't like the taste of alcohol.
Angel take care of Niffty because she was wasted, he tried to stop her for stealing and making unnecessary trouble. Angel calm her down and put her on Husk and Alder, Husk can watch her over.
Sir Pentious was a little wasted, he asked Cherri Bomb to have sex with him, but failed to come up with a good reason and he said that he was going to have sex with everyone. Yu looked at Sir Pentious that says good luck and he looks around to see if someone is going to cause trouble for them.
Cherri Bomb talks Angel Dust he didn't have to work himself out with the hotel shit, but Husk tells that the hotel is not the problem, the problem is Valentino.
Angel Dust saw Valentino in the crowd, Angel wants to get out of here, but Niffty was gone and Angel saw that she was headed to Valentino's location .
Angel Dust have a talk with Valentino tht says fuck off, Valentino was not happy about that and Valentino talk Angel that he own him, but Angel talk him in the studio and so Angel told Valentino to fuck off again.
Valentino was going to hit Angel, he remembered Death and also Alder, Yu, Adam,Nika are hit Valentino at the same time, Valentino was hit so hard that he destroyed a wall and was unconscious on the floor.
Everyone has a quick drink and head to the door, in Heaven Charile tells him that Angel do all of the things in the list.
Adam was nervous, Adam ask why is he not here then and the angel are questioning that, Charile noticed that the angel don't know how a soul goes into Heaven.
(You didn't know song started to play)
Sera has claimed that they don't see that a sinner can be redeemed, that caused Bellamy to get up and leash some of his power, Adam open a portal to send them back to hell.
Bellamy punched Adam in the face, Death has a dark aura coming from him, everyone is scared because Death is mad and they both say " This means war and he know how to kill Exterminator, Adam is going to die if you are going to do this," as they leave through the portal and the room was leave silence. Adam was mad after that punch in the face, but also fearful at the same time.