New Members, New Missons

Ken is searching in his own system for information of more potential powerhouse and he found that Red Count, aka Patrick Redfield is a powerhouse that dealt with the Golden Era of powerful pirate on his own like Gold D. Roger. He is in Impel Down, but he is old, fragile,sick, but with his help he can turn him into his golden age.

Another powerhouse is Byrnndi World, he is not strong as Gold D. Roger or Whitebeard, but he is formidable and his hate against the World Government help him. He is frozen in a refrigerator for 30 years so, but he thinks his crew as tools and he is going to fix them.

He probably miss them because of this conditions, there is no time to waste and he buys a teleporting skill and a resistance of instant kill for extra safety in the future.

Chop-Chop Teleport, Buggy slash at the air and made a cut through time and space. Buggy think about Impel Down level 6 where they aren't any cameras and he passed through.

He appears there and used his Conqueror Haki to knock out everyone expect for Red Count and Byrnndi World and now he is free to do whatever he wants. Buggy walks around to find the cell that contains Red Count first.

" Well, Well, what do we have here, Buggy D. Clown coming back for what, more stronger crew members," as a man that look like a vampire, even in his weakened state Red Count carries himself elegantly and proudly.

" I come for you because last time you look like you seen better days and combined with your illness, you were to badly out of shape to fight in the war at Marineford," Buggy acts like a calm and serious person, but in his thoughts were that this guy can kill me, he is at the same level as my captain.

" So what are you offering, I can't just join you with Benefits and without a show of strength," Patrick broke his sea stone cuffs and quickly turn into bats and tried to punch Buggy with his Armament haki fists.

Buggy easily grabbed his fist, when Patrick added more and more power, he is using his full power at his weakened state and don't make Buggy move a single inch. Patrick is impressed because he is slightly weaker for his golden age, but Buggy looks like he is unfazed by his actions and that tells him everything.

" I can rewind time when you were at your prime, also get rid of your illness and I can take you to your friend Pato or known as your pen," Buggy looks like he didn't care about the attack, however Patrick scared the hell out of Buggy when he suddenly attacked.

Patrick looks surprised with a mix of shock, if what Buggy said was true then he can reserve his age and take him to his best friend. The only thing is he has to do is join his crew, do what he said, the terms and benefits seem acceptable.

They shake hands to seal the deal, Buggy used the copied power of the Time-Time devil fruit and returned Patrick Redfield to his prime and somehow got his old clothes back.

Red is a tall man dressed in gentlemanly garments. He has red hair in braids, a red goatee and strange circular eyebrows, similar to Sanji's. He also has a piercing in his lower lip connected to an earring in his left ear. Red's outfit is formed by a purple shirt with a ruffled neck and a red cloak with yellow and blue diamonds as inside theme. He also has a huge blue rose on the left side of his cloak.

Patrick moved his body to get adjusted to his prime body back, with a few minutes of stretching and practice using his devil fruit powers he stands beside Buggy ready to go.

Buggy moved to a refrigerator that is way back than the other cell, when he opened the refrigerator it revealed a tall man, Patrick realized him as a Byrnndi World, a respectable pirate and fighter in the Golden Era, but get defeat because his previous crew betrayed him.

Buggy used the Time-Time devil fruit to Rewind to the time that he was no frozen in ice. Byrnndi get his conscious and scream.

" WORLD GOVERNMENT, I am going to kill you and all of your tools for what happened to me," Byrnndi yelled that to calm his systems and calm down to look at Buggy.

" Byrnndi World, I want you to join my crew, we will give you whatever you want like getting revenge on the World Government."

Byrnndi was going to refuse to join, but when Buggy said to get revenge on the World Government he is willing to accept if he can kill the World Government and also Byrnndi feels some odd about Buggy like someone that is out of this world or above.

" Fine I will join your crew on a couple of conditions like you don't treat me like a tool, get some decent crew members , and I want you to find some of my previous crew members and my brother." Byrnndi World wanted to kill his old crew members, but we wanted to hear their excuse and deep in his heart he is worried about them.

Byrnndi World is a very tall and broad man with large arms and thin legs. with a green beard and a W-shaped mustache that is a lighter shade of green.

He wears a horned helmet that has had one of the horns broken, which Byrnndi took off a pirate he defeated and broke the horn on purpose so his sickly brother would have room to sit on his shoulder. He also appears to be missing some teeth and has a scar on his scalp. He wears a black and purple open sleeveless coat, green pants, a brown belt, and brown shoes.

Buggy used his Time-Time devil fruit to get him into his prime age, he looks exactly the same, but his beard is a more light green and he has more muscle than fat.

Buggy used Chop-Chop Teleport to open a cut in time and space, when they both went in the cut and he rewind time to when before he got there. He also rewind the destruction that he cause when he was here.

He get in the cut, they are at his office and Buggy already has a job for the Red Count. " Red Count I have a a mission for you, you and Lu Bu are going to Fishman Island because we need one of the poneglyph and also Byrnndi are you ready to catch a Celestial Dragons."

Byrnndi smiled at what we was going to do, Lu Bu looked bored, Red Count just nodded, and Buggy give Red Count the location of Pato, Tran Town on the Island of Promise. Red Count nodded and will get his friend on the way there, he got on the boat and leaves with Lu Bu to Fishman Island.

Buggy opens another cut that led to Mary Geoise so Byrnndi can kidnap some Celestial Dragons to do something fun, but Buggy wants him to do it quick and quietly so they can get a more epic introduction when they will kill the Celestial Dragons. Byrnndi has a giant smile and nods, he went through the cut.

" You can use the cut to transfer them here and get out without getting noticed," that is the last thing he heard when going through the cut to Mary Geoise.

Buggy is sitting on his huge chair and Buggy laughs with a bit of nervous, when everything goes black Buggy's shadow transforms into a giant dragon that looks like it's protect Buggy and stare at the fourth wall with his Red glowing eyes.