Hody Jones on the screen he is talking about his new kingdom of hate of humans.they will dominate over humanity with their strength, but he will kill all of the fishman that support the friendship of humans.
He don't have Neptune on the screen because he is fighting with Pato, Patrick, Zoro, Brook, and Usopp to defeat the hateful fishman. Patrick used his devil fruit powers to suck all of the fishman blood to get his energy back.
He shows that he has a large population of Neptune's army and some citizens," In three hours, we will start killing all of the fishman here and that will only be the start of the massacre of the friendship of fishman and humans.
They were going to save all of the people that were going to be killed because all of them have a score to settle with Hody Jones. Jinbe was stopping Straw Hat because they are humans and if they fight him, fishman will once again hate humanity again.
Luffy and Jinbe were going to fight, but Robin stopped them, Sanji jumped to hug her and vanished with cherry blossoms. Both were surprised and hit Sanji at the same time, then they both punched each other and Lu Bu just laughed at the situation.
Lu Bu send his companion especially Caribou to protect all of the fishman that New Fishman pirates are going for. They quickly go to were the main events to happen.
When they are getting close to the area they can see that Shirahoshi's brothers are defeating almost all of the New Fishman Pirates. Nearby they can see that King Neptune and the other easily taking care of all the fishman from the New Fishman Pirates.
They joined in and protect every citizen in the area and surrounding them so they don't surprise attack them and kill the fishman that they are protect. This caused other Fishman to change their perception of humans because this humans are protecting them for unclear reason, but they are risking their own lives.
Back to the Sea Forest
Sanji explains that they are Luffy is doing this to return to the favor of saving him from Akainu and his brother. This is his home so they have to save it, also they have another reason to is or his reason is that Camie is here.
Lu Bu is just enjoy the show, but he feels something for Ken and he connected to Ken to see what's wrong. Lu Bu can see that Ken's body is unstable because of all of the summon. All the summon have a piece of Ken in them and he was hopping universe to universe and some are trying to take control to have some freedom.
Thanks to his adaptability skill, his body, mind, and soul are adjusting to all of the changes in his body, his skills are also unstable because he is injection them with also no breaks and that put a lot of stress of his body. So Ken has to stop buying skills and summon in a fast pace or his body will destroy itself.
Lubu's Companies are doing alright with the fishman, but another problem is fighting to Hody Jones's officers and Hyouzou the best swordman on Fish-Man Island. Some of them already got killed, but they wounded some of them so the other can do more damage and kill them.
Luffy and his crew started to run towards the battle, Jinbe, Lu Bu and the princess had to follow them so they don't cause more damage to the relationship to fishman and humans. ( Or do they?)
Fukaboshi, Ryuboshi, and Manboshi have come to defeat Hody Jones and his crew, they defeat all of the sea beast, but they couldn't defeat drugged fishman that has outclassed them. The Patrick and others are coming close to the actions, but they are watching until they come in.
Jinbe, Lu Bu, and princess are heading to were Hody Jones said that the executions, but the princess got trick by a balloon of King Neptune because of her childish mind and knowledge, the ballon popped and trapped them in a large net.
Fishman chained them, but willing because this was going exactly to plan. Hody Jones is telling his plan that they will enslave human and the citizens can leave their house or they would died if they don't.
Shyarly told them that Hody Jones should push his luck because they are two future that say the opposite of what the future of Fish-Man Island will be. Hody Jones attack her, but Lu Bu blocked the attack with his body and the attack do no damage to his body.
Couple of fishman caught him again and dropped him back to their original position. Hody Jones told everyone that he forced a human fishman to kill the queen and that increase their hate towards human. He had his family on stake so he had to do it, but when he finished the job Hody Jones killed him and his family.
He is telling everyone that this was his plan along, he is laughing how everyone was fooled by just a sentence that he increase the hate of human to hitting new levels. He is showing his power with all of his man and defeating Neptune's army.
Lu Bu and Jinbe are smile because they wanted him to expose what he do to clean that man's name and face for history. Lu Bu's body is now in pain because Ken's state is still unstable. He has too much power for anyone to handle within a short period of time.
Neptune watching a far direction is angry, but they had to wait for a signal for him and half Lu Bu companies with their dead bodies of their pals.
Hody Jones is tell everything right in front of the princess, but she already know even before when the man that killed her mother was revive because she saw the man with fear, tears, and the same look that her father does when she is in danger or worried about her. This shocked everyone that heard what the princess had said.