King is going to Z city to find some monsters that are violent, but every monsters just runs away from him. After a couple of hours, King decided to just hang out with Saitama, but unexpectedly he found a somewhat damage Genos, Bang, and Bang's older brother Bomb.
Genos ask King if he can play a game with him and King agree to it. At first Genos was really bad, but slowly every lose he is learning how to get better and surpassed Saitama's gaming skills.
After a few minutes, King is wondering about where is Saitama because he should be here. Bang said that Saitama went out to find Garou, but if he just wandering he doubt that he can find him. King said with his personality, a small chance says that he would be laid into a trap by monsters.
After a couple of seconds, Saitama appeared with monster blood, but everyone else thought it was Garou's blood. Saitama has a serious if he find something serious, but he just lost his wallet and everyone has a sweat drop on their hand.
He forget the cabbage for the shop, but luckily he had Fubuki was there to get it to him and she want Saitama to apologize for the situation that he leave her in.
Then King sense another living being coming toward the door, but it don't seem hostile towards anything so it must be an ally or a friend to see one of us.
King opens the door to see a below average person that is wear a battle mecha that had a laser cannon on it. Genos was on guard before he see Dr. Kuseno, he come to fix Genos's damage parts and see Genos's mentor.
King can see that Bomb and Bang are still injured after Elder Centipede, King looked at his skills to see if Ken had something to speed up the process. King find that Ken has a time skill and he uses it on both injured martial arts master.
The two look confused for a moment before looking at King who has his hand out towards them. " King, I don't think you had this power, but if we do we would've gone to you for this injuries," Bang looked at King with eyes of respect or just good old relief.
Dr. Kuseno introduced himself to Saitama and give them a gift of gourmet meat to be a good guests. After the hot pot was right, everyone wanted to try it and with quick speed they caused the hot pot to see sent to the air.
Everyone has a bowl ready and tried to grab what they want expect for King that watch until everyone grab what they wanted. He reminded the time on the hot pot so everyone can have second and everyone was happy at what King do, especially Saitama.
After King got a couple of bowls, he decided that he was going to asleep to sleep because he wasn't in the mood to take with anyone right now.
King was woken up by Saitama because everyone left and it's morning. King apologize that he didn't go when everyone left, but Saitama was cool with it and ask him to throw his trash away.
King put on his hat with two bag of trash, some monsters don't recognize him so he get a couple of points in the morning. When he was done, he headed him and see away two people from the Hero Association look for him.
The two hurriedly told King that they need them at Hero Association with other S-class heroes and Hero Work. King don't argue with them and just followed the two.
The S-class heroes and Hero Works are talking about the plan, most of the S-class heroes are going underground and some Hero Works S-class are on the surface to defeat any monsters that the other heroes can't defeat. Crocodile is showing his S-class heroes that are going underground and the surface.
Lighting Dragon-Laxus Dreyar
Raging Demon-Kenpachi Zaraki
Street Mouse-Nezu Masami
Mairne Hero-Garp D. Monkey
Desert King- Crocodile
Walking Cloud-Hatsumi Sen
Fighting Spirit-Yoroizuka Saw Paing
Tiger Arts-Wakatsuki Takeshi
Wild Tiger-Kotetsu T. Kaburagi
Wild Bunny- Barnaby Brooks Jr.
Classic Cowboy-Spike Spiegel
Sweet Commander-Charlotte Katakuri
Intimidating Police Officer-Akoya Seishu
Drugged Monster-Jack Hanma
Death Doctor- Law Trafalgar D. Water
Suddenly Sweet Mask appeared because of the purpose of the meeting and why he is not going underground to fight the monsters with the S-class.
Child Emperor is telling him that they are going to be two team, the front lines team that will deal with the underground monster. The second team will be the support team, they will kill all of the monsters that are attack the surface.
Before anything could happen someone shouted that King is here and Sweet Mask told them he wants him under his command. This caused to be confused and Sweet Mask is asking why his clothes are stained.
King was going to say that he was in Z city and hunting for monsters, but the two behind him made the detail more dramatic and sound intense. This caused some of the S-class heroes admired him and also caused Sweet Mask to back down.
" Sweet Mask can you stay still for a second," Sweet Mask looks a bit confused and just do what King said.
King touched Sweet Mask to increase his power and everyone can noticed the change inside of Sweet Mask. " I can increase your power by bypass your limit and the only thing that I have to do is touch you," King looked at that had faces of shocked.
" I think it's a good idea to bypass your limit so they are not surprises if you went someone powerful," every S-class heroes thought for a moment and agreed on it, but some were a bit unwilling because of their pride.
" I need to set the another Hero to bypass their limits," Sitch waved King over so he can take him to the other heroes. When they got to the floor where they other heroes where, they were surprised to see that King was here.
" Everyone calm down, we discovered that King can increase your power so everyone step us so you can be strong for this war." Everyone is dumbfounded that King can do that, but he is The Strongest Man Alive so it makes sense.
The heroes can tell that their own strength increased, but unexpectedly he touched Sitch and Sekingar for a safety precaution if they attack the Hero Association.
" That is for if some monsters try to attack the Hero Association and you can defend it or protect yourself," the two admired King's kind heart and will give King a large bonus when this is done."
King is waiting when they are going, his nerves are going berserk and his heart is beating a bit fast. Unexpectedly Bang appears and shake King up and Bang is asking what is happening.
King explains everything that happened, Bang thought that they were hiding something and he was right. Bomb looks at the news to find out that they tried to take a kid, and King wants them to come with Saitama, Garou, and Fubuki to help decrease the chances of casualties.
" If you find a strong monster, bring me a piece of them because they can be a good assets to have," as King shows Nyan's ear and he uses his rewind power and his total control power on the newly formed Nyan.
" Master King, what can I do for you?," Nyan is standing still and is handling himself as a butler.
" I see, we will try to get samples of strong monster," Bomb sees the potential of this power and is still amazed on how powerful King is.
When he come out and went outside of the Hero Association, that caused everyone that's the sign to go and King fled to Z city. He called Saitama to tell him that there are strong monster underground, and Saitama thanked King for the information. Saitama is now in the sewer of Z city to find the entrance to this monster base.
King arrived to Saitama apartment and told everyone that Saitama is already starting to go underground to fight the monsters. Nyan transformed into a normal cat so King can easily carry him and transforms back into his monster form to get ready for this fight.
Genos and Fubuki are shocked to see that King have a pet monster to fight, but it makes sense if you are the strongest man, you have to have something strong as a pet to show your power.