Monster Association End

King and Ken/System

King is facing Platinum Sperm, a fusion of all of Black Sperm's clones and have a strong aura surrounding him. King still have his stern face that he always has, but this time King has his arms unfold and has eyes of a ready fighter. King in his mind is somewhat nervous because He is fighting a monster that is stronger than an average Dragon-Level threat, but isn't scared because he has Ken/System with him.

Every hero that is watching King is cheering because King is going to finish this monster off, but Platinum Sperm attack them to shut up and all of them were injured expect from Child Emperor. Child Emperor was protected by Nyan, he is doing what he was order and is protecting Child Emperor for danger.

Platinum Sperm is back facing King and a stance that tell that he is ready for combat, King gives him a signal that he is giving him the first attack. Platinum Sperm with his great speed was milliseconds away from King, but King side stepped the attack like that was something not impressive. Platinum Sperm follows up the attack with a barrage of punches toward King, but King blocks the barrage of punches with one finger in s disrespectful way.

Platinum Sperm is having big viens popping out of his head because of how disrespectful King is being, but he can't blame him because he would do the same thing to others. King finally attacked Platinum Sperm and he hit his stomach, that punch broke a couple of ribs. The punch was so great that Platinum Sperm can't move of that, He can tank almost anything and King's punches are an expectation. Platinum uses Elastic Tentacle to wrap it around King's neck, but King just grab it and rip the tentacle off of Platinum Sperm.

Platinum Sperm is using all of his power to kill King, but his full power only got a scratch on King's right cheek. King will tell Platinum Sperm that he should be proud of what damage he did to him because almost zero monsters can damage or leave a scratch on his body. Platinum Sperm is crying because he was knowledge by King, The strongest man on Earth and King punched his head into nothing. Ken stored Platinum Sperm's tentacle in his inventory and is looking at his system shop.

Marine Hero Garp

Garp has put Fubuki, Bang, and Bomb in a safe place so no monsters or Garou would hurt them. Garp with his great speed came back to Garou who is still have trouble controlling himself. " Hey kid, I don't know if you are in there or a monster, but I have to restrict you." Garp is slowly approaching Garou so he doesn't attack or see him as a threat, Garp isn't trying to kill Garou because he hasn't killed any innocent people or heroes.

Garou in this vulnerable state attacks Garp, but they don't do much damage because he is covering his body in Armament Haki. Garp tries to restrict him again, but Garou throw them around his other side and this attack Garp like a wild animal and a martial artist. Garp is getting a bit annoyed with Garou's constant attacking and does a Armament Haki fists to the face and launched him far way from Garou.


That punch got Garou have consciousness back to his body, but he is confused why his body is like this? The only thing that is human anymore is this left eye were Garp punched and caused the monster skin to shatter into pieces.

Garou now sees a portal that spat out Saitama, Flashy Flash, Lighting Dragon, and Manaka. The group is this organized because of that trip, but Saitama run behind Garou to check on Genos. The two were talking about how Genos can get stronger, but Saitama is that his heart/will has to be trained as well.

Garou is still thinking about how he become this and stopped until Flashy Flash attacked him with a surprise attack. Garou however, dodged the attack faster than Flashy Flash could attack. Garou and Flashy Flash are having a battle of speed, every move they make is less than a second. However with Garou's new speed and strength is dominating the fight.

Garou use some martial arts techniques too quickly finish off Flashy Flash, Flashy Flash is down for the count and can't really move. Garou's speed is so much faster than flashy flash that this surprised him and Flashy Flash wanders if he has to double his training.

Other Heroes

Tatsumaki is is down and she sees Blast with his face covered with shadow, he is offering his help to Tatsumaki. Tatsumaki however, remembers Blast's advices and she asked Blast on who he is. When Tatsumaki says those words, It was God That was pretending to be Blast so he could have one of the strongest being on Earth and control them. God in Blast form as fade away because Tatsumaki had already figured his trick out.

The real Blast has teleported in front of Tatsumaki and can tell that Tatsumaki has resisted against God's offer. King sees that Blast is in front of Tatsumaki, but King doesn't know what Blast looks like and only knows about him because Saitama shouted out his name.

Blast asking if King is King from The Hero Association and King said yes. Blast give King Tatsumaki, King can see that the battle with Psykos had destroyed most of her clothing so King covered her with his overshirt. Blast leaves the area through a portal and the others can see other people in shadow on the other side.

When everyone thought that everything was cooling down and they can have a break. However, a gaint centipede comes out of the ground, it tell that it is here to kill the fist that goes against God and King because the two are going to be a problem if he don't deal with them now. Garou, Garp, Lighting Dragon, and the Support Team are attacking the monster named Sage centipede.