Chapter 17

Nathans POV

"This is all my fault" I said to myself as I still stood outside of the emergency part of the hospital. why did I push her so hard to admit to how she was feeling? why did I care so much? she's not my mate. shes just an hold friend who just so happens to be carrying my baby...

wait was that what I really thought of her. did I really just think that she was someone who just so happened to be the mother of my child. since when did I start thinking like that?

for as long as I was alive Amber was my best friend. she was the person who what always there even when I didn't need her to be. when I became alpha she was the person who supported me the most. then we started working together and not to long after that... started sleeping together.

honestly... I loved Amber, more then just a friend or a person close to me. I really actually loved her. when I was with her, I didn't care if I never found my mate, I was willing to do everything for her including making her my Luna. but the day I met Sarah everything changed.

"Alpha Nathan I'd like to introduce you to my daughter Sarah" Alpha Alphonse said. he was an old man, one who is in his late 60s. but he still ran his pack I respected him for that. The moment I Saw Sarah my wolf lost it 'mate that's mate' he said cuz I could almost feel him running around in my head.

"mate" I said aloud. "oh well I'll leave you two to it then" he said leaving the room almost as if he had planned this. "it's nice to meet you Alpha" Sarah said sounding sweetly. "Nathan you can call me Nathan" I said still in a haze as I only started to come to the realization that I just found my mate.

it took no more than 2 seconds after that for her to pounce on me and start kissing me. I went along with it, I couldn't resist it. she was my mate and I had to Mark her, that was how my wolf thought, and in a way that was how I saw it.

I didn't really pay attention to the next few hours. it was almost as if I had blocked out. then something told me to get up and open my office door.

"oh Amber I didn't know you were here" I said nonchalantly.

"I knocked over an hour ago" she said awkwardly "I just assumed you were in a busy meeting" she added. "oh no I'm sorry I didn't hear you knock" I replied happily "are you ok?" she asked tilting her head slightly to the side in confusion. "yeah I'm great I actually have some amazing news" I said "actually so do I it's why I'm here" she replied looking down. "sure go ahead what is it" I said confused forwarding my brow.

"um actually, I'm really not exactly sure how you'll react to this but..." she said when suddenly Sarah appeared behind me. "baby what's taking you so long" Sarah said as she began hugging my waist. "oh who's this?" Sarah asked. "oh ha, Amber this was what I wanted to tell you" I said with a big smile on my face.

"this is Sarah... My Mate" I told her. after those words came out of my mouth she seemed. she had a smile on her face and seemed happy then told me she got into med school and ran off. but I didn't really worry about it for some reason I didn't care. that was just how the mate Bond was, the moment a wolf found his mate it was the only thing he cared about.

a few days passed and Sarah and I were having a congratulatory dinner. it was my mother's idea of course. everything was going relatively fine. Amber and her family came of course as Amber's mother was the head of their coven. and they just kind of stayed to themselves.

Sarah went to get a drink as I was talking to an allied Alpha. and then I heard her scream "oh my god I'm so sorry" Amber said quickly, "what the hell, you did that on purpose" sarah yelled at her "I'm so sorry I can fix it!" Amber exclaimed. "contrarium est quod prius fuit" she said and the stain on Sarah's clothes quickly disappeared. "your lucky witch" Sarah said then stormed off.

I didn't do anything then as I assumed it really was an accident. Amber wasn't the type to do anything like that on purpose. after a minute Amber ran over to me.

"Nathan can we talk" she said calmly. "I'm really not in the mood right now" I said and turned away from her. for some reason I just didn't want to be near her. "Nathan please I just need 2 minutes of your time" she said grabbing my arm.

"you b***h" I heard then suddenly heard the sound of a slap. it caused Amber to let go of my arm and I turned to watch her. her stare became cold as her eyes began to glow green, I had never seen that look from Amber before. she just stared at Sarah as she held her cheek. I was speechless that was when the whole room began to shake.

after a minute I saw her take a deep breath in order to try and calm down and the shaking stopped, then Sarah went flying across the room. no spell, no Magic just pure power caused her to go flying. stuff like that happened sometime when Amber would become overwhelmed. object would move but never go flying. but it didn't matter, I was in a state of shock by what I just saw and my wolf was so angry at seeing our mate being thrown across a room he just took over.

Suddenly I grabbed her by the neck and shoved her against the wall. "what did you just do you Little W***e" I yelled in my Alpha tone.

I could tell she couldn't breathe, but my wolf didn't care, she looked me in the eyes and all I could see was sadness mixed with shock.

"is that.... is that really how you see me?" she asked barley able to form the words. I didn't respond and just threw her to the ground. "get out of my territory witch" my wolf said, anger filling my voice even more "GET OUT AND NEVER RETURN!" I yelled. she stood up and walked over to my mother, said something then calmly left the room.

that was the day that marked the end of our friendship.

To Be Continued