Chapter 30

"Chris I swear to the gods.... I do love you" I told him honestly.

I ended up crying in Chris's arms until I fell asleep that night.

the next morning I decided it was time to deal with Alarik who was still dies up with a spell in the living room.

"Hello Alarik" I said as he looked at me with fear in his eyes. "Amber please I really do love you" he pleaded. "Obsession isn't love" I said kneeling to his level. "if I remember right, I told you the day we met that if I ever found you even the slightest bit suspicious, I would kill you" I said as the fear began to build even more in his eyes.

"it really is unfortunate that I have to follow through with my threat" I said standing up. "Amber please I'm begging you..." "igne gehennae" I said "Ahhhhggh" he began to scream as he was now being burnes alive by hell fire in my living room.

it was a slow process, but after about 10 minutes he was turned to ash.

"Amber?" Chris said coming out of the bed room as I just stared at Alarik's ashes. "how is it that I can't escape from those who chase me?" I asked just staring at the ashes. "I'm sorry" he said solemnly "if I had watched him as closely as I had intended none of this would've happened" he continued.

"it's not your fault" I said turning to him "it was never your fault" I said "maybe I just made the wrong choice 3 months ago" I continued "if I had chosen to take Kyra into human society and raised her there she would've been safer" I said. "Amber there is one major difference between then and now" Chris said. "and that was that he wasn't after Kyra this time.... he was after you" he continued.

"even still this wouldn't have happened if I had chosen the human world instead of the supernatural one" I said.

"Amber just keep thinking about it ok don't make a decision yet" he said "but no matter what you choose... I will never leave your side again" he added causing me to smile a little.

I got up on my tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek, as he was taller then me. "I need to go pick up Kyra from Nathan" I said then walked into my room to get changed.

i quickly changed then grabbed my car keys. "I'll be back! and don't forget to fix the door!" I yelled to Chris who was currently in the kitchen.

I got into my car and drove to the hotel Nathan and Sarah were staying at.

"Amber good to see you normal" Nathan said once he opened the door. "mhm" I said entering the room. "Where's Kyra?" I asked looking around. "Sarah took her for a walk, they should be back anytime" he said closing the door.

"how is Sarah doing I haven't heard from her much since her dad died I got kinda worried" I said "She's doing better then she was. I was actually kinda surprised she wanted to come here but I wasn't just gonna tell her no since it would be her first time out of the house in 4 months" he said. "good point" I said as I heard the door unlock and it open.

"oh Amber your here already" Sarah said as she closed the door behind her. she then carefully handed over Kyra. "I hope my sweet little girl didn't cause to much trouble" I said in a baby voice lightly pinching Kyra's nose causing her to laugh lightly.

"I dont think that's possible" Sarah chuckled. "how are you holding up Sarah?" I asked her concerned. she looked down. "Nathan can you give us a minute alone?" Sarah asked turning to him. "sure" he said and I handed him Kyra. then he left the room.

"Amber I have to tell you something" Sarah said sounding "yeah what is it?" I asked concerned. "you know how my dad died around the same time you were kidnapped?" she said. "yeah of course" I replied. "that day... the day you were kidnapped... my father was one of your kidnappers" she said tears brimming in her eyes.

my jaw dropped in shock as tears also began to fill my eyes. I hesitated for a minute trying to form the words. "y-your father was A-Alphonso" I said looking at her shocked. she slowly nodded. "I - I am so sorry Amber. I never new he was apart of that or doing anything like that" she said.

I looked down then looked back at her. "it's ok" I said comforting her "but... I - I think I should go" I continued then slowly turned around and walked away "Amber I'm so sorry" Sarah cried as I walked out the door and it shut behind me. Nathan was standing just outside the door.

"you knew all this time that she was in a was in a way connected to my kidnapping didn't you?" I asked refusing to look at him. "it wasn't her fault" he replied "does Chris know?" I asked "no" he replied. "give me my baby" I said then he handed her to me.

"me and Kyra are going to live in human society from now on" I said still not looking at him. "you will only have her when I say you can, and we will not come back to the supernatural side until i k ow shes safe and i k ow i can tryst you do you understand" i daid plainly. he nodded, and I walked away.

I drove home and as soon as I got back to the apartment I put Kyra into her nursery and went to my room to pack. "what are you doing" Chris said entering my room. "exactly what it looks like I'm packing" I said grabbing clothes and throwing them in a suit case. "why?" he asked concerned. "because Kyra isn't safe here any more and.... and I really can't take her being in anymore danger" I said "so we are officially moving to the human side of things" I said.

"Are you sure" he asked taking a step closer to me "There is no longer a choice anymore Chris. I don't know why but when I was near Sarah earlier I - I just got a bad feeling" I said honestly.

after today there was no more waiting no more pushing things off, I was going to do everything I could to protect my daughter even if that meant the risk of expressing all things supernatural to the world...


Meanwhile Sarah left the room her and Nathan shared. she was sad, heart broken. there was no way Amber would ever trust Kyra with her again not after her father's mistakes.

"Are you Miss Sarah Stone" a tall man said appearing behind her. "yes and you are?" she asked confused. "I'm an old friend of your fathers" he said politely. "you can call me Ragnar..."

To Be Continued


The Power Of The Witch Of Wolves

Coming 5/15/23