Chapter 10

Ambers Pov

"My Mother was amazing " I said as I now stood at a podium talking to all the people who had come to say their final goodbyes to her. "she cared for everyone equally no matter what they were, whether they were a wolf, a vampire, a witch, a human or even..." I said looking down at my daughter, "A hybrid" I continued.

"She was an amazing Magistra, one who did everything she could to protect her coven... even when it was split apart," I said honestly "She was and will always be the strongest woman in the world to me, and there won't be a day that passes by where I won't need her to guide me, she will always be missed, so may the gods Carry her soul to the next life safely so she may live happily in her new life... So mote it be..." I finished. "Blessed be" the witches from my coven replied in unison.

that was most of the funeral. just everyone talking and telling stories about their favorite memories with her. they told stories about how they laughed with her... how they cried with her, how she helped them, and there were even some stories from her friends on how much chaos they caused when they were younger.

she died at the age of 53 and somehow it seemed she still managed to live a full life nonetheless.

after the funeral ended and everyone left we had a private burial, where I decided to give my brother and my father the letters she had left to them.

Kyra was quiet the whole time, she didn't say a word. Honestly I think she just really didn't know what to say.

time continued to pass by it wasn't long before Sarah who was apparently pregnant, had given birth to twins. a boy and a girl. they were 6 years younger than Kyra. their names Were Ethan and Ava Blood, and it was decided that when Ethan came of age he would be the next Alpha.

my brother decided to stay here an eventually ended up starting a relationship with Mia. Chris and I kept our relationship as it was. some how making time to see each other while he ran his pack and I ran the coven.

Kyra only continued to grow her hair stayed a Fiery red like her father's, and began to teach her magic. She loved It. when she started learning healing spells she would heal any injury she could on a person even if it was just the smallest scratch.

so time went on... but just as the world continues to spin our problems and our enemies continued to grow.

one main problem being the unknown dark magic resting inside of Kyra. at first ther was no problems but sometime after she turned 12 she began having what we called dark Episodes. the reason we called it her dark episodes was because the dark magic would completely take over her body, causing her to have seizures and being unconscious for 3 days.

"how's her condition?" Mia asked as I examined Kyra who had a seizure no less then 5 minutes ago. "Same as every other time" I replied solemnly. "I can feel the dark magic over flowing out of her body, almost as if it can't be contained" she said, then something clicked. a memory?

then the memory from 7 years ago flashed through my mind.


he began to laugh. one of those creepy evil laughs. "you think everything will end once you kill me" he said sounding almost crazy. "my power is already inside her, and with out those children's energy to stabilize it she'll be lucky to live last 10 years"...


he said, then my weird flashback ended. "Oh my god" I said as the realization hit "what is it?" Mia asked. "I can't believe I didn't realize it before" I said "Tell me!' Mia exclaimed. I looked up at her. "he said that the children were meant to stabilize the power he had put inside her" I told her "one child died and the other was close to death the other to had yet to be touched" I explained. "when we got there he must have in the process of putting the second child's energy in her, but since we came he never finished which is why the girl survived" I continued to explain.

"that's it then" Mia said "the energy that was put into kyras body from that day must be beginning to fade" Mia replied. "Wait hold on" I said concerned "does that mean what I think it means?" i asked her. "right now she still has that energy inside her but unfortunately there's no real way of knowing how much longer it will last" she explained "and if we don't find away to stabilize the dark magic that's in her then eventually... it will kill her" Mia continued.

when I told Nathan what Mia had told me he was in shock. his first born. his miracle baby. the possibility of her dying because of the dark magic accumulated in her body. it pissed him off. yet also made him blame him self. then there was Chris. when I told him I could see it was like his heart broke. Kyra was like a daughter to him. even though she wasn't he still loved her like one. the news made both him and Nathan begin to search for a way among wolves, while Mia Jackson and I looked in the records of magic my mother and the previous Magistras and magisters kept.

as we searched for an answer, Kyra slowly grew worse. as the dark magic inside her continued to grow so did the amount a seizures she had. by the time she was 14 she had approximately 3 seizures a month. and though we continued to search through the thousands of records our coven had we never completely finished them, even as Kyra reached the age of 16 and she began to hear voices.

To Be Continued