Chapter 35: Trouble brewing

With the lineup for the journey finalized, Kiyoto, Mylene, and Akafuyu boarded a car with their luggage tucked in the compartment. It left off with everyone waving at them. This feels more like a leisure trip than Kiyoto seeking for an answer.

The Acting Ruling Officer will be Gwyn, assisted by none other than the Great bridge maker, Klauss.

"Never thought that Akafuyu would be going for a time off. Moreover, to think that you can persuade her is highly unlikely." Gwyn commented as he watched the car the group boarded left off."

"There are times that I can read my Mistress like a book. She just needs a little…push."

Klauss cleared his skeleton throat after his statement.

"Well then, I shall return to my duties. I'll also transfer some files for you to work with for the meantime." Klauss then leaves the scene.

Gwyn sighs.

"You're not the least bit worried about her aren't you. Well, more work it is." He then followed Klauss.

While on their way, the three have been discussing what to do once they arrive.

"I'm glad we're able to hang out like this again, but you're sure it's fine for you to visit another territory unannounced?"

Mylene inquired, makes sense though.

Akafuyu nodded.

"Mhm. The thing is, Hokuto isn't a territorial city unlike what we have. No one really rules it on paper, the people just assumed that the Shrine Heads were in charge once the temple of Jissoji became the main place for rituals used by none other than the Tenth Herald."

"Oh, now I get it. Then that means you are not bound to give such formal notice about your arrival since it's mainly like a visitor's hub for shrine visits and Cherry blossom viewing."

Mylene surmised.

"And also I'm just going there as a visitor, that means I have no official business and have no authority to meddle with political affairs regarding the land. But in exchange, I get to have the rights of a visitor."

So she did really come just to hang out. Although she is also curious as to who might be the person Kiyoto is seeking. Since after the meeting of the Heralds, Kiyoto would be bound to draw attention.

"Kiyoto, this certain someone that you might be seeking. Any idea how you can find that person?"

Akafuyu asked Kiyoto as she crossed her arms.

Kiyoto then answered.

"The Sakura leaves will guide me…at least that's the plan. That's what I've remembered in my dream."

"So, not really sure but, high chance that it would be that Tenth Herald right, Akafuyu?"

Mylene came up with her own theory, but it makes sense since she has the biggest probability to hold a power that will help Kiyoto overcome impossible challenges.

"Probably, after seeing her, she looks like someone who is willing to help in any way she can. I can also affirm that she does not have a hostile thought regarding Kiyoto in the Herald's meeting. Hmm, if that's the case…I'll try to talk it out with the shrine attendants and see if they will grant you an audience with her. I really can't guarantee it though…"

"I don't want to impose on you. I guess things will happen if it is bound to happen."

So to just go with its flow, Kiyoto meant it when he said his statement. For now, seeing Akafuyu and Mylene looking forward to this trip made it worthwhile already for him.

As time passes by naturally, the three of them are nearing their destination after enjoying a long, hearty conversation. When their vehicle is finally approaching the torii gate which is used as a barrier for warding evil, it can be noticed that no one is stationed or guarding it.

"That's strange."

Akafuyu remarked as the vehicle stopped after passing the said gate.

"Shrine attendants or guardians should have been stationed just right here to verify visitors. I was hoping to get recommendations from them for places to visit first."

"Yeah. When I was a kid, my mother told me that the Torii gates are guarded by Guardians said to lift negative Genki from your system before entering to avoid conflicts."

Mylene said while looking around. Though when she did, she spotted some individuals wearing traditional Hakama with gake-like gussets, signifying that they are Shinto priests and priestesses.

Kiyoto pulls his hood back as the individuals approach them. Akafuyu steps forward and faces the Priests as the three bow to them in a 30-degree tilt as a show of formality.

Someone from the Priests then talked after they returned a bow.

"Dear guests, we apologize for not attending to you soon. As you can see, there has been a problem with the…manpower…Please be advised, that the torii gates are the real guardians, and even without an attendant, they ward off evil spirits."

The Priest then opened his arms.

"Welcome, visitors from another land. I am Ginjiro, a Kannushi mainly responsible for the maintenance of the Shrine and spreading the belief of our Lord, Kami. Please do enjoy yourselves, as spring is nearing. Just remember that the parameters of the Jissoji Temple are strictly prohibited. You can visit other temples though, such as the Hokiji Temple."

Akafuyu nodded.

"Thank you. We will abide by your instructions Kannushi Ginjiro. As you said, we're here since spring is near and we would like to enjoy the view of the Cherry Blossoms."

Ginjiro then replied:

"Then you are in the right place and time. Please head straight and follow the stone path to reach Hokkiji, Miss Akafuyu."

"Hm? Ah, then we will do so. Since I think you've known of me Kannushi Ginjrio, I just want to clarify that I'm here as a visitor."

"I see. Then I shall inform our people to treat you as one but with as much respect as possible. We know how considerate and kind you are after all."

Akafuyu became flustered all of a sudden, but she could not find herself to retract after hearing his statement with a serious tone. With all that said, the three of them followed the Priest's instruction and headed straight towards Hokkiji where Yato is also currently staying.

As they left, Ginjiro and the other priests gathered around. Ginjiro's expression then turned from a warm smile into a serious and strict one.

"Find out whoever bypassed the Torii gates. The arrival of the Eighth Herald is no coincidence as well, do observe her and her companions' movements carefully." He then left the area after assigning someone to be the guardian of the gate.

"Oh, they're here. I can see Kiyoto, Mylene and…."


Yato shouted in surprise. After all, he was only expecting to see Kiyoto and Fudo, which made his guard lowered. That also means the preparation for their arrival that he has done is just minimal.

"L-Lord Akafuyu! You should have said that you're coming so we could have prepared a more comfortable lodge for you!"

A member remarked.

Akafuyu chuckles and shakes her head.

"No, it's fine. I am even comfortable with sleeping on haystacks, you know." It was not a sarcastic statement, she means that one.

"Wha- we can't possibly make you do that now…wait, why the hell does that dumb Fudo not inform me about this!" An image of Fudo doing a tee-hee pose can be seen forming in the clouds.

Without further delays, Akafuyu and Mylene went inside their lodge to drop off their stuff, while Kiyoto will bunk with Yato and his other male member. As he finishes sorting out his things, Kiyoto observes the nature that is surrounding them.

"Refreshing, right? Though, you still haven't seen the spots around Hokkiji and Jissoji. Those places are way more serene with those Cherry Blossoms. Though Jissoji has the Great Sakura Tree." Yato said as they walked down the streets.

"I see. I don't know why but, apart from being at ease…I feel like I've been here before…"

Kiyoto catches a leaf as it falls from a nearby tree.

Yato paused for a moment and then stopped, he then led Kiyoto to the side of the streets where there were few people around them. "I already heard from Fudo about the purpose of your sudden visit, but to be honest with you, I don't think it will go smoothly…"

"Eh? Why is that?"

Kiyoto inquired.

"Well you see, the place is indeed very peaceful and seems to be loved by Gods. However, as someone who has…well, heightened senses, I can smell some suspicious activities and trouble brewing around." Yato then raises his brow. "You know what, I also think that your dream might have something to do with this, even though that sounds illogical to me."


"I don't know. I just want to follow every clue about myself that I got. Now that I've been given even a small chance to find out about my past, I have to grab it."

Kiyoto sounds resolved. It feels like he will see this through to the end even if there will be hurdles. Which is going to happen…..sooner than they think.

Diiiiiing! Diiiiiing! Diiiiiing!

A bell rang not too far away from where they are currently standing. It came from the direction where the roads between Hokkiji and Jissoji Temple intersect. After a while, an explosion then occurred in the area.


As the smoke dissipates, a man wearing a mask and holding a Shamisen can be seen surrounded by unconscious individuals who seem to be the shrine guardians.

"What the hell!?"

Kiyoto and Yato arrived at the scene, faced by this unknown man. Another battle is about to begin.