Chapter 44: The Leyline Mask

"We appreciate what you have done for us!"

"We owe you our whole life!"

"We shall never forget this kindness!"

Different choice of words but only one denotation: Gratitude, giving thanks. These words are already normal for the benevolent Magnolia family. Looking back from the previous generations, there's one thing that Kirisame possesses that no one from his ancestors had. It was the knack and passion for teaching others.

Wakumi-no-Otsuki Magnolia. He was the first wielder of the Mask that Kirisame is currently holding. He was a businessman of the old, being generous yet doing business at the same time. Although, the people saw him as the Godfather of Business due to his wealth being the foundation of what comprises the industry of Japan up to the present.

His teachings and ways are passed on by the generations. But Kirisame acted indifferent. He does not give tangible assets like cash or lots. He gave the people who are in need his wisdom. He taught others how to raise their own life instead of giving them what they need up front.

Then what did he gain? He was revered. He's not doing business. He is raising competitors, people who can possibly be the next lifeline of their country, he nurtures others to become something instead of nothing. But of course, his choice of words sometimes put others on edge.

It is clear that what he is doing is a direct concept of abundance: sharing his knowledge amongst those who need it. Although there's a major flaw about it. The seeds he has planted have overgrown the blessings of a certain belief. The people now see that Kirisame, a man, is the one that helped them instead of thinking that it was a blessing graced to them by God. This belief has majorly affected the sect of the Fox Mask, without the knowledge of the related Heralds.

But, the real question is, what exactly is the Mask of the Ninth Herald? What kind of concept does it compromise, and what makes it a Heraldic Mask?

The Mask pertaining to abundance of the Fall, blooming ever so gracefully as the harvest begins. It is known as a connection or link of the world that amasses energy of the people blessed by the abundance provided as Fall comes. It is said that it intertwines the fate of every person that is connected to one another, by this logic, Kirisame is the point of origin.

The Leyline Mask. It is said to be able to connect those said energies gathered by the people who are blessed by the wielder's abundance unto the wielder itself. By that explanation, it can be surmised that the Mask holds potentially unlimited energy due to the unlimited possibility of the people affected by the wielder's abundance.

But not all energies are adequate. The main thing about this mask is that it accepts everything and does not filter the negative and positive energies. With Kirisame's teachings, competition arises, resulting in aggressive setbacks by the competing parties. Not all shared knowledge after all can be used in righteous ways, some or even the majority of those who gained knowledge uses it as for their own ill discretion.

With that said, the negative energies have finally overgrown the positive ones, making the Leyline Mask unstable. The previous generations that wielded this mask haven't lost themselves since it's still as peaceful in the past. But it's not always uniform, the world is changing and so are its people. It was one of the balance of the world that Kurai was talking about.

Kirisame's ways are benevolent and righteous on their own, he was just unfortunate enough to be part of a generation…where the strong consumes the weak instead of helping them. Thus, the mask became uncontrollable for him. Despite that, he does not waver. Unknowing why the mask is acting like this, Kirisame kept it a secret and continued his daily life normally.

But now, it caught up to him. The negative energies of all the people have overwhelmed the previous Kirisame. What he is now is the culmination of said energy, having one goal in mind: To destroy the Five Great Sakura Trees which is a major point of positive energies that is subsiding the leyline.

He's starting with the most important one of them: Yamataka Jindai Zakura.

— — —

"It's always been here with me."

These words sent chills to those who have heard it. They do not know what caused it, but they're definitely feeling something terrible is going to happen soon.

Akafuyu sensed this. She jumped towards Kirisame in an attempt to apprehend him. As if the world has been put in slow motion, everyone in the area acted to each of their own: Kiyoto and Yato rushes towards Kirisame, Mylene stands still as she has been momentarily stunned, Ginjiro grabs Toshi by his shoulders.

And as for Kirisame Magnolia. His Mask finally revealed itself, already equipped in his face. It has a grandeur design fit for a Herald, blooming like a flower though it is dark, symbolizing that it has been greatly affected by the negative energies. Before Akafuyu reached him, Kirisame manages to snap his fingers and chanted a word with a grim grin on his face:


As soon as he said the word, a minor shockwave pushed Akafuyu and the others away from him. It's as if the ground they are standing on is sending some kind of signal in every direction.

"What happened!?"

Akafuyu shouted.

A brief moment of silence came. After what seems to be a respite, Toshihiro and those who are in favor of Kirisame can be seen wearing their masks, however, something is different. Their masks have some kind of strange flower blooming on top of them, like some kind of parasite.

"Hostile sense…?"

Akafuyu felt something off with the individuals wearing their masks and somehow realized that they were being controlled after seeing the strange flowers.

"Everyone unaffected! Those who can't defend themselves, leave the area immediately!!"


Without any hesitation, Toshi and the others begin to attack anyone in their sight.


Ginjiro blocked Toshi's staff as he was the one nearest to him.

The supposed to be peaceful discussion became a chaotic rumble. Almost all of the people involved are affected by Kirisame's strange power. Akafuyu along with her team, Ginjiro and his attendants and a select few individuals are the only ones unaffected.

"It looks like those who are blessed by Kirisame's abundance are the ones getting affected by this! We need to render them unconscious and take their masks off!"

Akafuyu commanded them as she glued her eyes to Kirisame. Kirisame, on the other hand, seems to be welcoming her as he opens his arms.

Yato felt a tremble in the ground once again, with his mask on, he heightened his senses and discovered something alarming.


"Wait…it's not only in this place…he's sending this signal towards the leyline itself and is currently infecting anyone who has a connection with him!"

Kiyoto reacted.

"What?? Does that mean!"

"This is on a national scale! Even the people outside of Hokuto are in danger!"

Yato announced.

With his announcement, the expressions of each of them who are unaffected turned grim. The situation became worse than it already is. They now have one goal in mind: To apprehend Kirisame and take his mask away from him, whatever the cost.

Kiyoto clenched his fist.

"More people will suffer if this goes on, we need to hurry!"

He then rushed in to assist Akafuyu with apprehending Kirisame.

— — —

Meanwhile, in other parts of Japan, there have been news of many incidents involving violent outbursts of people wearing their masks in public which seems to have some kind of flower blooming on top of their masks.

"What in the world triggers them to do this?"

Gwyn inquires as he watches the news in his office with Prelati. He also noticed the strange flowers in their masks.

He then felt a small tremble in the ground as he, himself, had a heightened state of sense.


"Such strange vexing energy. It's making me scowl."

A staff member then rushes and opens the door to his office.

"Commander Gwyn! We're being attacked! It's the envoy with her crew!"

Gwyn's eyes widened as he was in shock. Never in their history that an envoy becomes wild and just attacks randomly.

"Tell me, is there anything unusual about her? Like for example, a strange flower blooming in her mask."

"U-uhm, I think I may have noticed it. Ah yes! All of them have it!"

Gwyn then furrowed. He stands up and leaves his office after getting his coat from the hanger.

"Akafuyu, Kiyoto, Mylene. Please be fine."