Chapter 50: One who bends Reality

In a quiet area, where there are abundance of trees and its harvests yet no signs of any abode nearby, two individuals have been sharing gazes at each other for a while. One does not know how to approach, while the other seems to be enjoying just being able to see him closely.

But then, Kiyoto realized that he should not waste any more time. As much as he wants to accommodate this lovely and mysterious stranger, he has a battle that he needs to go back to.

"Um, hello. Would you happen to know the way towards Yamanashi? I'm kind of lost."

He asked her for directions, assuming that the girl is a local.

Lunar chuckled. She then carefully approaches Kiyoto, with her slender hands reaching out to his mask.

"I do actually know the way, but I need you to do something for me first."


Lunar successfully touched Kiyoto's mask as he did not even try to dodge her anyway.