Chapter 61: Preparation for a journey

It is said that the open roads are dangerous, yet it may also provide the traveler limitless opportunity to learn through the said dangers. But it's not all about hazards, as the roads are filled with countless encounters and possibilities.

People often take the role of a journeyman to find a place where they can finally put down their packs and call it their home. Some also became a journeyman to hone their skills, may that be physical or mental.

But then, there is a common reason for everyone to go on a journey: a mission to search for something, whether it be excitement, satisfaction, entertainment or for the majority, an answer. After all, a journey is one of the best investments that you can provide for yourself.

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"I will venture alone, I don't want anyone to get involved with what the First Herald just said...I might also find answers regarding my mask by myself while I travel. I...need to get stronger."