The Locals Are Friendly?

I was hesitantly approached by all of the white fang, these must be the power-level's I scanned from before. Checking suddenly, the red screen came to life. The act of doing so startled three of the closest white fang members. meticulously scanning the numbers in-sight of me, I confirmed that indeed these were the fifteen or so power-level's I defected from earlier, of course from now confirming the total was eleven of them left. I decided to let them initiate communications first, I wasn't sure even from their yelling from earlier that I could even understand, let alone speak their language. I was a Māori, English-speaking, now Saiyan warrior.

"Who are you? You don't look like one of our rank or file. Are you a hunter? Anyway, thanks for the assist." I could indeed make out their language, which was a blessing. I raised my hand to stop his further questioning. I wasn't much of A social butterfly where I came from but the social-outcast I was had to take a backseat. The Saiyan instincts however smashed those feelings away for now.

"My name is…" stopping, should I go with Wade or Kron? Fuck it, the name I had for in the past, I'll treasure it for the ones I cared about the most… my family. Now at least, I'm a Saiyan warrior. It was time to play the part, man up.

"Kron, my name's Kron. I saw that explosion from the north-west and so I came to help, I'm no hunter but a nomad in search of a new area to live. I don't know if you guys know yet, I was in the area last night and noticed A strange sight. Nothing Grimm-related but A decent sized asteroid impacted the landscape to the north."

"We indeed noticed that and came to the same conclusions as you. I'm the leader of this bunch of the white fang." he approached me, hand raised. I could see him sizing me up and I noticed a few of the other members were circling, not as to cut me off from escaping but more of A to get a better look.

"You can call me by my code-name which is Hound, sorry… but giving my real name is not advised in the organization we are with. We thank you for your help. My remaining subordinates and I have organized a defensive position around the crash-site, we are in the process in setting up communication. But before that we have to check our Bullhead for any of our equipment. You're welcome to join us, wanderer." the one named hound, had said. His hand still held outwards towards me. I shook it.

"Thanks for the offer, actually I was wondering if you had any food on board. I had to pack up quickly this morning and skipped breakfast." I asked, not really sure if they had any left in their crashed VTOL transport. Hound nodded.

"Sure do, we were knocked out of the sky from those damn Grimm Nevermore's. my men were in the process in removing our supplies whilst we hunkered near our downed bullhead. The land-based grimm attacked next and you know the rest.

A real shit-show" Hound turned to one of the closer white fang grunts, waving him off. The grunt must of understood, as he was in earshot and began to run towards the crash site. Hound beckoned me to follow, the remaining grunts with their guns followed at a distance in a sort-of formation reminiscent of the military.

Walking along with these extremist Faunus towards their ruined bullhead, I noticed how calm and welcoming these guys were acting so far, noting they were more interested in the environment and their Downed VTOL then me, a few of them were gathering the dead into a pile while a few were shoveling graves. Of course, now that I think of it, my tail was swishing around when I first spoke to hound minutes ago.

They think I'm of their kind.

Reaching the crashed site, a few of the white fang member's I was walking along with began circling the crash-site as to guard and remain vigilant. Hound, the only named guy I was following sat onto a container. More containers were around, arranged into a sort-of sitting area so I joined him. Wrapping my tail back around my waist, the grunt who hound waved off returned with a cardboard box. Walking up to me, he offered the box. I took it, grunting in reply and watching the nameless Faunus walk off again. I opened said box, noting it was filled with organized bags labeled 'MRE'. I took the box and went near one of the fire-pits, one that was unused.

I was with these guys for a while now, having eaten from three of the MRE packets. These Faunus were still removing supplies from the crashed bullhead, checking my scouter idly while I had eaten the last of my meal. The one called hound was within my eyesight, having left his resting state on the container in order to bark out orders to some of his men. I had to plan my next move and with my hunger satiated for now, my thoughts wondered to my past knowledge and what I know now.

Having only watched the show 'RWBY' up to Pyrrha getting killed by Cinder but I knew a little after that, I haven't watched thoroughly as to know every single plot point, even if I knew when I was in terms of the plot, did I really care not to change anything?

I wanted to help her Pyrrha live. It was the first conclusion I had reached so far, but I didn't want to join that school 'Beacon Academy'. hell no, no more school for me. I was a 29-year-old mentally, but anyone looking at me would come to the conclusion I was in my 20's, physically speaking.

Before I reincarnated as Kron, Kron is 16 years of age and nearly 17, so school wasn't out of the question. But no.

My body felt strong and fit, fitter then my past life. I did feel I was invincible at this point, when I thought about it, even with a small power-level. My spare armor was placed near me, while I gorged on the last of my food offered, still I stayed vigilant to my surroundings.

Hours of idle chat and finally finishing eating, time had passed pretty quickly. Sure, there were occasional attacks by Grimm, mostly Beowolves and a few of the Ursai but they were dealt with swiftly, I had blasted a few of them with some simply charged Ki-blasts once in a while out of boredom. Another look at my scouter, I checked if my power-level had changed. I knew Saiyan's got stronger quicker the more damage they took, but I was surprised to see my power had nearly recovered, I didn't take much damage from the battles I had participated in, must be the combination of food and rest. I had used a lot of Ki-related attacks since I had got here and then there was my uncontrolled transformation from the night before as-well, but without strong opponents or training I won't be getting stronger... at least for now.

I however am no god-like being, if I was overwhelmed but large army-like numbers or elite forces that could damage me, I would be in trouble. Maybe even a team of veteran huntsmen might have a chance since they use a combination of aura-infused melee weapons or even dust-infused ranged rounds. I'd have to forgo my Saiyan arrogance and either test the waters in such A fight... or go great ape.

A few of the white fang had come up to the fire in order to relax, chatting amongst themselves. Besides a few curious looks in my direction, none had initiated any small-talk or what-not with me and that was fine.

While the evening had reached the sun-down, I searched my memories. Not for plot points or reminiscing, no. I was interested in the various Ki-attacks I had inherited having reincarnated. Not just Ki-blasts but actual useful techniques learned or taught by my younger Saiyan self. I knew about just two such techniques. further memories had shown me that one, being named the Arrowhead spear was an attack I or rather past-Saiyan Kron had used a lot off world on planet-invasion's, having made it himself as A signature finisher against opponents. It fired a Ki-sphere in the shape of a spear but with an orb-like tip in the shape of an arrowhead. The other Ki-blast was more of a A.O.E attack, used primarily against multiple opponents, the attack was like a wave of purple-colored steam expanding outward from the user, but it was only good for short-range. Kron 'or I' called it Tyrant's Wave. These techniques were ingrained in me, information on how to utilize each one and how naturally I could recall them in my head.

Glancing upward and around from where I was sitting, I had spotted Hound and A few other of his men standing around a satellite dish which they had set-up hours prior. Thirty minutes or so ago, Hound was using a phone connected to-said device, I had glanced towards him from time to time while eating. I couldn't hear what was being said and just now he had finished, he wandered off towards the crash-site.

Getting up from the container, I raised a hand towards the fire-pit I was using and blasted it, a small Ki-blast incinerated the fire-pit which startled the nearby white fang members. Smirking to myself, I picked up my spare armor and slid it onto my right-arm. I was curious who Hound was talking to and so went to ask him straight up. A small trek I found Hound, talking to one of his subordinates before he noticed my approach.

Before I could formulate something to say, Hound beat me to it.

"I have called for transport, reinforcements were already on their way thanks to the pilot sending a distress-signal hours ago when we crashed. Now I was wondering what your plans were. You said you were a wondering nomad before." I nodded, to which he continued.

"We have greatly appreciated your assistance, have you ever had a thought in joining the revolution? That of the white fang? A great cause, for our kind" I almost chuckled at his sale's pitch but didn't. Giving Hound the impression that I was pondering the thought.

"The white fang? I haven't given it the thought before. I'm guessing you're asking because I'm a monkey Faunus?" I lied about the Faunus part, wait… the monkey Faunus part. He nodded in confirmation. I continued.

"Joining up with the white fang isn't exactly what I had in mind, I was about to leave. Are you people going to be all good now? I have places to be, I wanted to know to direction to Vale" Hound frowned but before he could answer we could hear the sounds of jet engines approaching, a faint sound that begun getting louder that was coming from the north-east of our position. My scouter was turned off at that time and so I turned it on. I picked up twenty-three power-levels, twenty-one of them around the average level similar to the white fang members present. Blinking in mild surprise, the other two we're marginally different. One was as strong as before my strength increase and the other was not that lower than that. 80 and 45 power-levels were the two newcomers, weak.

Trees and fauna begun moving as two bullheads came over the highest tress canopies. both had an emblem of the white fang on both of them. The first bullhead landed close to the crashed bullhead transport, a ramp lowered, and I saw one of the white fangs most recognizable characters of the story.

Adam Taurus himself, mask and all. He wasn't alone though.

So, Blake Belladonna is still with Adam huh? So, the main story hasn't begun yet or it will soon, I can assume but getting a good look at her, it's not far off. I checked her out, not to perv on her although she is hot but to check her facial expression and judge her age. Hound jogged ford towards Adam, then saluting. From where I was, Hound was about to talk but Adam raised his hand, then spoke.

"Get the supplies onboard the second bullhead when it lands." Adam gruffly ordered before he stepped forward a few steps before glancing my way. The other bullhead landed not far away from the makeshift camp, white fang troopers left the transport. Maybe counting ten or so members

"This must be the one you told me about" Hound looked towards me and then to Adam before nodding in confirmation. Adam pushed past Hound, walking towards me, a confident swagger. His left hand rested on the handle of his personal weapon Wilt. Blake followed along, a few paces back from Adam and Hound also followed, having recovered being knocked to the side by Adam when he walked past.

"You must be the individual who helped my men… Kron wasn't it" turning to Hound for an answer. Hound nodded in agreement before Adam continued.

"You have a choice to make my friend, my lieutenant might must have given you the choice, yes? Well, if not here is the situation. We can't just let you leave, you've seen too much. But seeing as your one of us…" Adam's head tilted towards my tail, which was still wrapped around my waist. I noticed that as Adam begun talking that a few of the new white fang troops that left the other bullhead begun encircling Adam, Blake, Hound and even me. I could see and hear a few pacing behind me too, so it's like that huh… my Saiyan blood was getting hotter. Oh well, fuck the plot.