As Cold as Glacier's.

Landing with a soft thud onto an old skip-bin before dropping down on the pavement, I caught my bearings. I ventured forth onto A main street to collect my bearings. The streets were still filled with pedestrians both Human and Faunus, and these strangers were checking me out very frequently. Idiot, your still dressed in uniform of that of the Saiyan's so of course they'd be interested in the unknown apparel. Another thing on my list, that is if i decided to care.

My feelings on the matter, versus my emotions as Kron conflicted within me. But still from what I could see as I wondered through the crowded streets had impressed me immensely. Back from where I came from, the only other time I had seen streets this busy was on holiday in Sydney, Australia. The rural area I had come from was a declining mining town which was nothing to impressive, I felt almost like I was on vacation or something. I found a generic-looking place that sold fast-food, which was what I decided to rob later on, or I could go and mug someone now and get their currency along with A phone.

No, I decided that I would rob the fast-food or grocer-stores business later tonight, while for now I would look for an opportunity to make fast cash. I found another store of interest just across the intersection I was walking along, A clothing store from what I could tell so I went inside. The bell rang as I entered, there were a few customers wandering around the various isles and so I kept my distance. Looking through the hoodies and jackets in particular, I thought of what look I wanted to portray. I'd have to get rid of the shoulder-guards of this set of armor, but I will keep my polymer-suit. Speaking of my armor, I really needed to remove one of the latex-like polymer suits for now so finding one of those changing rooms was paramount. I grabbed one of the hoodies and some cargo pants and went to find A place to change.

Locating the changing-room, I had slipped inside after making sure as I did that it was unoccupied. First removing my armor, setting it down on the ground and along with the spare-set swinging on my arm before I removed both sets of polymer-suits. I really needed to have a shower or something because my odor was strong but that could wait. Deciding on leaving my armor off for now, I wore the greenish-cargo pants with the hoodie before gathering all my shit up and leaving. I left my white boots on though for they were comfortable, and battle-ready for use. Walking out the door, was an easy part and listening to the buzzer go off when the scanner picked up that I hadn't paid for any of the clothing was even easier as I left. I heard some female shout towards me but still it was no problem when using my speed, I'd ended up hovering just above the street out of sight near A closed window looking below.

The streets were busy from what I could tell, five minutes and police sirens were within ear-shot.

"So, the police it seems are rather competent, they were nearby, or A station is close-by. Right, well let's try this window. Hopefully the place has A bathroom" turning my gaze towards the window, I hefted the window open which thankfully didn't resist me too much. The lock was broken and hovering inside, I found that the room was empty. What was more impressive at least for me was the room looked as if it was used by someone rich, the floor where the next room was an impressive sculptured marble and walking around from where I had entered was mahogany-red. Giving one last look around the point of entry, I mused for A second before putting my held Saiyan armor's and blue-polymer-suits on one of the dining tables scattered around the place.

"So where would the bathroom be I wonder. Also, might be A good time for looting the place for valuable supplies and make use of the toilet. This monkey needs to bless this house." laughing at my crude joke and wondering around the huge apartment-like mansion or suite I managed to locate A bathroom with everything I need. So, I made use of everything needed, I also wasn't worried about leaving fingerprints or anything. They don't have mine, and even if they did what could anybody do to stop me…

My arrogant side is showing.

I made use of the toilet first and after the shower which took almost thirty minutes, I ended up in front of the mirror of the lavish bathroom. This was perhaps the first time I actually got A good look of myself since being reincarnated, the hair was reminiscent of Goku actually which was A tell of where I lie on the Saiyan hierarchy, being a common hairstyle, for low-class Saiyan's. Besides that, my bodies skin tone was darker than then his, but much lighter than Turles. I left the bathroom forgoing A towel for now and headed to A room that would be the kitchen. In all my Saiyan glory I raided the kitchen, the fridge in particular.

I was by no means A chef but the fridge had eggs and there was A toaster nearby, so I had an idea. Locating the bread, I had all the ingredients for eggs on toast, which was easy to make, that's good enough. Ten minutes later and making triple what I'd usually make eggs on toast, I ate up my familiarly made home-cooking. That finished, now was the time to have A look around properly for anything I could take.

"Hey, look at the size of that bed" giving the bed a smack as I walked beside it before jumping on it for a few seconds. Feeling the nice blanket's and resting my head upon one of the pillows, I felt tired then as if everything had hit me all at once emotion-wise. Closing my eyes and sighing while stretching out, I slowly drifted off to sleep in a semi-deep slumber.

I was jolted awake, must have been hours later because I felt rested but waking up to yelling was new. It can't be my mother, shit realizing quickly what was going on and where exactly I had fallen asleep, I had woken up to someone very familiar. Fucking hell, another main character. My damn-luck, bad or good is on the cards, or the decks stacked. I decided to yell about A bit of what I thought of this situation outloud, catching the girl and what looked like was another familiar guy. Weiss Schnee and her bagman so to speak or manservant who was in the, was it the first episode?

"For shit's sake, just my luck" getting up from the bed, while considering my options while the man walked out of the bedroom with Weiss still yelling at me, startled by my quick movement. Heh, shit I was still naked and morning wood was on display. The noticeable blush on her angry face told all.

"Who the hell… put some clothes on you naked bastard. And while we're at it why are you in my room that I paid for. Are you here to kidnap me or something, monkey boy. Hey, don't go anywhere. The cops will sort this out." she said some other shit, but she threw my hoodie at me which she must have grabbed while I was sleeping. She missed my head, my hoodie landing onto my pillow. I quickly came to the conclusion I was… oh yeah nah, this will be fine. I will wing it.

"Sorry girl, but I'm out of here, way before the police arrive. Once I get all my shit I'll be out of your hair. Oh, and sorry for the view," grabbing an expensive-looking cushion to cover up, I maneuvered towards the door when she tried blocking me, giving her a quick once over I had noticed her hand was on the handle of her rapier… trying to look threatening, which was cute.

"H-hang on, I said stay where you are pervert. My-" Grabbing her quickly, hands first and spinning her around while making sure her hands were out of her weapons range, I effectively disarmed her. Taking her weapon out of its place by her hip, I heard commotion out near the hallway. Spotting the guy, who handled Weiss's luggage in the TV series who was on the phone, caught sight of the situation his employer was in before speaking more urgently into the phone. Her attempts to get out of my grip, struggling as she were as I maintained my hold on her were in vain.

"Look lady, but you're jumping to conclusions but fine. I broke in, yes but only to use the appliances in here and the bathroom. I'll let go of you, just sit on the bed." I pushed her onto the bed, leaving the door open before dashing towards the guy on the phone. Quickly neck-chopping the guy, my bare form reappeared in front of Weiss with her bellhop? luggage handler? Her manservant yes let's go with that.

"He's just knocked out cold" throwing the guy onto the bed, I went for my cleaner Saiyan polymer-suit before effectively putting it on. She watched me like a hawk, her gaze drink-ed me all up, noticing her faint blush again which lessened the look of her angry gaze. Even as she gazed at me, I caught her looking towards her rapier most of the time which was in my tails grasp. Smirking to myself briefly, I thought of my compromising position I got myself in when she started up again. She quickly made a move to retrieve her weapon from me, as I was half-turned to the side with one leg raised and my arms in the process in pulling on my uniform. She was quick, and as she struck, I had realized my mistake, my arrogance.

Her grip on my tail, missing her rapier completely. Fuck her grip was painful, falling to the floor half dressed. At Weiss's surprise at my sudden weakness, she had let go before going for her weapon. Dumb girl. I recovered quickly before grabbing her again, wrapping my tail tightly around my waist. My hands had grabbed her wrists and reining in my anger, they let loose A little when I noticed her wincing.

"Nice try princess, next time though you shouldn't let go. Now just sit there and don't move."

"You rapscallion, bastard. I got your face, you're going to be arrested scum. Your mug will be all over the news-", her next words were stopped when I had suddenly appeared in front of her, my polymer-suit and cargo pants now on my frame as I was still dressing myself while dealing with her. I peered into her eyes, and look of scorn as she peered right back before I relaxed. I had backed away slowly, out of her range from my tail which even tucked tightly and covered by my pants, but I had learned my mistake…

"You had completely misunderstood the situation. But yeah, I understand your point of view." I reached to her, watching as she begun to flinch. Reaching past, her, I grabbed my hoodie which was lying over where it landed.

"Just you-" with hoodie in hand, I grabbed her by the hands and pulled her up with the other empty hand. Giving her manservant one last glance, I and Weiss had left the room and firmly in my grip while I walked towards the rest of my outfit. Namely the top piece of armor's which were still where I left them in the walk-in changing room of another room closer to the bathroom.

"Let go, bastard. I'll have you know that your life is over. Are you with the White Fang? That armor you have there is not Atlas-make. Your hurting-" Her next words were caught in her throat when the sound of wood being smashed, that of A door which both of us heard interrupted both of us.

Midway in equipping my armor, I quickly wore it while the sounds of boots throughout the apartment got louder. Pushing Weiss down suddenly, I grabbed my older armor and then stuck through my right arm where my hoodie was currently at.

"Oww, that's my h-hair-" I yanked her by her hair towards my left arm and walked near the door, getting A good look at who had busted in as I peered out. Thinking that it was Vale PD or an S.W.A.T team of some kind or even hunters, I had finally got A good look at someone who I thought was dead. That being Hound, he must be made of finer stuff then the regular grunt being alive still. I pushed Weiss out, much to her surprise as she yelped which brought the attention of the small squad of White Fang operatives and Hound.

"Schnee bitch, stop where you-" he must have seen her first, as I had planned before I fully stepped out of the room. Pulling the confused and startled Heiress behind into the room again which she then tried to peer outside beside the doorframe, I finally got a good look of the numbers. There was only five of them and all of them had compact-looking SMG's, I heard A gunshot from within the main bedroom I was sleeping in. So, there's six then.

"W-what's… aren't these guys with you?" glancing back into the room, into Weiss's eyes before shaking my head.

"Nope, not with me. Looks like we are both dead" I had whispered to her, much to my amusement and the sudden dread that had appeared onto her face. "I guess you'd be fine, at least for the ransom-"

"Hold your fire!" Hound had yelled out, A panicked cry I could detect in his voice. The protesting offender who shot me, well he had stopped arguing with Hound when I didn't fall down dead.

"Shut u-up, idiot." She replied hurriedly to me at the same time as Hound's shouted order, I gave the room the White Fang were in my full attention as the movement of the nameless grunts, who were all now within my eyesight had drifted around the room, taking cover. The sudden bullet that had hit my face, which had fell to the floor in pieces had surprised Weiss. A side-glance at her, I could from where she had fallen onto the floor in shock… she must have thought she was about to witness my death and therefore, the only one in the Fang's way to her before her capture or death.

"Keep your head down princess, I'll deal with your other houseguests. And we can go our separate ways." resolve, settled within me as I peered at the fox-eared grunt who was trigger happy but decided to deal with the unfinished business first.

In A dash, my movement caught the intruders off guard. My fist collided with Hounds head, thereby destroying his aura and turning his head to paste. The panicked cries that filled the room, along with the automatic gunfire rained out had filled the room.

The Fox Faunus was next, my arm wrapping around his neck as I had appeared behind him. Snapping his neck quickly, his fallen body was sent towards two other grunts while I had moved on as quickly as I had appeared. The last four operatives hadn't any idea who I was it seems, as they continued to shoot and reload… well two had attempted to shoot while the other two were currently knocked down by their comrade's body. Dashing behind another, this one using A marble pillar as cover. I grabbed his legs and swung him like A bat, knocking him into said pillar A few times until he was dead from the repetitive hits to the head.

A bloody sight.

This time, I had grabbed the ears of another operative which were protruding from out of her? Yes, A female, oh well…. Equality and all that I had thought while crushing her windpipe in my grip around my right arm. Dropping the body to the ground, I peered at the last two. Still rising from where they had been knocked over.

I eyed them like A wolf would eye a rabbit.

"W-wait, we surrender-" one of them had yelled while my hand had raised. My palm opened as I let loose a Ki-blast. The resulting blast rocked the building, sending furniture and dead bodies a-like in the opposite direction of the radius from the attack.

The Ki energy had evaporated, those last bodies including the all-ready dead one I used to hit them were gone… along with the kitchen room, the view from the new window told me it was late morning.

"Heh, looks like I overdone it." I mused to myself, before checking for my last of my uniform. The other polymer-suit was inside the bathroom where I had left it when I heard Weiss gasp.

" I told you princess, you had mistaken the situation." she wearily gazed my way. Walking upon her like A predator approaching its prey, I firmly took hold of her again.

She did not fight me this time.

The room below the kitchen was viewable, another suite which also had the wall in splinter's was where I had walked to with heiress firmly against my body. She whimpered when I levitated, her too before I landed back in the now-open main hall.

"You can fly!? W-wait look at what you done. You murderer, your own kind too-", my grip tightened then. Not enough to kill her obviously but to shut her up.

"Killing them was A kindness, they were weak. you owe me much for saving you" I landed softly upon solid marble flooring of the hall, back in her rented suite, my scouter bleeping from where I had left it.

"Stay here" I ordered, pushing Weiss onto the floor. One of the White fang's bodies were nearby. Picking up my scouter and equipping it, it indicated that three strong opponents were coming from floors below.

"I think your backup will arrive. I will wait with you, and you can explain to them that I saved you-"

"If you think-" she started, interrupting me.

"I saved you. As you can tell by the Fang's bodies… dead at that, I am not a part of their organization." I finished. Hopefully she conceded, but how to explain this mess… why wait anyway? Oh yeah, she might just paint me in A worse light.