The Maps Would Need to Be Redrawn Only a Little Bit.

Having landed in A nice change of scenery months ago, having went from Vale to the forever fall to flying over seas toward the dragon-continent, from what my stolen scroll was telling me map-wise. Yeah, I pinched that, months ago from Weiss of all people while I had her in my grasp. Still got A message from big-sis Winter, not quite but thanking me for saving her sister but also telling me I was an asshole, excuse the expression. Weiss's scroll wouldn't connect to anything here anyway for some reason, maybe the scroll was disconnected? The place I had chosen to live, and train was on the south of the dragon continent as it was the only part that was lush with vegetation and therefore resources readily to be used, if for example I planned to try my hand at making A cabin and also there was an abundance of edible fauna and even opportunities for fishing here.

So having chosen A location, I had started right away, training using the environment as tools to use for training. I trained during the day, feasted and what-not while my nights were even more busy. Of course, I had picked A more appropriate place to do my Oozeru transforming way up north in the badlands of said continent as to not ruin my base of operations… namely the tree I resided under. The further north I went, the stronger the Grimm were, with different kinds I hadn't seen from the two seasons of RWBY I had watched. Every day for at least twenty days which I would check with Weiss's scroll I had stolen from her had indicated that the time had gone by quick, using it sparingly as to save its battery. I made use of my supplies carefully, and replenished within nature's bounty more times than I could count, going Goku-style in fishing my dinner.

I also begun meditating to calm my now astounding anger which was bubbling beneath the surface. I was by no means an expert at it, but when it all comes down to it, I've been killing people, even if they deserved it… Except for that last guy, the cop driver I had gutted which even now I regret. I was becoming A monster slowly but surely and the real kick of it was my in my mind I didn't feel like I was A bad person, the disregard to life was disgusting to me. Twisted I know, I had never killed anyone in my past life before, here in the now however I had callously slaughtered and butchered my enemies as soon as I had landed on this planet and yet I wanted to do more. Before merging with Kron, he already had been a part of two planets cleansing for the PTO, though from my memories he was a part of other Saiyan squads, the blood on his hands which were more populated than Remnant and those memorizes were easily on my mind, meaning it was not that long actually since he dealt with the last one. Remnant would have been wiped out if I hadn't merged and become Kron myself…

Damn memories…

So, my days were filled with trying to control myself in the Oozeru form, control my temper, train in-between and survive in the wilds-meaning making sure I had enough food and water every night. Grimm were much stronger here and bigger forms and older ancient-looking ones too, including a lot of the elephant-looking ones were fun to fight, smashing the gorilla-types were funnier especially when I could start to remember what I'd do to them as A great ape. It's a shame I couldn't eat them otherwise it would be A buffet for the taking. Hell, I'm doing the people of Remnant A service, destroying the Grimm at the rate I was going, talk about good deeds, keeps me busy though.

After another half-month added to the twenty days already, I could finally say I was making progress. I had begun to mediate within the transformation instead of the listless remodeling to the wasteland I had inflicted to the landscape and its resident's, finally I had thought, finally I was able to use overwhelming power of the transformation without going on an rampage and therefore If I so happen to transform on accident by gazing at the moon, I wasn't going to level an entire city to the ground… there being only four cities was A moot point, maybe even forgo the change entirely unless I wanted to go ape would be even better.

It so happened that on this day, that on the 42nd day I had been out alone out here that I… had guests. Of the Atlas-kind it seemed by the look of the incoming Bullhead, which was painted in their armies' colors and not the White Fang emblem I was used to seeing. What surprised me even more was that it was just Winter Schnee exiting said VTOL, not even an escort but from what I remembered she was a force to be reckoned with… ah wait there they are, the familiar atlas-issue Ak-130 bots in pursuit. She'd look intimidating as she approached me, if I wasn't what I was, I'd fear her and that fierce expression, but no. but like her sister… she was cute even while scowling at me, suddenly that fierce look was exchanged with a calm poised look as she got closer and studied me intently with the bots targeting their weapons aimed on me.

"So, you must be the boy who had stolen my sister's scroll… and had saved her from the White Fang attempt on her life. My name is Winter Schnee, specialist of the Atlesian army. I'd be appreciative if you'd hand it over to me, the scroll that is." She had said, her emotions weren't on her sleeve, she was good with hiding her emotions it seemed and so staring at her to try and figure out her motive for coming out here, far from the bastions of mankind… for A scroll was harder to find. I decided to hand it over.

Fine, I was finished with it anyway." handing the device over to her, she retorted.

"And what were you using… huh, you were just using the map app? What's this, is that all you used this for? Anyway, it was disconnected when it was found to be missing. My sister has another one now." to my nod she continued. " OK. I also would have you accompany me to the airship. My general wants to have A word with you, you're to be escorted unarmed of course" Winter had nonsensically droned on in military fashion.

"And why does your… general want with me? If you know what I'm capable of, you'd wouldn't let me have access to one of your chain of command so easily. One would think you underestimate the being in front of you" I leered at her now, her stance hadn't wavered, however. A brave front, or they knew something I didn't. No matter.

"The General would be best in explaining the details. If you try anything, the elite team that currently surrounds this area will eliminate you" she gestured to the thick jungle around us. By the look she was giving me, one of arrogance and assurance that I would comply to her orders… And to think she thought I didn't realize my makeshift home has been under surveillance. The scouter on my face had picked up eight power-levels in the 100 to 130 range hours ago, I wasn't revealing much at this moment besides training and living in the wilds, making use of survivalist skills in this jungle so they saw nothing good to report to their superiors.

I decided of course to agree and follow her to her leader, the eight atlas hunters had come out into the open all kitted up in similar issue hardware and fallen into line with weapons at the ready should I do something, they were in A range that they deemed out of my physical range… However, I wasn't looking at them at all, the scouter had indicated their positions before turning off. No, my gaze was on the backside of the military beauty that was Winter Schnee, that strut. Walking upward the landing platform into the Bullhead, I noticed that the escort had shifted around me into different positions, to make as good to make use of the tight space, quite not close enough for me to grab them but not far away because of space but they didn't come in with Winter and I when we got to the command Centre of the ship, instead opting to stay at the reinforced automatic-door.

Winter had indicated that I was to enter first or alone… so first then as she had fallen in behind me a few paces back, which I heard by the clicking of her combat boots. I saw the general then, he was talking with a familiar individual on video-call in the Centre of the ship. Someone I had no intention of getting involved with, but all the same. General Ironwood turned to me then, then back to the screen before pushing A few buttons opening and expanded the view-screen which split the video-call into three with the original on the left. The two other screens had shown Weiss Schnee herself and surprisingly Winter and Weiss Father on the bottom half.

The fuck is going here. The meeting of the minds? Musing the reason for a moment longer, I was interrupted when the General finally spoke.

"Specialist Schnee, I see you have brought the troublesome individual to me. And you, what's your name for the record? I and two others have questions for you. Also, opportunities should you see sense" his gruff tone would send chills down the spines of most people, not Saiyan's though… he's is no King Vegeta or General Nappa.

"The name's Kron, I see Weiss is here. Sorry I didn't introduce myself back then, but I was kind of busy" I had gazed toward the screen where Weiss's window was on display. Her glare at me was obvious to both Winter and I, as well as that faint blush on her face. Winter had a curious gaze towards her sister but Ironwood's little 'Ahem' with his throat had snapped the specialist back into professional mode.

"Well, you're rescuing the heiress aside, it was the way you committed such A valiant attempt that has us concerned. Especially from one so young, your semblance is A dangerous one, especially to everyone around you." the generals lecture was almost about to make me yawn but I resisted it. Instead, I listened intently whilst subtly checking out the ass of Winter Schnee, who was briefly turning around in order to gain some distance between us. Weiss had saw me looking, which she very clearly was about to point it out, teeth shown now. I chuckled at her, aloud which stopped General Ironwood's continuing dressing down.

"Is something I've said amusing to you son, I'd thought A child like you would show the proper respect for one's elders. At any rate, your past, your future can all be decided here. I want you to think long and hard about what you're walking towards because now that we have you in here… with my forces on high alert, there's only one answer that would be a benefit for you." he finished, trying to come off as intimidating towards me which frankly, heh… yeah, these guys are really pushing it, now let's push him further.

"Yeah, sounds interesting and all but I was about to start cooking my meal and I only got enough for two. How about its Winter, want to share A meal with the guy who saved your sisters life" my question dripped sarcasm which was obvious if her pointed glare was to go by, Weiss's glare even more.

"I don't think you understand your position here-" The general was interrupted when finally, the silent Ozpin had begun to talk.

"Young man, your semblance notwithstanding, you have to makings of a hunter of the Grimm, we desperately need more and more young people to take up the cause for all mankind. Weiss has explained that yes, you killed but it was done in self-defense. I have also interviewed another person who you have undoubtedly met, just recently in fact who explained some other things to me. Would you meet me, back in Vale and we could discuss it face to face?" Ozpin had my attention, he mentioned Blake which was obvious, and it looked like Weiss had told my story in A way that paints me as A hero… not the killer I regretfully was…

"I would meet you, but on my own time and not now. I am busy with some things not your business or anybody's for that matter. In A month I could come, but as you might know, I have no communication anymore, courtesy of the specialist here" I nodded towards the Babe in the room. Said 'babe was not amused as I lecherously leered at her.

"I'm sorry Kron, was it? I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon academy." the emphasis he had put when mentioning 'headmaster' was forced, as if I would know what that'd meant or something… which I did but not for reasons he was thinking.

"And in one month, is that fine with you, 'Headmaster'?" I had slowly drawled the last syllable out, Ozpin nodded before retorting, "yes, at any case school doesn't start for another four months and in the meantime my school is testing applicant-hopefuls at this time. Until then, General Ironwood, I'll talk with you later. His screen had gone off, leaving only Weiss and her father who hadn't spoken yet.

Jacques Schnee had finally had enough being mute when he begun to talk.

"I've got an offer to make now, you'd best hear me now Mr.…Kron. My youngest wayward daughter has gone and went to join Beacon academy but until the term starts, I'd like you become her bodyguard until then. While I don't condone her to be going and wasting time on her foolish ambition, I'd rather not let them animals try and use her to get to me. Therefore, I wish that you will consider my offer, the pay is good and seeing as you're going to be busy, with whatsoever is on your agenda, the job is short-term. What is your answer?" His blunt and almost egotistical speech had surprised both the sisters from what I could see, not so much Winter though as her face became steelier in expression.

"You want to hire me, an animal myself, for A job? And what does your general think about this huh?" I had turned toward him, his stance had indicated nothing, no surprise.

"You heard me, the job, do you want it? I would hire you because of your ruthless pragmatism you demonstrated against your 'own kind' when you save my daughter. My daughter has explained everything you committed against the mutts nipping at my heals, yes, an ruthless individual indeed." Jacques had more or less demanded now, the irritation more clearly heard, he eyed Winter when she made to scoff, daring her to contradict him. I found the family dynamic strangely interesting.

"Like I said, I'm busy now but in A month, I can start… only after I have a run-over of the details" I replied, the leader of the CDC nodded, his posture had changed to A sense of superiority. A look of triumph had passed over his face when he looked toward the general. Ironwood had turned and stared at me then, Jacques had hung-up then, his video-call disappearing from the split-screen before Weiss's call-screen had blown up to take up the whole screen-size.

"Your escape from custody had gotten an innocent man killed, the White Fang however didn't get far from the scene before Vale P.D and my specialist's team had gunned them down." So, they think the Fang killed that guy I killed, guilt had seeped into to me before I drowned it out. No use getting caught about it now, blame the other monsters.

"Just thought you'd want to know that, that job offer and Ozpin's interest in you is the only reason you're not been detained. Think on that boy" the general had waved me off then, before walking towards Winter Schnee who had been quietly listening to her sister's chatter. The general nodded at the younger girl before turning to Winter and by the dramatic nod and salute to the general and hanging up slowly on her sister, she was to escort me out.

She walked quickly, falling into step behind her. I followed her into A smaller room, she ushered me to take A seat, there was one folder on the table in the middle of the room where she sat. The room was reminiscent of an interrogation room in police departments with A window which I could only assume was for others to view the interrogation that would happen here.

Winter was no-nonsense with asking me questions, my name, date of birth, place of birth etc. Besides my name, I really couldn't recall when I was born exactly and put in incubation-pods on planet Vegeta and so I made up the information but for Remnant, they would not find out I was an alien if I could help it.

She even had to get my fingerprint done which was unfortunate but if I was to turn over A new leaf, so-to speak and become more calmer and not to be led around but my new violent past, I'd have to adapt… while I was on Remnant. If I could even leave…

After the long interview, of which I had seriously considered what I had said, she slid A scroll over my way.

"Here, this is for you to keep in touch with your new employer. My sister had told me little of your time together, brief as it was but I hope you know I will hunt you down if you lay another hand on her." her speech had become more growl then calm as the last word had left her mouth, yikes. I guess I wont be hitting that sometime soon, jokes aside, her threat was A turn on though.

"yes, I understand, now stop glaring. In one month, I'll head back to Vale and find your sister." I had to rein in A few snide or horny comments but I managed it. The escort of Atlas-soldiers had followed me until I left the Bullhead, before heading on back in. The Bullhead had taken off and I was wondering what exactly did this mean for the future, the guarding job that is and What those in Ozpin's clique are planning in conjunction with me. Might even try and recruit me or something.

"Alright, I think I have an idea for training KI-control. Might find myself A lake or river, hell the sea would work… and figure out how to siphon oxygen with Ki-use or mediate under-water. To use the pressure gained from deep-diving might help with gaining strength, like my own gravity-room but through natural means. I think I might have an idea for A Ki-technique to use for training." I had said aloud, knowing I was alone for now as my scouter didn't pick up and power-levels in the area and I had begun to become attuned to sensing… short-range anyway, it was still A touch or miss using it on nature's animals, The Atlas army were sensed barely by myself when they were around for that meeting. The Grimm too, I had thought that because they lack having a soul, I couldn't sense them but no, I was beginning to sense them, at least short range for now. Developing the ability to sense after-all was only done because of the Grimm, as they were the only beings around.