Information Gathering And 'Friendship'

(Roman Torchwick-POV)

His head hurt, it was the second thought upon waking up, the first being the smell. Waking up… he never went to bed though, and from realizing this, he gazed around where he had ended up. A dumpster, he figured as he begun to move within the small space and was stepping on ugh… rubbish. Opening one of the lids, he climbed out into a familiar back alley, he also looked down towards himself and glared at the various stains on his suit and pants.

"So, I've been dumped into A dumpster… and near Junior's place. What is that smell? Ugh… me. Well…" patting himself down, his pockets felt lighter than he left them, he looked around for his 'Melodic Cudgel', sifting through the rubbish which only reached his lower leg.

"Hey, you, get out of there bum, I can hear you squirming around in there." A voice, which sounded like one of junior's thugs was yelling at him, the guy even started whacking the side of the dumpster.

"Listen here you, I'm busy at the moment, come back later" even in his anger, sarcasm had flown out easily, while he continued to search for his cane. Finally having enough, he climbed out and the thug recognized him. He saw that his beloved 'Melodic Cudgel' was leaning against the brick wall of the building across from where the dumpster was situated which infuriated him as he wasted some time, not to mention sifting through more trash looking for it.

"Uh, Mr. Torchwick, what uh…what were you doing in there" The idiot asked him, nervousness tone in his voice. He however hadn't any time to waste with the clown, so he ordered him.

"I heard Junior took a beating, well… tell the man to come out here and be quick about it, minion." he then headed out into the street, his cane back in his hands as he leaned against the building. A few minutes went by when he saw the familiar gangster head out, followed by the same thug who led Junior to him.

"Roman… you smell like shit, I suppose you're here to pay me pack for using my men" Junior wasted no time, holding his nose when he came in front of Roman.

"Hmph, you will get your lien, but I've called you out here for another reason, another service you can offer. I need you to find out about an individual" he wanted to find out about the cretin who had knocked him out, then left him in A dumpster. But before he could continue, however.

"Ahh… the only monkey Faunus I have seen was in my club, A few nights ago. He was with… that's right, the youngest Schnee daughter. I've heard through the grapevine that currently that Faunus is guarding the girl until… what, ah… Beacon Academy starts it's term or whatever."

"I came to the right man, I'll tell you what, sport, I'll pay you double what I owe you for your incompetent goons… later on, like real later. I need A shower…" Roman huffed, he felt and smelt disgusting and thankfully, Junior agreed with him.

"Fine, you'd better Roman." He had to have the last say, Roman grinned before heading out into the alleyway, intent to heading to his hideout and clean up. He'd then try and track down the one who had easily disposed of him… and talk.

(Pyrrha Nikos-POV)

Standing on the Bullhead, she wandered aimlessly around while she waited to arrive, and she didn't want to wait by sitting. Wandering around the open space, some of those around her had recognized her, either as the four times Mistral champion or her recent roll as mascot for pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes. Some of these people had approached her, she had patiently conversed with them, and some of them even asked for her to sign some of their stuff or weapons. Some others on the other hand had ignored her out of genuine ignorance, which was good for her, it was one of the reasons why she chose Beacon after all. Pyrrha had seen two what she assumed were sisters who were talking loudly together, and she smiled watching the younger one being excited about attending. She was brought out of her thoughts when the news hologram had begun reporting about Roman Torchwick.

"-please contact the Vale police department, back to you Lisa."

"Thank you, Cyril. Breaking news, last night A warehouse downtown was destroyed in A fire. The fire was finally ended this morning by the brave actions of the Vale fire brigade, Police have rounded up several bodies of members of the White Fang. Only one civilian was found at the site, having survived the explosion. The young man has since gone missing, having discharged himself out of the hospital. In other news-" The news presenter was cut off by A blonde woman who wore glasses and had A strict, professional look.

"Hello and welcome to Beacon. My name is Glynda Goodwitch. You are among A privileged few who have received the honor in being selected to attend this prestigious Academy. Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace and as future huntsmen and huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such A task and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and training to protect our world." Glynda's hologram then faded out, leaving most to wander again. A few of the people begun to look in awe at the new environment outside the windows, though she looked to the horizon instead.

The Grandiose looking Airship had reached Beacon, lining up with the port and Pyrrha followed the crowd to the exit, she saw that one of them had begun puking into A bin, A blonde boy. She passed him and went along the path, viewing the splendor of her future school. Seeing ahead, she saw two girls, one of black hair and another with white hair were watching all of them from where they stood. Those two girls had signs indicating which way everyone should head too, following along the other students, she went up to the two and thanked them. Seeing the one with white hair and A scar along her eye, eyes widening in recognition, she almost regretted it, almost.

"Hello, your 'the' Pyrrha Nikos! Oh, I'm Weiss, Weiss Schnee and this is-"

"Blake. You head that way to get to the Auditorium" She indicated, pointing it out with her thumb behind her.

"Thank you, I'm just… going to go, but nice meeting You's." She smiled, Pyrrha seen Blake nod towards her, before she continued guiding others. Weiss had pouted briefly, but smiled towards her, her smile reminded her somewhat of A cat… finding prey, but she disregarded the thought and continued onwards. She, the two girls she'd met and some of the others had turned to an loud sound coming from up above. There was A streak of purple illuminated around A… is that someone flying? The being was headed straight towards the Academy, and she realized from the sounds of the two girls, that they knew this person. The being stopped short of the school windows and disappeared inside. Weiss had complained loudly that she'd have A talk with him, having not heard the whole of their conversation.

"A flying semblance? huh?" She mused, before deciding to continue her trek towards the school.

(Mercury Black-POV)

He was already having A bad day, having discharged himself, against the wishes of the staff there as the police wanted to ask questions about what had happened.

"We got our asses kicked, that's what happened… good thing Cinder planned having multiple locations to store dust, or the plan would have been over before-" he quietened down passing some people on the street, looking around as he walked down the busy street. He still had his scroll, and he texted Emerald about where she was. She told him to meet her somewhere… around here. Looking around, He spotted the familiar lime headed thief. Mercury walked up casually to her, she noticed him and beckoned him to follow her.

"Hey Em, so… was there A good reason I was left to fend for myself or what, waking up inside a hospital, disgusting food and the lady didn't like me flirting-"

"Shut up idiot, it was my call to leave you there, the police were on route, Cinder was bleeding out. Not to mention that Roman and the Fang were useless against this guy-

"Is Cinder still alive then, you look like you didn't take much damage. Whereas I-" Mercury was hit on the shoulder by Emerald before she interrupted him.

"Cinder is pissed, I left to give her some space but she's contemplating on telling her 'Benefactor' on what had happened. That guy was not normal… he took all my attacks and decimated us" She looked insecure then, before she glared at him when she spotted him looking at her in sympathy, properly mistaking it for him checking her out or something. She continued speaking.

"She's called in that one guy, the disgraced scientist Arthur Watts for A replacement arm. That's when she got mad with him over the scroll and when I left, in order to not further incite her." She looked at him before shrugging and began walking towards one of the alleyways. Mercury followed, before some thought had hit him.

"So, what's to be done with that guy, he was A faunas right. The tail was A dead giveaway. He kicks harder than me-"

"Let's just get back to Cinder, then when everything is calmed down, we will ask. I trust you don't piss off her, she might just kill you." she spoke, bluntly before she continued walking to the hideout.

They got there soon enough, the place they went in was an abandoned apartment building that was secured by them before they even started working on Cinder's plan on retrieving the rest of the 'Fall maiden's powers'. It served their needs good enough, and was stocked well with supplies, both medical and foodstuffs of the non-perishable kind. Emerald led him into one of the bigger rooms which, Cinder was wrapped up on her left side with bandages, where her arm supposed to be the appendage was nowhere in sight, besides that wound, she was fine at least medically but the deep scowl on her face with teeth barred and her pacing was A bad sign of her mood. She looked towards them, before calming down A little and sat on the bed.

"So that's where you went Emerald, Mercury, I'm sorry you were left behind but in the end it all worked out. I've spoken with Arthur, the condensing bastard is on his way with A new limb for me but that's going to take some time, at least three days before he gets here. In the meantime, Emerald, you'll be my voice for the White Fang and Roman Torchwick. The plan is to continue, but this time we kill the fall maiden properly. Has anyone heard from Roman, was he caught?" she asked, before scowling at her scroll and wincing from the act of moving her remaining hand and arm.

"I'll ring the fool. Now Mercury, there's A man in town… Hei Xiong or Junior as he goes by, you've heard of him. Find out about the bastard who almost ruined everything. Also, Emerald, when dealing with the White Fang, Tell Adam that one of his own species wiped out that warehouse. A monkey Faunas." Emerald nodded enthusiastically, he almost cringed at how much she looked, so eager to please…

Mercury immediately headed out, dismissing himself and begun his trek to where Roman told him was Junior's club, when Mercury had bugged Roman about where he could get something to drink that one time.


I could of went down and looked at all of them but instead, I showered, then redressed in my Saiyan armor but in the end, I decided to head out again to train, I'd then have to go and meet up with MR Schnee and then the meeting with Ozpin and his minions. Leaving Cinder alive was A big risk, but in my eyes at the time, getting rid of her then and there would drastically change Salem's plan, and its save's me finding out who is Salem's next 'unknown' protege in having her own maiden. No, keeping Cinder alive would at least give me A target, to better know the enemy's movement and Cinder would try again, her very nature demanded it, though Ozpin and his ilk would be more careful this time 'safeguarding' Amber. The point stands that I know who is after this maiden, Qrow might know too, what Amber's attackers looked like. I only knew about one other maiden from the show, Raven, Qrow's older sister was one, Spring maiden?

"What was that saying… Better the devil you know then the one you don't" I muttered, thinking of why I left Cinder alive, one less arm and all. Emerald and Mercury were bad eggs, I think I've seen Emerald turn over to the good side from watching YouTube shorts in the past.

"Though her boss might just kill her for her failure, but I'm not sure about that. I never watched passed volume 3." I said aloud, mindful of how I worded it encase there was listening devices. Lying on my bed, in A comfortable position, I set an alarm for 3:00p.m. on my scroll and went to bed.

I was abruptly awoken by knocking, dragged out of the pleasant dream of my family, seeing their faces… Blinking in an attempt to perceive the time on my scroll, the time was just short of 1:00p.m.

"The door's unlocked, come in" I somewhat yelled, grumbling at having been woken. In came Blake, she looked around my room, the mess it was in or the curiosity of entering A male's room, I don't know. She came upon me, eyes fixed on my blinking ones.

"What's up Blake, I was just dreaming of you actually" I lied, she barely twitched though. She stared at me and sat down.

"Your annoying, you know that? Anyway, I wanted to ask what you planned to do now that; you know."

"Plans? You mean when this job being security for Weiss is over, I've actually had an offer from her father but I'm not sure, I have A long term ah, goal… but I'll speak to the man-"

"Why would that raciest even deign to hire you… again, besides aren't you considering becoming A huntsmen now that you've gotten A good look at the place as well." Blake asked, her attention towards me and it felt like she was pleading for an answer?

"I'm going to be talking with Mr. Schnee today, then Ozpin. Blake Why does it matter anyway what I'm doing, I'll properly be out of your hair. We've haven't exactly been the best of friends, and not to mention 'how' we had first met." I came closer to her, hesitant in my approach. The way she looked, almost vulnerable.

"Kron, hey. I need to talk with you about what my sis-. I... Oh, you're here Blake" We were interrupted when Weiss had arrived, Blake stepped back from me, and we both turned towards the heiress. Weiss was fidgeting with her hands suddenly and looking anywhere but me or Blake. I thought the urge to roll my eyes, I turned to Blake then.

"You sit, Weiss come in. You too have questions, I can answer some now then you girls can go and try and make some more friends, you remember there's more people than me here, yes." Blake sat again on the bed and looked away still, A red hue was still visible on her face. She brushed some of her hair out of her face before she calmed down and her neutral look returned, Weiss Came in, heels clicking as she stomped her way in, I turned to glare at her, and she pouted at me before walking more 'normally. She sat near to Blake and then turned her full attention on me.

"So, what do you want to know, don't be too disappointed if I can't answer something." I said, looking at the both of them look at each other, then they turned, and Weiss spoke up.

"Winter and Ironwood are coming here, and from what my sister says, in force. What does the general want with you?" She asked, eyes piercing.

"Ironwood, well… he's going to attempt to try and pull A hair from my tail-"

"Can't you be serious, just tell us, are you in trouble?" She took A seat again after aggressively waving her fist towards me at my dumb joke before sighing.

"If anyone's in trouble, it's going to be Ironwood for meddling in my business-"

"Fine… don't answer. So, since your contract was for until I was to attend Beacon, what are you going to do now?" I turned towards Blake and smiled.

"Do you want to answer this one Blake, I just told you before." I asked, Weiss turning to look at Blake also. Blake hummed then told what I had told her before Weiss had come.

"My f-father is coming here.? I don't have to tell you that that man shouldn't be trusted, besides knowing how strong you are, you should sign up and apply for a hunter's license." at the end of her explanation, she was red in the face at having talked for A bit without stopping. She then continued after breathing.

"Well for now, I don't have anything else. Blake?" she asked, the Faunus in disguise's eye's snapped to her and nodded. Blake looked conflicted before finally A look of determination had appeared on her face.

"Weiss, I'd like to show you something. Kron already knows and I'd asked him not to tell A soul." she hesitated, Weiss looked at her questionably, one eyebrow raised in curiosity. The girl then raised one of her hands to the bow on her head, untangling the bow, she freed her ears and looked to gauge Weiss's reaction.

"So… you're A Faunas huh… you know, I may be A Schnee, but it was my father who is the racist, not the rest of us. But I appreciate you tell-

"I was in the White Fang." Blake said, Weiss stopped speaking mid-speech and looked at her. Blake continued when the silence was becoming unbearable, for both of them, I watched on in silence and uncharacteristically reached over and patted Blake on the shoulder then my other hand on Weiss's shoulder, which made her come out of shock.

"I'll leave you two alone to talk and-" funnily enough, both girls grabbed both of my hands and pushed me towards the bed opposite them again, trying to make me sit.

I let them as I relented, returning to my seat in which they both still had their hands upon my shoulders which heh, was starting to feel weird? At least for me, for both of them they were still locked in silence, eyes meeting each other. Weiss spoke up then, she huffed and then sighed in equal measure before finally… A sad excuse for a laugh left her.

"You must have thought that I'd treat you differently because what other reason would you not tell me, I've-"

"No! I… trust isn't easy for me; I was a part of the White Fang since before it turned militant. I joined when I was young, but-

"And you're not now, so pray tell what this have to do with you being not telling me now! Until now that is… Blake, you're my first friend and believe me, people either want something from my family or something and people who genuinely want to be friends with me are hard to come by… I, I thank you for trusting me with your secret and- I'm not finished!" Weiss snapped when Blake went to leave, I was about to say something to Blake, but Weiss beat me to it.

"You said… you're not a part of the White Fang anymore, right?" Blake nodded dumbfounded.

"we've been talking a lot and trained and ate together since we both came to Beacon, that being months. We've even bonded over what idiotic thing Kron has done" They smiled at each other; Weiss even playfully punched my shoulder in the process. I wasn't their damn punching bag.

"I gather that the staff knows?" Weiss pressed, asking for confirmation.

"Yeah, I spoke with headmaster Ozpin about it, he would have told Miss Goodwitch as she told me she knew, the first time I had spoken with her." Blake said.

"I trust you, Blake. Let's continue being friends, I'll keep your secret, secrets I mean." Weiss sounded A little desperate, Blake still looked dumbfounded but nodded along, I stepped in before it escalated to more feelings being exchanged.

"Alright, so your still friends, that's good… I've got an idea. What say you, we have A spar, you two against me. I'll go easy on you, but you can show off to those new arrivals on how good your teamwork is. How about it" I got to my feet, started to stretch my arms in front of the two girls whilst waiting for an answer.

"What do you think Weiss?" Blake asked, emboldened by my positive proposition.

"I think we, together can wipe that smug grin off of his face" She answered back aggressively, both girls turned to smirk in my direction in which I suddenly felt like 'I' was about to be hunted, Saiyan or not.